Monday 9 May 2011

A Mother's Day Tea Time Tuesday

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.~

Welcome, dear friends, to my Mother's Day Tea!

I am simply delighted that you have stopped by! I hope all you moms enjoyed a special day in your honour over the weekend.

Whew! What a busy weekend I had! So much so, that I really had no time to blog.
We celebrated our Anniversary on Friday and Hubby's birthday and Mother's Day on Sunday.
On Saturday, my son and his family had us over for a special dinner to celebrate all three occasions. We had such a lovely time!

On Friday, Hubby brought home my favourite bouquet of roses and carnations. Then he took me out for a lovely dinner. My roses have opened quite a bit since then but they are still beautiful! Creamy white roses and frilly pink carnations are displayed in my favourite pink vase with lots of greenery and baby's breath. 

I decided to use some of my Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz today for our tea.

I thought the colours all looked pretty together.

Would you like a cup of tea?

Or would you prefer coffee? I have that too.

Hubby brought home a beautiful cake which I am happy to share with you! He forgot to ask that it be placed on a white tray so you will have to overlook the black. Isn't the cake pretty? The roses resemble the white roses in my bouquet. I love anything which resembles a wedding cake!

Please do come in and make yourself at home.

I am using three tea cups today. The first one is my little vintage tea cup which Hubby gifted me with for Easter. It is very delicate and one can almost see through it.

My second cup of choice is Skye McGhie's Pierced Lace...

and Rose Chintz by Johnson Bros.

A lacey napkin adorned with posies holds the silverware.

And the plate holder is displaying some melt- in- your- mouth cookies.

Are you hungry yet?

Since it is a Mother's Day Tea, I would like to pay tribute to three special women who have impacted my life and who have been instrumental in helping to mould me into who I am today.

" not forsake your mother's teaching;
Indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head,
and ornaments about your neck." ~ Proverbs 1: 8-9

The first lady who I still hold very dear to my heart is my grandmother. She is a very important part of my past. She has been gone for a very long time but the years I was fortunate enough to have her in my life, I will always cherish. She is part of all the lovely memories I have of my childhood.

My mother, who lives not far from me, is of course very dear to me as well. She gave me life and she instilled within me the values of life. She sacrificed much for me. Thank you, Mum!

Then there is my Auntie P, whom you have all met a few weeks ago. She is more like my big sister and she is not only my aunt but a very dear friend! I cherish the relationship she and I share.

All three of these ladies are precious to me and I thank God for each one. Each one is a flower in my garden of life.

Being a mom is the best thing I ever did.~

I was blessed to be a stay-at-home mom. Even though I could have had a career, I chose to stay home and raise my babies. Really, that is all I ever wanted to do! When I was a little girl, I loved my dolls and I couldn't wait to grow up and be a real mom. And if I could do it all over again, I would, in a heartbeat! For me personally, nothing fulfilled me as much as being a mom.

Being a mother made me a better person and my boys are the best thing that ever happened to me. Of all the things I've ever done; nursing, cosmetology, pastor's wife, Mommy ranks the highest. My boys are my greatest achievement! I have the best hubby too! Thank you, God, for my family! I am blessed!

Thank you for joining me for tea today. I hope you have enjoyed your visit here with me at Rose Chintz Cottage. If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday, please sign up using the inlinkz below. I wish you all a beautiful day and a lovely cup of tea with a friend.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

I am joining the following hostesses as well:

Kathy~ - Victoria- A Return to Loveliness

Marty~ - Table Top Tuesday

Martha~ - Teacup Tuesday

Wanda Lee~ - Teapot and Tea Things
Wanda Lee~ - Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Donna and Miss Spenser~ - Teacup Thursday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Sandi, this is the sweet most elegant Tea ever. So love your florals & beautiful china.

    Hope your Mother's Day was beautiful.

    TTFN ~

    PS GIVEAWAY for 5 Days ~ enter now

  2. What a beautiful Mothers Day you had, so many pretty things. Just love white roses.

  3. Hi Sandi,

    What a beautiful Mother's Day tribute. I'm so glad you had a wonderful weekend. You have set such an elegant tea table with your exquisite Rose Chintz china. If only your fresh flowers would last forever ...

  4. Such a wonderful Tea today. Your words bring tears of remembering and love to my eyes. Thank you so much.
    - Joy

  5. Dear Sandi,
    Congratulations to all this festive events you and your family celebrated last week. That was certainly a wonderful time for you. Your Chintz pattern is always so festive and charming, but the pretty cake is so outstanding. Ant the lovely bouquet you got from your sweet husband is surely well deserved. Wish you a wonderful time.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  6. You have set a beautiful tea today with the beautiful flowers and pretty cake. (It does look like a wedding cake!) A beautiful tribute for Mother's Day too. Have a wonderful week! Pamela

  7. Dear Sandi,

    Happy Anniversary to you and a very Happy Birthday to your sweet Hubby!!
    And Happy Mother's Day to you! Lol! Whew!!

    What a lovely tea post as always!! I do agree with Sons are my great acheivement in my life. Sometimes when they say something , I think , "Wow they really were listening to me and I did teach them well." I am sure you have those moments too!
    I will be very busy with our church flea market this week so I won't be able to visit much but have a great week!! and I will be back in full force next week!!


  8. Sandi, your table is lovely once again, and the cake looks delish!

  9. Hi Sandi
    It took me a good hour to post...sometimes I think Blogger likes to pick on me. :-)
    I love your table with your pretty teacups and other finery.
    The cake is amazing, how I wish for one like it to serve some time with tea.
    Have a great week.

  10. What a lovely tea setting, Sandi. The cake looks so prety and delicious and your flowers are gorgeous!...Christine

  11. Hi Sandi,
    You have set a lovely tea again-I love the pretty bouquet.
    Happy Anniversary(belated) and I am glad you enjoyed a lovely weekend too.
    Take care,

  12. sandi...happy celebrations & blessings all around... the rose chintz is so pretty and the pink vase, sweet flowers, and cake - so lovely...thank you for sharing!loved having you visit at my little "place"...-xok.

  13. Sandi, this is a beautiful tea to honor the special women in your life. Everything looks so elegant. ~ sarah

  14. Wow! Kuddos for your hubby! I'd flip if mine would bring home a gorgous confection like this. The black really shows it off!

  15. Oh Sandi, everything looks so pretty! And it all looks so soft and special. I am glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Have a fantastic week!

  16. Oh, so beautiful Sandi. Love that pink vase with the flowes. Just lovely. Susan

  17. I have been away for awhile, but am thankful you are so faithful to post such lovely posts! Trust you had a wonderful Mother's day. Blessings, Lynn

  18. Sandi - How special from your husband. I was so touched. Your tea is just lovely and I so adore the pretty "lace" cup how sweet. Your tributes so heartwarming. I am giving away a gift subscription to Tea Time Magazine on my site this week so feel free to enter - you can gift it to someone else if you already receive it! Hugs Trish

  19. Dear Sandi,
    I am so glad you had such an wonderful weekend with so many special moments ! I've always enjoyed having a tea with you !Thank you very much !
    Have a lovely week !

  20. What a special weekend indeed...some many wonderful occasions! I love Rose of my favorites. Sp special!

  21. Such a delicious tea today. I love the lace pierced cup and saucer. The cake looks so delicious. Have a wonderful day.

  22. Sandi, what a special time you've had this past week.
    Your Mother's Day Tea is very lovely..everything looks so gorgeous!
    From your hubby's flowers to the exquisite china.
    And I so agree with you..being a wife and mother is a most rewarding and beautiful vocation!

  23. Beautiful cake and flowers! I love being a mom, too, and am so happy I will have a son in July. He already calls me mom! We have lots to do for the wedding, but Sarah and Alex know it is the marriage that is more important. ♥♫

  24. oh wow Sandi, happy anniversary and mother's day to you as well as happy birthday to your hubby, beautiful roses and carnations that your hubby brought home for you, delish cake too! he's so sweet, as usual i love your table setting and collections of teacups, so lovely that i'm drooling here! beautiful tribute for your grandmom,mother and your auntie P. lovely post! thanks for sharing and hosting! x Susan at

  25. Hello Sandi,
    This is so very lovely - wonderful teacup your husband found for you and bouquets of flowers are always a treat!
    You've set a wonderful tea with your Rose Chintz set. The cake does remind me of a wedding cake!
    Thank you for sharing this with A Return to Loveliness,
    God Bless,

  26. Sandi:

    I love your sentiments about motherhood. Thanks for hosting.

    - The Tablescaper

  27. Sandi, you had a busy weekend! Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday to your hubby and Happy Mother's Day. I love Johnson Bros everything! Your post is a beauty and making me hungry! Happy Tea Day!

  28. What a lovely table set for tea. I thoroughly enjoyed your post especially the cake. Looks DIVINE!!!!

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  29. Such a beautiful setting and I love your china and tea set. Beautifully done. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  30. Happy anniversary Sandi! It sounds like you had a very full and lovely weekend. Your tea setting is so romantic, with your china, lace, flowers and beautiful cake! Your three tea cups are very pretty.
    Thank you so much for sharing about the women you honor and admire.

  31. HI there!! FYI I opened the giveaway to Canada now so You are entered :) Hugs

  32. Lovely tea party but if it's OK with you I would like coffee in your lovely rose chintz cup and a small piece of cake. So pretty.

  33. Dear Sandi
    I wish you had a lovely Mother´s day
    Thank you for your lovely tea party

  34. Sandi,
    I have missed visiting with you the last few weeks but have so appreciated your presence at TTTT. I love your presentation of tea this week, especially the silverware and napkin. I look forward to seeing you more in the near future.

    Humble thankfulness.


  35. Dearest Sandi,

    What an eventful past week and mothers day weekend it has been for all of you!.., Many best wishes all around!..,

    You tea setting and white roses are so exquisite!

    Thanks so much for hosting as well as for joining us once again for TTTTt and also for my 82nd, Tuesday Tea For Two.

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  36. Sandi,
    I am glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I am with you, the most important thing I ever did was to be a Mom. Your roses and cake are dreamy. Love it! Thanks for having us!

  37. Very beautiful table arrangements, indeed!
    And the lace napkin is a beauty!
    In Portugal Mother's Day was a week before yours, on the first of May.
    I hope your Mother's Day was a very happy one.

  38. Such a beautiful post and as always your tea setting looks very inviting and yummy! I was fortunate to be a stay-at-home-mum too while our boys were growing up and loved it.

  39. Hi Sandi,

    What a wonderful Mother's day you had and I love your pretty china and scrumptious looking eats.
    The flowers are beautiful.

    Happy week

  40. It sounds like you had a grand time! I love your Rose Chintz. The cake your hubby brought home is so pretty all in white. Pretty lace napkin.

  41. Dear Sandi, That is the most beautiful tea post ever! How I love the pretty white china and the cake..and the pearls. All so lovely! You make Mother's Day...look so special.

    And I did so enjoy your pink Saturday too. I've been just about overwhelmed with all that's going on with my adult kids...graduation, visiting grandbabies, phone calls from Afghanistan...what a month! Thanks so much for linking up. I promise I won't miss next Tuesday. The grandbabies are gone and won't be back until the week after next. Then I will have them for a whole week before they head to Seattle again. I'm looking forward to being part of your wonderful tea on Tuesday.



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.