Saturday 2 October 2010

Spiritual Sundays

Hello Friends~ I have been MIA lately because of a very trying time I have been going through.
I will be honest; I have not felt very much like blogging lately. I have had to force myself to do it; especially since I host a Tea party meme every week. I also host a weekly Bible study in my home and I have had to force myself to do so because there are those dear friends who depend on it. I also participate in Pink Saturdays because Hubby thinks it is good for me to do something fun.

I cannot share what has been going on, only that it involves family. And as you all know, family can plunge you into despair quicker than anything else.

In telling you all this, I would kindly ask that you would pray for me and my family. The Lord knows the situation and what our needs are.

Now, I would like to share this devotional which has helped me to put things into perspective the last week or so.

In the New Testament, hospitality is a hallmark of Christian living. It is listed as a characteristic of church leaders {1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8} and is commanded for every follower of Jesus as an expression of love {Romans 12:13; 1 Peter 4:9}. But its meaning goes deeper than being a gracious host or opening our homes to guests.

The Greek word translated "hospitality" means "love of strangers."

When Paul speaks of being "given to hospitality" {Romans 12:13}, he is calling us to pursue relationships with people who are in need. It is not an easy task.

Writer Henri Nouwen likens it to reaching out to those we meet on our way through life - people who may be estranged from their culture, country, friends, family, or even from God. Nouwen writes: "Hospitality, therefore, means primarily the creation of a free space where a stranger can can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place."

Whether we inhabit a home, a college dorm, a prison cell, or a military barracks, we can welcome others as a way of showing our love for them and for Christ. Hospitality is making room for people in need. - David McCasland


Please take some time to visit Charlotte and Ginger, our lovely hostesses of Spiritual Sundays. They have a whole list of inspirational participants who each offer a song or story to lift your spirit. Have a blessed weekend in Him!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi. I am so sorry to hear that things have been trying for you lately. I hope your spirit lifts and that your troubles will soon disappear. I will say a special prayer for you in Church today.

    Please take care and know that your blogging friends are thinking of you.

    Best wishes always,

  2. You are wise to keep doing some things that brighten your day, and I said a prayer for you and your family.
    These are good words in your post about hospitality. I am a volunteer visitor to a homebound senior and we have become good friends so I know it is good to make strangers in to friends!

  3. Beautiful post Sandi. The Lord knows your needs, and He is faithful to hold you by HIS mighty hand. Take care and God bless.


  4. Hi Sweetie!
    I am so sad to hear that you are down. I can only tell that I KNOW what you are talking about. These past 2-3 years have been some of the hardest times I have ever had! If it were not for my faith to get me through, I am not sure how I would have faired. Many prayers will be said for you by me!

    My blogging and sharing w/others had been a huge help during that time. Many time when I didn't want to do is when I NEEDED to cause it put my total trust in the Lord and nOT myself to get through. Know that you have inspired and loved me so when you didn't even realized it. Your kindness and love for the Lord was such a constant for me!

    Much love and hugs!

  5. Hello Sandi,
    I will say a special prayer for you and your family. I am so sorry that you are having a difficult time and I want you to know that we will all be thinking of you.


  6. that's what is so wonderful about prayer because I don't have to know you personally or your family BUT I can still uphold you prayer. Love, thoughts and prayers. Judith

  7. Dear Sandi,
    Honey, I am so sorry that you are having troubling times. I am not making light of things when I say we all go through. I had a mental breakdown four years ago, Mom was then diagnosed with lung cancer and died three months later. Dad was diagnosed with heart troubles and died from a botched angiogram. Daughter has been a bit of a challenge and I have had more physical problems and subsequent surgeries. Not to mention all the financial worries. But I am here to say, that I got through all the crap and am doing fine. I am a much stronger person and my faith is much deeper.
    In order to get through the rough times, I had to stop doing things for other people for a while. I just could not do everything. I learned that it is ok to say "No" when asked to do some things.
    I am sure that if you explained to your friends that you needed a break from some of your "duties" that they would understand.
    Keep your chin up Sandi! Take a big breath of fresh air and know that there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel ( and it isn't a train heading directly for you!!!) Life is not fair, but God is good. Trust Him.
    Much love and many warm "Rose" hugs, Laura

  8. Lovely post Sandi...Will pray for you and your family....God has a firm grip on you and will not let go!

  9. Hi Sandi, I just left a comment on your PS post and thought I would let you know that I'll keep you in my prayers, I know we all go through trying times at one time or another and life isn't always fair it is just life! So all I can say is with faith and friends you will get through it, remember the Footprints Prayer, you will be carried when you don't even know it, and we aren't in charge so just let go and let God. Blessings, Marilou XOXO

  10. Hi Sandi,
    Sorry to hear of your hard times, but they do come to us all. Will certainly be praying for you and your family. Life can sure be hard at times, but God is good, and He really does care, so hang in there hon.
    Blessings to you and yours,

  11. Storms come. The lighting flashes. Thunder rolls. Sometimes storms do damage. But storms are not forever. Storms are part of life, part of growth, part of the journey.

    Light a candle. Wrap up warmly. Make yourself safe and secure. Then wait for the storm to pass, knowing it will.

    Let peace return. Let security return. Let joy and meaning come back, the certain faith that you have purpose and your life is on track.

    My thoughs and prayers are with you during this storm. Take care:)

  12. Hello sweet lady...

    Thank you so much for sharing the scriptures about hospitality! You know, I have often thought of this word...the first part of the word hospitality..."hospital"! And what does a hospital do? Care for those who are in need of care! I think that hospitality is sooo very important! You're absolutely right...true hospitality is really so much more than what we normally think! Your post was such a treat, Sandi!

    Dear friend, whatever the need...the LORD knows! He is always faithful to those who are faithful to Him. And Sandi, you have such a wonderful way of sharing Christ with all of us through your blog! Be encouraged, dear have touched so many!!! I certainly will be praying for you and your family! I have a feeling that the answer is just around the corner for you!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  13. I can respect your need for confidentiality. Its okay. Yes, the Lord does know your need and He is with you...what ever your family is going through. Feel His peace... the peace that passes all understanding. Know just how deeply He loves you all....
    Prayers and a cyberhug go your way tonight.

  14. You can count on my prayers, dear Sandi. I went through turmoil last year with family and it is stressful. We are still in it somewhat. So I've got bunches of good prayers to pray!!!!

  15. Saying prayers for you. May God touch you and your family.

  16. I am sorry you are going through a stressful time. I pray that soon you will be able to experience peace and joy.

  17. Thanks,Sandi, for visiting Faith Hope & Cherrytea today for PS. Your welcome was appreciated! glad you enjoyed the teacups & hoping you will have time to pursue more of the inspiriting faith & hope offered there...
    i am praying for & with you ~ God' grace IS sufficient.
    what's coming to mind is a post on 'endings & beginnings' you might receive God's Presence thru. you are most welcome ~ tea is on. and please do not live under expectations of others regarding blogging or not. choose to be martha so your doing will result from your 'being' ~ who you are resulting from intimacy of relationship with Christ...
    Every Blessing Always!

  18. My thoughts and prayers are with you. We don't know what you're going thru but HE knows. We are blessed for that. :) I hope things get better for you. Keep the faith.

  19. Hi Sandi!

    Hearing your story it gives me great joy to tell you that you won a GIVEAWAY at The Katillac Shack Miracle Party!

    The beautiful Karen Harvey Cox watercolor called "Miracle" I hope it brings you encouragement and inspiration.....

    Email me your address.....

    Congrats and blessings---


  20. Sandi, You and your family will be in my prayers this week. I pray for peace for you. Patty

  21. I'm sorry for your times of trouble and trust you will Cast ALL your burden upon Him who loves you. The "situation" did not take God by surprise and He already knows the solution and His timing. May you rest in that confidense.

  22. praying for you Sandi...He's that situation...and will never ever let you down. Stay strong okay.

  23. I love Henri Nouwen. "...offer them space where change can take place."
    This is a great post. Thank you for sharing.

  24. Hospitality is such an important attribute. It is easier for some than it is for others. Thank you for this insight into the subject. You are on our prayer list on the Prayer Request blog and I have been praying for you. I will continue to do so. You have been a blogging friend of mine for a very long time, and I am always blessed by your blog.

  25. You and your family are in my prayers, I will continue praying for your family. Hospitality is something that comes with in and your post today was perfect.
    God Bless,

  26. Bonjour Sandi,

    I hope your troubles will disappear very quickly and that you will enjoy a peaceful life again.

    I thank you very much for your kind words about my work. It is really appreciated.

    Have a nice week.

    ♥ Hélène Glehen - a French artist, fond of roses and romantic stuff ♥

  27. Sandi,
    Just stopping by to let you know that I will be joining in on Tea time Tuesday this week!!


  28. Sandi, I am exactly in your spot. God is trying to open me up in ways I can't do alone to be a practicer of Hospitality!! Your words have gone deep into my soul..right where I need them. I am in prayer for you and have enjoyed your beauty thru blogging. Some Peeps..if we don't reach/open up/loosen up...they won't get reached. Be Blessed!!

  29. Dear Sandi; My Heart goes out to you,,, I will be Praying for you and your family God Bless


  30. So sorry to hear of your challenges. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.