Saturday 30 October 2010

Spiritual Sundays

" But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." ~ Job 23:10

Tea time is a wonderful time to regroup, rethink, and refresh. It comes at the end of the day when we are a bit frayed from the day's activities, but the activities are not yet at an end. Unfortunately, not all of us can stop for a real tea break, but without this break, the remaining tasks may threaten to take us "under."

As the shadows of the day grow longer, our tempers can grow short. Drawing on the refreshing power of the Holy Spirit, however, will get us to the end of a stressful day. We can gain renewed patience, a fresh sense of humor, and a new surge of creativity and insight by enlisting the aid of the Spirit's ministry within us. Frequently it's during those late afternoon hours when we most need His extra help.

Jewelers claim one of the surest tests for diamonds is the underwater test. "An imitation diamond is never so brilliant as a genuine stone. If your eye is not experienced to detect the difference, a simple test is to place the stone under water. The imitation diamond is practically extinguished, while a genuine diamond sparkles even under water and is distinctly visible. If a genuine stone is placed beside an imitation one under water, the contrast will be apparent to the least experienced eye."

That is how it should be with the Christian when his head is "under water" at the end of the day. The power of the Holy Spirit can so sparkle within him, refreshing and renewing him in spite of the day's harassments, that it is easy for the average person to tell there is something genuinely different about his life.

Ask the Holy Spirit to impart His power and presence to you today, in this very hour. Pray for Him to help you in the ways you need Him most- to shine like a diamond under water! ~ Excerpt from "Tea Time with God"

Please join Charlotte and Ginger -
and all their participants for an uplifting and inspirational post this weekend. The Lord bless you and may we all become diamonds for His glory!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. HI Sandi, What a refreshing, lovely post-just what I needed this morning. I am always blessed when I visit.
    Hugs to you and blessings on your weekend.

  2. A Beautiful Post, thank you for sharing, have a wonderful wkend, and a Pretty Pink Saturday.

    marian elizabeth

  3. Such a beautiful analogy Sandi. Thank you for sharing this message today.

  4. Hello Sandy, May the Lord Bless you ,I know He will,For following and posting His wispered word to you.Thank you for the uplift.

  5. Ohhh I love the diamond analogy! How true for the spirit as well. I catch myself not bowing my head when I should the most. Sometimes the when I'm in the moment, I forget my sensibilities. When I look to HIM first, everything falls into place as it should. Maybe not always the way I expect or anticipate, but in place non the less. Hugs. Tammy

    I am having a GIVEAWAY starting tonight I you would like to enter.

  6. What a great analogy...I never knew that about diamonds.....God bless you and yours this day.

  7. Our God is awesome!!!
    Thanks for sharing a very refreshing post.
    Much Blessings,

  8. Thank you for visiting Shadymont and becoming my newest follower. I really appreciate your visit and love your blog!

  9. I loved reading this, Sandi. Tea time and the Holy kind of topic. Not to mention!

  10. What powerful illustrations! May we all shine brilliantly as the genuine diamond does, especially when we feel like we're "under water".

  11. HI Sandie...great words to remember...thanks for this.

  12. Thank you Sandi for such beautiful and inspirational words of truth.

    Thanks for the blessing.


  13. Thanks for the encouragement :) :) :) Thinks are difficult at work, and it really takes God's strength to keep my head above water and get me through the day. Who wrote the "Tea Time with God" book? I love what you included on your post today :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  14. What a delightful post. I am so glad I came over. You are awesome and I am so happy that I know you. Anne

  15. Love the analogy. It is so difficult to shine "under water."
    I needed this reminder.
    Blessings, Annette

  16. This is so interesting, Sandi. I had never heard of the diamond test. Tea time is a good thing. The only time I really observed tea time was the three weeks we spent in India at the Kid's Home mission there. Reading this post brought back those memories. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us.

  17. That is just beautiful, Sandi. I loved it.

  18. This was a lovely post. Your words were so meaningful. Have a blessed day.

  19. Lovely post, Sandi. I love the analogy of the diamond.


  20. Hello Sandi.
    I could not find where to write you to tell you I will not be attending the Tea Party tomorrow. I have so many projects going I simply have to get caught up first!

    I will be in touch when I can do the regularly!!!

  21. Hi Sandi
    I love Spiritual Sundays they help keep me spiritually fit all week long. I would love to join your tea party on 11-2-10


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.