Monday 24 January 2011

Tea Time Tuesday is One Year Old

The birth of a new year is a time of reflection, bringing with it an opportunity for change. ~

Brrrr, it's the coldest day of the year here on Prince Edward Island, -22 Celsius with a wind chill of -35 when I got up this morning! It's a very good day to stay inside and curl up with a hot cup of tea!

Hello my dear friends and welcome to my 52nd Tea Time Tuesday celebration!
Tea Time Tuesday is celebrating its first Anniversary/Birthday this week. How wonderful the tea party has survived this long and how wonderful too that so many of you enjoy taking part in it!

I celebrate you too as your friendship is precious to me and I hope I can convey that throughout this post.

I think tea parties have somehow lost their appeal with much of the younger generation which is unfortunate and it is nice to be able to share with those of you who enjoy them as much as I do.

This year I may do a few more themes and I am thinking that it would be nice to feature one of my participants once a month or so. What do you think? Change can be a good thing!

Last January as I was pondering what direction to go with my blog, I decided to host a tea party because of my love for all things tea. You see, I adore teacups and teapots and pretty china. Rose Chintz in particular, but also other patterns too; especially red transferware, all make me swoon!

Are you an old-fashioned girl? I guess you are or you wouldn't be joining me today! I love flowers which means I have a garden in my soul and I believe you should bloom where you are planted. I love romance and I believe in love at first sight. Whimsy, music and poetry; all of these things appeal to my nature. Yes, I'm a girly-girl and I'm not ashamed to admit it!

All these elements spark my imagination and I try to incorporate each of them into my tea parties.
Books and magazines such as Victoria also get my creative juices flowing and offer up such lovely ideas and sentiments. My friend Kathy at A Delightsome Life hosts Victoria ~ A Return to Loveliness party each week and we are both having fun sharing all things lovely! You can visit Kathy here at her link~

Don't you just love this pattern! I adore my Rose Chintz! It always makes me smile!

We can't have a tea party without fresh flowers! Aren't these pink tulips pretty? A sweet reminder that Springtime is not far off! I just love the delicate shade of pink!
These tulips have wilted a bit and they almost look like they are curtseying as if to say, "We're happy to make your acquaintance!"

Add some fresh water, and they have perked right up! I think they're so pretty both ways. In the glow from the candlelight, they almost appear as if they are blushing.

Today's tea party is a Celebration and therefore I have a Giveaway to celebrate it with.
So without further adieu, on to the celebration!

I had this beautiful little cake made specially for the occasion. Isn't it sweet? Unfortunately I forgot to have them place it on a cake plate for me and in order to move it, I would have ruined it. So here it sits on a black plastic tray. Ugh! Even a white plastic tray would have looked better than this. It still tastes the same, it's just not as pretty a presentation as it could have been! Live and learn, they say!

Today I am using several china patterns; my beloved Rose Chintz, Lavender Rose, Rose Bud, and my pretty green teacup which I won in a Giveaway.

Have you made yourself at home? You can put your feet up if you like; I really don't mind! Which teacup would you prefer to have your tea in? I am serving spicy Chai and Earl Grey teas today.

For your pleasure, I have finger sandwiches, toasted macaroons, chocolate, and cake. Would you like lemon or sugar in your tea? I always take mine black.

The mere chink of cups and saucers tunes the mind to happy repose. ~ George Gissing

My TTT Anniversary/Birthday marks many milestones~ I celebrated a big birthday this month and my Tea Time Tuesday is one year old. I want to thank each of you for showing your appreciation for what I blog about on here. I'm glad you like it! Over 400 of you like it so much that you have signed up to follow my blog! I am honoured and humbled! What lovely friends you are!

I have lit the candles and the fireplace as it is starting to get dark. The sun is setting and the candlelight adds a lovely ambiance. Now, it's time to get on to my Giveaway.

Happy Birthday Tea Time Tuesday!

For this Giveaway, I am accepting my Followers' entries only which I feel is only fair! You do not have to have your own blog. As long as you are a Follower, you are eligible! I have had Giveaways in the past and once in a while, a peep wins who I don't even know. So, this time around, it's open only to my beloved Kindred Spirits Followers and I'm very sorry, but due to shipping costs, it is open to Canadian and US bloggers only.
Also, Followers who participate in my tea party between this week and the week of February 7th, will receive an extra entry for each party you participate in. Please leave a comment and PLEASE BE SURE TO LET ME KNOW THAT YOU ARE A FOLLOWER. Entries will be so much easier if you let me know!
I will announce the winner on my Valentines Day tea.

Isn't this little birdie creamer adorable? It is one of the gifts in the Giveaway. I have two of them; one for me and one for you.

In celebration of Valentines Day coming up, I am also offering this sweet pink heart-shaped tea bag holder.

There is also a bag of assorted teas and a package of beautiful little cards with matching envelopes.

I may throw in a couple of other items too.

If this is your first time visiting Tea Time Tuesday and you would like to participate, please share a teacup or china mug, a teapot, or some china used in a tea. You may also do coffee, iced tea, hot chocolate, or hot cider if you prefer. Please refer to my last tea post for all the alternatives. A scripture verse, poem, or tea quote would be appreciated too.
The Tea Time Tuesday button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post if you wish. And I would appreciate you linking back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

The following china patterns and accessories were used in this post:

Rose Chintz by Johnson Bros. of England
Lavender Rose by Royal Albert of England
Rose Bud by Maxwell and Williams
Green teacup was made by Amy at Vintage Porcelain Art-
Evening Star silverware made by Oneida
Rose Bud candle sticks by Maxwell and Williams were a gift from my son.
White lace tablecloth was a gift from a friend.
Pink tulips made by God

I want to thank you all for coming by to help me celebrate my Tea Time Tuesday Anniversary/Birthday. Each one of you have made it all the more special!

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. ~ Philippians 1:3

I am joining the following hostesses today as well-

Marty~ - Table Top Tuesday

Kathy~ - Victoria- A Return to Loveliness

Martha~ - Teacup Tuesday

Wanda Lee~ - Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Pam~ - Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Tea For Two & Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Miss Spenser~ - Teacup Thursday

Beverly~ - Pink Saturday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!

    Oh that cake...I could almost taste it, beautiful!

    I adore the vase the tuilips were in and of course everything is so beautiful and inviting!

  2. Oh, the tea looks lovely..I know you don't like the black plastic tray, but the cake itself looks absolutely DELICIOUS :) :) All the different teacups with matching saucers reminds me of a lady at church who would host teas. Every lady got her own cup to use. It was nice, because everyone knew which cup belonged to which person :) :)This is so lovely...and the tulips ;) :) the giveaway is wonderful. Thanks for letting me participate. I'm a follower, but you knew that already :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  3. What a wonderful way to celebrate Sandi. Everything looks so lovely.


  4. This post just makes me so happy to be a girl.
    Mary Ann

  5. Happy birthday! I always love joining Teacup Tuesday. Absolutely beautiful post! Thanks!

  6. Happy Anniversary Sandi...I am so glad you chose to do the tea party and that I found your lovely blog.

    Tulips are my favorite bulb of all time, so was delighted to see it was on the table today along with the lovely cake and all the other delicious goodies.

    I have not finished my tea time post yet so will be back in a little while to link.

    Blessings Kelsie

  7. Sandi,
    A big CONGRATS and a hug to you for this 1 year anni!
    That's so neat.

    Lovely post with such a pretty table to share.

    I will participate as I can...Enjoy stopping by your place and having tea with thee.

    A slice of the white cake is just what warmed my soul on this cold day in Kansas. Not as chilly here as there. brrrr.

    God bless,
    d from homehaven

  8. Hi Sandi!
    This entire post is just beautiful! Congrats on the one year anniversary! I love every stunning detail you have shown us here today.
    Have a wonderful afternoon!

  9. Happy Birthday & Anniversary Sandi!!! Your table is gorgeous... Everything is calling our names, Ahhh! Congratulations on that SWEET Teacup&Saucers. Love the color and style of it, What a Lucky Lady you are! Your tulips are Sweet, and OH do I love that color...I LOVED your tiered cake tray, I would LOVE a closer look at that.... Everything is PERFECT!
    Thank you for the generous giveaway. How exciting!!! and Of course I'm a Follower too...
    Hugs to you,

  10. Congratulations on your first anniversary of Tea Party Tuesday. I'm so glad I found my way here a few weeks ago so that I can participate. I just love your green teacup ... green is my favourite colour. Your tea looks delicious. I'm a follower and I would just love to win that adorable little birdie. Stay warm on this chilly day.

  11. Sandi:
    Your 52nd post today was so special. It makes me want to drive across the Northumberland Strait this very cold, chilly day and have a cup of tea and a piece of that pretty cake with you. I love your posts and all the memories you bring up. It's a touch of the past with a added modern jest of colors. Congratulations!
    Auntie P

  12. What a beautiful setting to celebrate your Birthday & Anniversary, Sandi.

    Your setting is warm, elegant & so inviting ... that cake is breathtaking!

    Pop over for our Valentine GIVEAWAY

    Have a beauatiful eve ~
    TTFN ~
    Hugs, Marydon

  13. Dear Sandi,
    Congratulation to the 1. Birthday of your fabulous Tea Time Tuesday. It is always nice to come for tea to you and your friends. I olove your charming posts and your wonderful china, too. And what a lovely cake, it is so pretty, the black plate is a great contrast and brings the cake to its best. Thank you for hosting this wonderful event. I am very curious, which new events you will make with your blog, but I am sure, you will be very successful with it. Enjoy your Tea.
    Hugs, Johanna

  14. Hello Sandi and congratulations on a full year of tea parties - wow!
    It has been so much fun joining you each week and I've met some of the nicest ladies and blogs.
    You know I will want the Lavender & Roses teacup please and a piece of that yummy looking cake. How thoughtful of you to have a cake made for the celebration.
    I think we love our tea parties because they are feminine and it's nice to use the good china.

  15. Hi again
    Looks like I never officially became a follower until today although I have been by way of blogging. I don't always remember to do this with the blogs I have on my dashboard but follow regularly. :-)

  16. ps - i'm a follower & would love to win your darling giveaway! i just linked up to your party! oxxo

  17. Absolutely lovely. Breathtaking!

  18. Congratulations on such a wonderful milestone! That cake looks so yummy!! Cheers to many more wonderful years!


  19. Hi Sandi,
    Congratulations on hosting teatime Tuesday for a whole year!
    The pretty cake was a lovely added touch and all your teacups and tulips look so pretty.
    Well, I hope this cold weather passes by soon!
    Thank you for the chance to win your lovely giveaway too.

    Take care,

  20. Hello Sandi ~ Wow, what a beautiful post, full of eye-candy! All of your tea cups and saucers and pots and treats look so yummy and delicious! Congratulations on the success of your Tea Time Tuesday! Although I've never linked up as a participant, I always LOVE visiting all that do! Happy Anniversary! xox

  21. Everything about your tea party looks so inviting. Wish I could pop over and I don't even like tea. Hope you get some warmer weather soon ~ it's getting very old and tiring. Your tulips are so pretty and a breath of spring that we all need.

  22. Hi Sandi, I think your tea table looks so very pretty! You always put together a nice tea. I have Bible Study tonight so need to make this brief. I do want you to know that I am your follower and have been for a long, long time. I love your blog. It has such a sweetness about it! Thanks for sponsoring Tea Time Tuesday and the giveaway.
    Blessings and hugs, Beth

  23. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday too!!!!!. Your teascape is stunning. I don't know where to begin. Love the chintz, and then the pretty little roses and of course the cake and the sandwiches are fabulous, however the pink vase with the pink tulips just melted me in the firelight. So pretty. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  24. Oh happy one year!!!! May you be blessed in good health to celebrate many more :) Everything looks lovely as always~ Congrats and have a wonderful Tea ~Love Heather

  25. Thank you for the invitation to your special party this week, Sandi! So nice to join you. Congratulations on your anniversary. What a beautiful little cake you are serving. I'm always wanting one exactly like it!

  26. Sandi, what a beautiful table! I love it. Today I wrote about paying attention to details and you obviously have a panache for them. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!

    Linen + Verbena

  27. Happiest of Birthdays to you Sandi!! What a treat to be a small part of your One Year Anniversary as well!! I'm so happy for you! I love your cake, and the roses on it all in white are delectable! The sweet Tulips By God are so pretty and delicate! Love them!
    I am so excited to be a part of your parties, a follower and lover of your china that you so faithfully share with us. Thanks for a year of beauty and grace!
    Blessings, Doni

  28. Hello Sandi!
    Happy Anniversary to Tea Time Tuesday! This Birthday post is so beautiful. I am not very good at arranging tea parties, but I really want to learn. Blogs like yours encourage and inspire me so much.
    I'm your follower, so please add me for your giveaway. Thank you.

  29. Sandi,
    Happy anniversary! How wonderful to have tea a whole year for us. I am so glad I found you and have come to visit. It has always been a delight. You have the most lovely tea pot and tea cups today. Such beautiful patterns and colors. Congratulations on your first anniversary and may you have many more teas. Thank you for the chance at the giveaway, count me in.

  30. Hi Sandi. I just became one of your followers and hope to participate in Tea Time Tuesday very soon. Your anniversary tea party looks so pretty. I love china and tea cups and will be sharing them in a blog soon. Congratulations! and Blessings! Pamela

  31. Blessings to you on your special day! You have been such a blessing to me with your words of encouragement this past year. I do wish we lived close enough to spend time getting to know one another in person. I did manage to join the party today when I realized it was your anniversary! ♥♫

    Thanks for being our hostess and putting the party together!!

  32. I follow your blog and love all your pretty pinks. Would love to win your giveaway.

  33. Happy Anniversary and Birthday! What a wonderful and festive post you had shared today, Sandi, a perfect birthday celebration. Your rose chintz set is beautiful and so are the others and your food look so delicious. You are making me hungry!..Christine

  34. Congratulations on your anniversary and cheers to a wonderful party.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. Your tulips in the pink vase are so pretty and the cake looks so wonderful. Blessings♥O

  36. Sandi, Happy Anniversary/Happy Birthday. Aren't celebrations such fun! You even had balloons! A girl after my own heart. I am giddy when I see (or get balloons) myself. Your post is beautiful. The cake, black plate and all is lovely. Love the tulips. Stay warm. I cannot even remember temps like that when I was growing up NY state. I so enjoyed coming to your celebration Tea party. Thank you Sandi.

  37. Hi Sandi: Happy Anniversary! Your table looks so beautiful. You never disappoint. I would love to be a part of your giveaway. I am a follower and love your blog! Blessings, Martha

  38. always! That cake looks absolutely delicious! I'd love to be in your giveaway- yep, I'm a follower!

  39. Sandi, everything about this post makes me happy !Your candlelit pictures are beautiful, and they evoke a warm feeling that makes me want to share a cup of tea with someone I love, especially on a cold January evening in front of the fire in the wood stove that warms our home. Thank-you for hosting this time of celebrating tea and all things tea that make our lives special , especially the every day aspects of our lives that really are not so every day after all.( I hope this make sense to you ?)

    BTW, the cake looks scrumptious, black tray and all!

  40. Sandi, everything is beautifu and yummyl in pink, but it was the evening candlelit table that knocked my socks off! :D :D Happy Tea Day!

  41. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!

    Your tea table looks adorable and I love the mix of cups! And the cake looks so yummy!

    There is nothing like afternoon tea!

  42. Hello Sandi,
    I am so happy for you! So looking forward to many, many more teas we can share with one another and all who care to stop by and join -
    I have been encouraged, enchanted and Delighted.
    Thank you,
    I'd love to win your giveaway!
    God Bless,

  43. I tried to comment yesterday, but somehow failed. Your post is exquisite! I absolutely love the rose chintz china. And I would just love to sit and visit with you in your cottage at Prince Edward Island, so I shall do it each time you post! Thank you for joining my blog, and I am now a follower of yours. May the Lord bless and keep you; may He make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace! Gloria

  44. Hello Sandi :) Wow!! Happy 1 Year Anniversary!! That is wonderful, congratulations!! I haven't participated in any of the Tea Parties for quite some time, but I put together a post so I could be sure to join in this week; wouldn't want to miss this special occasion :) Your post is absolutely beautiful ~ love all the pretty china, and that cake looks scrumptious! Really love that pretty pink vase :) And I would love a chance to win your sweet giveaway; you know I am one of your followers :) Have a wonderful rest of the week!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  45. Happy Birthday!, I am really glad joining you and sharing my Tea Cups
    your party is lovely

  46. Congratulations, Sandi! Your blog is lovely and I'm so happy for the success you've had this past year. I'm a new follower and I am having so much fun participating in the Tuesday tea parties. Thanks for hosting, for sharing your faith, and for inviting us in to your home for a spot of tea ~ such a blessing!
    Best to you,
    Lynn at Cottage and Creek

  47. My, oh my! ~ This week's blog post is beyond loveliness itself dear Sandi!..,

    Happy, happy anniversary dearest tea lady and kindred spirit!..,

    I love the cake, the cosy fireside vignette, and oh! ~ your beloved Chintzware; yet most of all, another heartwarming opportunity to visit with you!..,

    Cheers, blessings and hugs from Wanda Lee

  48. Everything is esp. beautiful...I so wish I could step into the pictures for some tea and gentle time.

  49. Sandi,
    What a beautiful tea party for today and congrats on your one year celebration!
    You know i am a follower and would love to be entered in your sweet giveaway.
    Sorry I couldn't find time to participate this week as I am working and did not get a chance to prepare a post for Tea Tuesday.

    Hopefully, next week....


  50. You have done so well with your blog! Congratulations on your anniversary!
    Your tea setting is very romantic. I love the photos of it with the candles. I would definitely have a slice of cake and some of that chai tea if I were there in person : )

  51. I love the dishes you chose for the tea party! Such a pretty table! I love Lavender Rose, and featured it in my blog not that long ago!

  52. Sending along my best wishes for your birthday and anniversary Sandi. Amazing that a cake can be so elegant! Always a feast for the eyes on Tea Time Tuesday. You have all my favorite magazines.

  53. Sandi, Yikes, I was sure I checked my link after doing it yesterday but apparently did not. Good thing I just did now, it was not working. Better late than never. Again, your post is just beautiful. Love those tulips.

  54. Hi Sandi~ Thank you so much for visiting me today. I had not discovered your beautiful blog yet (I'm sure I would have eventually) and I am in love with it! This post is so me! I would love to have tea with you. You are such a gracious hostess! I especially love your Rose Chintz tea cup. I love that pattern and only have one cup and saucer and dessert plate in it, but am always on the hunt for more when I'm out shopping.

    I hope to join your party next week. In the meantime, I'm your newest follower.

    Happy Birthday and congratulations on your anniversary!


  55. Hi Sandi,
    Your tea looks beautiful, I really love the candlelight.... so romantic!
    Brrr.. stay warm!!

  56. Hi Sandi! What a beautiful table all set for tea! And happy birthday to TTT!! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  57. Lovely evening tea party by candle light.Sandy do I do somthing wrong when Iv'e been signing up for your tea parties?I've tried for several months an it never clicks over to my blog after it shows up on your page.

  58. Hi Sandi, Thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment. Could you please email me when you have a chance? That's so neat that you lived in Riverview. Take care and stay cozy in this storm. Blessins, Pamela

  59. Happy TTT Anniversary! That's so fantastic! Your table setting is divine, I adore all your teacups especially the green one with the little rose buds. And your cake is mouth watering. I wasn't able to join you on Tuesday, but popped over from Miss Spenser's Teacup Thursday. I'm having a hard time fathoming -25 degrees and colder with wind chill. Oh, please stay warm.




  61. Hi Sweet friend!
    Sorry it took me so long to come visit you. Thanks so much for the invite! I wouldn't miss your lovely post and I KNOW we both a kidred spirit when it come to our love all thangs Tea and Rose Chintz related! lol Wish I could stop over for a nice cup of tea and some of your goodies!

    I'd love to be entered into your giveaway.

    Been in a mind fog, creative, cleaning way...which means not much of anythings gets done, piles everywhere and I get sooooo frustrated w/myself, lol. I am trying to put away Christmas, clean and re-spruce up my kitchen area...oh why do I do this to myself, I don't know...and then this cold gets to me too! I see you are cold like us...think spring, right!

    Have a blessed day by sweet friend!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.