Monday 22 November 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello my dear friends and Welcome to my 44th Tea Time Tuesday! I'm so happy you're all here today! Everyone is busy these days so I thought I would post a little earlier than usual.

I have some lovely refreshments ready for you so please come in and have a seat. I am serving Cinnamon Chai tea from my red transferware tea pot today.
As Christmas is fast approaching, I thought red would be appropriate. I love transferware, especially red, although I do love every colour. Transferware reminds me of a simpler time, a lovelier time. I feel it lends a Victorian touch to a tea setting, don't you?
Even though I am not featuring the magazine itself, I love Victoria as it transports one back in time to a beautiful era when poetry and loveliness were a part of life. I think it's a shame that our children today are deprived of learning poetry. I've always loved it myself!
Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company. ~ Author Unknown
I have a wonderful creamy Trifle for your pleasure. It is made with fresh strawberries, cake, pudding, and whipped cream. A trifle is good any time of year and I think it looks pretty in my red-rimmed dishes.
I started collecting this glassware when I first got married. I can't find them any more so I am happy to have the number of pieces I do have. They are especially pretty at Christmastime!
I am sure one can find them on eBay but I never shop there any more.

My American friends are celebrating Thanksgiving this week and I want to wish you all a wonderful holiday! I hope you enjoy a bountiful feast with your loved ones.
Tea is served and I am using my Cream Lace teacup from Skye McGhie today. This pretty pattern goes with most anything so it does come in handy and I do love the laciness of the pattern.

Since it is Thanksgiving and a time for giving thanks, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for participating in Tea Time Tuesday or just stopping by for tea. You are all very special to me!

As I count my own blessings, I realize I have much to be thankful for! I am blessed to have the love of my life as my hubby, three wonderful sons, two lovely daughters-in-law, and four adorable grandsons. I also have my first granddaughter on the way. She is due on Christmas Eve; the perfect Christmas present!

I do have some health issues but I am thankful for the health I do enjoy; it can always be worse! I have a warm home to live in, good food in the refrigerator, and a warm bed to sleep in. I have a nice car to drive and a little Island to live on which is something like ten years behind everyone else. We still enjoy a little common courtesy and friendly hellos here. I have many wonderful friends and I live in a country where I am free to worship my God.

I am thankful most of all for a loving God who watches over me and accompanies me through this life one day at a time. He has blessed me abundantly in so many ways!
Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. ~ Jeremiah 17:7
I would like to share this poem with you as I thought it was so appropiate for the holiday and today's post.
Author unknown
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful for the difficult times, during those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes, because they will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.
Thank you for joining me for Tea Time Tuesday today. If you would like to participate in my tea party, please let me know in your comment or email me ahead of time and I will gladly add your link to my tea post. Just share a favourite teacup, teapot, or some china used in a tea. If you would rather, you may do coffee, hot chocolate, or iced tea. A tea quote, poem, or scripture verse is also welcome. The Tea Time Tuesday button near the top of my sidebar is available for you to use in your post if you wish. Please link back to me so your visitors may find their way here and visit all my lovely participants.
The participants listed below are in the order they first started participating.


I am also joining my fellow hostesses below~
Marty~ - Table Top Tuesday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi

Kathy~ - Victoria ~ A Return to Loveliness
Martha~ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Terri~ - Tea Cup Tuesday
Pam~ - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Tea For Two & Tea for Me and Thee
Lady Katherine~ - Teatime Tuesday
Miss Spenser~ - Teacup Thursday

Wishing you all a lovely Thanksgiving!


  1. Beautiful tea, Sandi. The red tea set is gorgeous, but that triffle is both mouth wattering and gorgeous. Thanks for having us today and hosting Tea Time Tuesday. Enjoyed the Thanksgiving poem.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you! ~ Sarah
    I have a tea post this week that I linked to your party. How do I add my link to your party post?

  2. Hi Sandi,
    I guess you and I were thinking alike again today-I used my red and white transferware also!
    I always get a little shock when I see your countdown to Christmas and realize how close we are.
    Your trifle looks so pretty and I am sure it tastes good too!

    Thank you for hosting another lovely tea time.


  3. Sandi, after seeing some of your red transferware, I just got to have the set and finally managed to get a teaset for two.. boy, i was so happy and still am and I thank you for being my inspiration and I am currently looking for the chintz teacup just like yours! which hard to get lately.. but crossing my fingers.. hope I could get at least a duo or trio.. thanks once again!

    psst: that triffle looks yummy, hope there is some for me! teehee! j/k..

    have a great day!xo

  4. What a beautiful tea. I am linking up with you today :-)


  5. What a lovely Thanksgiving post. That triffle looks wonderful! YUM! :)

    Thank you for hosting!


  6. Hi Sandi!

    Oh, everything about this post is just beautiful! LOVE the teapot and creamer! And the red rimmed glass is so gorgeous. And the treat prepared for us looks so yummy!

    My post is up and I am joining in party!

    Have a wonderful evening!

  7. What a beautiful post Sandi. Your photos are lovely and your words very heartfelt. Thank you for sharing with us.

  8. How pretty that little teapot is. So charming. I also love that little teacup with the cut work on the saucer. Have a wonderful week Sandi and thanks for the Thanksgiving poem and wishes. Blessings to you and your family also!:)

  9. You have beautiful tea sets,mSandi. I love the red transferware. I started collecting red and white Old Britain castles. Is it too late to join? If not, my link is

  10. Hello Sandi!
    I just came across your beautiful blog and thought how neat to have a Tea Time on Tuesday.

    My post is about coffee so I'm stretching it here a bit. The post was already posted before I came across your site.

    Hope you'll add my blog to your list.
    I will add your Rose Chintz Cottage address to my post.

    God bless,
    d from homehaven

  11. Hi Sandi
    Your red glassware does add a festive touch to your yummy looking trifle.
    I like the white lace set you're having tea in today, it's very feminine looking.
    Thanks for hosting.

  12. Your trifle looks perfectly delish!!

    Susan and Bentley

  13. so pleased to have tea with you today Sandi! gorgeous! and to have had time to post mine before a hectic teaching day tomorrow :)
    please add mine to the list ~
    a Christmas china giveaway on offer along with a pretty new cup..

  14. I love that cream lace teacup, and that trifle looks like it's to die for!

  15. Everything is beautiful. I love your gratitude list.
    I love transferware too.
    Please add my post to your party list.
    Betty from My Cozy Corner.

  16. Dear Sandi,

    thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. I really appreciate your sweet words and I am thankful to be part of your wonderful Tea Time Tuesday where I always met so many like-minded spirits. We really have a lot to be thankful, that's for sure. I enjoyed your Tea Time, as always, very much.
    Warmest regards, Johanna

  17. The glassware is a perfect complement to your red transferware. Your table is beautiful and the trifle looks delish. I always find inspiration in your words and the explanation about the appropriate time to use milk is timely.
    Thank you for joining us at TTTT
    Have a blessed week.

  18. Hello!
    Thank you for joining A Return to Loveliness! Always love it when you stop by! I absolutely love your teapot and the lacy teacup & saucer! The trifle looks marvelous - always a winner in my house!
    Hope you have a Delightsome week,

  19. Morning Sandi,
    Just popped in to let you know I would love to participate again this week, I will be back later to enjoy all the pops, racing the 2yr olds attention span atm lol.
    Blessings Kelsie

  20. Hi Sweety!
    Im in, late as usual! So sorry about this, been feeling under the weather and just cannot get my brain to function at times! But alas, the sun is shining today and I needed to come by and be reminded to be Thankful for dear friends like you!

    Love your Red transferware...a dear friend of mine ran across some when visiting in Germany a few years back at a flea market and could not pass it up...yours reminds me of hers...I go over and admire it ever so often! Thanks for sharing your lovelies with us!

    Wishing you much love!
    Happy Tea

  21. Lovely tea Sandi, I just love red transferware, and your tea pot is just gorgeous!
    Your tea cup is lovely as well, I think all white cups are very elegant and they have the bonus of going with everything.
    I hope you are having a fabulous fall. I hope that what ever your health challenges, you find some healing in it.

  22. You gave us alot to think about today Sandi. Love your red transferware.

  23. This is a beautiful post, Sandi. I enjoyed learning so many tips about tea and I am so loving your pretty transferware and teacup and saucer. I also enjoyed the poem. Congratulations on becoming a grandmother soon...Christmas Eve is so special!

    Happy Tuesday!


  24. Very beautiful post! Happy Thanksgiving, Sandi!


  25. Gorgeous tea. Love the beautiful tea set, and the triffle looks amazing. Thanks for linking to TTT and I hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving. Hugs, Marty

  26. This post is so lovely and that trifle - yummy for sure! I apologize that I just couldn't get a post together today.

  27. Hi Sandi, I'm still making my Pink Saturday visits, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your post this week and that trifle looks delish!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  28. Hi Sandi! Just wanted to stop by for a quick cup of tea, and to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving! ((hugs)) ~tina

  29. Sandi,
    Being new to your blog, I was so blessed with your post today! Thank you for the reminder that we have many blessings for which to be thankful. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and I'll stop by again soon!

  30. HI SANDI,


  31. What a wonderful settings you have. I luv the way you decoration. Very simple and so elegant.

    Happy Mid-week...

    Greetings from a freezing Stockholm,

  32. such a lovely blog and nice to find a fellow canadian!! im from NFLD originally but now living in AB


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.