Monday 6 September 2010

Welcome To Tea Time Tuesday!

Hello my dear friends and welcome to my 33rd Tea Time Tuesday!
Hope you're all having a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Ours was pretty wild on Saturday when Hurricane Earl came through here. We lost our power for four hours but didn't sustain any damage to our property so we got off pretty well compared to some! I'm thankful it's over with and things are back to normal once again! Thank you to everyone who prayed on our behalf!

"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand." ~ Psalms 139:17-18

Do you like teapots? Do you like tea-for-one pots? I do! Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved teapots and teacups; china in general. While my boys were growing up I was not able to indulge in my teapot fantasy. I had a few teapots but alas they are gone now. Some had gotten broken and some I gave away. After my boys moved out, I was able to start collecting teapots and such. I have a nice collection now, I'm happy to say!

Today, I thought I would share a couple of my tea-for-one sets. I have a few more which I will share at another time.

The first one is so cute and it is a Skye McGhie set. If you have been following my blog you know I love Skye McGhie pieces! This sweet creamy yellow pot made of fine porcelain, has its own dainty little teacup. It has a Frenchy script on it and a tiny gold rose bud on the top. There is no name on it other than Skye McGhie and I just love the shape of it. I think it's adorable!

"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on." ~ Billy Connolly The edge of the teacup is crimped somewhat like a pie crust.And doesn't the cupcake look cute sitting in the teacup?

I would like to wish one of my regular participants and very good friend, Lorena @ Rose Chic Friends ~ A Very Happy Birthday! She celebrated her birthday yesterday! Do stop by and wish her a happy day, won't you?

The next one is a silver tea-for-one. This one is rather elegant with its white florals and mirror finish. This one has no markings of any kind but I really like it because it's different from all the others in my collection. It holds a good amount of tea and sits on its own saucer.

You may wonder, does she actually use those? Why, yes, I do! Some of these cups are rather large and hold a lovely amount of hot tea. The Skye McGhie one is rather small, more like a demitasse, but the silver one is a good size.

I don't often drink tea for breakfast as I generally like my coffee first thing in the morning. So you will see coffee in this teacup today. However, if I'm having breakfast or brunch later in the morning, I enjoy a nice cup of tea. Coffee, fresh orange juice, a hard boiled egg, and toast with my home made peach preserves are what I am having this morning.
Nothing fancy, just a simple breakfast!

Do you have a favourite teacup, teapot, or tea-for-one? If so, I'd love to see it!

"Tea should be taken in solitude." ~ CS Lewis

It is nice to take tea in solitude but it is also nice to enjoy a cup of tea with friends, don't you think?

Today is the day that I announce the name of my Giveaway winner.

There is a package of Raspberry Lemon tea from our very own Prince Edward Island tea company, a Royal Albert tea strainer, a tea spoon from our famous Paderno company here on the Island, and a mini creamer also from the Paderno company. As I mentioned before, this adorable little creamer-for-one can be used as it was first intended or you can hang it on the Christmas tree which is why I have a pretty sheer ribbon tied on the handle for hanging.

Those of you who had mentioned in your comment the past two weeks that you would like to be entered into the Giveaway have been added to the teapot. What I didn't tell you was that those of you who had participated in either tea party the past two weeks were entered a second time. Again, I'm sorry that I can't include those who are not Canadian or American bloggers due to shipping costs.

My hubby chose the name from out of my Antique Reflections teapot. There were over seventy entries!

And the name of the winner is........

Congratulations Brenda @ Quilting Along Lifes Way ~

Please email me your mailing address and I will get this into the mail for you. Thank you to all who entered. I also want to thank everyone for making my tea party so enjoyable! When I started my Tea Time Tuesday back in January, I had no idea how well received it would be. You are all angels and I appreciate you all so very much!

Thank you for stopping by today for Tea Time. If you would like to participate, please let me know in your comment. You may do tea, coffee, iced tea, or chocolate. Just share a favourite teacup, teapot, or china which you have used in a tea. A scripture verse, poem, or tea quote would also be most welcome. As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants. Either of the two Tea Time Tuesday buttons near the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your post if you wish.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

I am also joining the other tea party hostesses today and their links are those with the asterisks ** before them.

The list of participants below are in the order in which they first started to participate.



  1. Hi Sandi, please count me in today. I can't wait to see all the gorgeous teacups around.

  2. Happy Labor Day Sandi. Thanks for sharing these beautiful tea pots and cups today. They each are so lovely. Hope you have a nice week.

  3. Well, those are adorable tea sets for one. I see those all of the time and I haven't bought one yet.LOL So glad Earl didn't give you much grief. Hurricanes never usually get that far north I am surprised it still had that much of an impact but, thank goodness you guys are alright. Have a great week!

  4. Hi Sandi! I have my link to my post all ready to join you today!
    Love your Tea for One pots! They're so pretty! And Congratulations to Brenda!!! Hope you enjoy your teapot and tea things!!!
    Blessings! Doni

  5. I LOVE tea for one sets... AND I do think I have one or two sets packed away "Somewhere"... The silver one you have is WONDERFUL, if it were vintage(I don't know how long they have been making these sets), it resembles lusterware. I know my lusterware in silver is actually more valuable than gold because it's made of Platinum... I REALLY LOVE that set of yours no mater what it's made of or how old it is, hehe... I WOULD like to participate today with my bunnies,
    Hugs to you, Donna

  6. Hi Sandi,
    Love your tea for one sets, especially the silver one, how elegant.

    Please count me in for your Tea Time Tuesday

    I am so glad you came thru the storm safe and with no damage.


  7. Hi Sandi
    I would love to join your Tea Time Tuesday.
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  8. Hi, Sandi,
    First of all, I am so thankful you all weathered the storm okay. We are expecting a storm on the TX coast tonight. I pray for everyone's safety. Your teapots for one are adorable. I, too, love teapots for one. If I lived close by, be sure I would be right over to join you for the delectable breakfast. Peach and pear preserves are my two personal favorites and homemade even better. Happy Tea Time, dear friend~love and hugs always~Vicki

  9. Love both of your teapots for one! Especially the silver one - how beautiful! Your breakfast looks good too and the flowers on the lacy tablecloth are a nice touch! Congratulations to Brenda! I know she'll enjoy her prize!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  10. I love the tea for one sets, especially the silver one! My post is up now too.

  11. Beautiful those tea pots with the cups..Thanks for sharing my friend...Hugs and smiiles Gl♥ria

  12. Hi Sandi
    Nice to be back for tea among friends.
    You have some really pretty tea for one sets - the silver one caught my eye.
    Congrats to Brenda for winning your giveaway.

  13. Hello Sandi,
    I have been thinking of you and how you had faired through Hurricane Earl.
    Your tea-for-one teapots are beautiful! I love the silver is soo elegant!!
    Happy Teacup Tuesday!
    Warm hugs, Laura

  14. Hello Sandi :) I'm back to join in on the fun this week! Missed everyone last week :) I really should get myself one of those tea-for-one sets...I know that one day there will be one that catches my eye, and I will just HAVE to have it, lol:)

    Wishing you a wonderful Tea Tuesday!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  15. While reading your post I wondered how you would use them all. It came to me a flash...if you had a gathering, every guest could select their own tea flavor or brand. Being an herbal tea drinker, I could never have the tea being served. I will be on the lookout for those teapots.
    P.S. I love the small flowered one better then the large silver one. Thanks and take care. Such a long comment.

  16. Congratulations Brenda!

    Your tea sets are gorgeous. I especially love, love and love, the silver set! I also like that the sets have such generous tea cups with them.

    Thank you so much for sharing your tea cups with us today.

  17. Sandi,
    What gorgeous tea for one sets!! I love them!! Glad that you survived the Hurricane without any damage and everything is back to normal!!


  18. Dear Sandi,
    Please link my post up to your tea party today! I love one-cup teapots and I love your little collection - thank you for sharing your treasures with us!

  19. I love the silver teapot/teacup combo. I have 2 teapot/teacup combos but have never fully appreciated them until recently. Aren't they wonderful? You have some very pretty ones.

  20. Hi Sandi! I am excited to join you this week! I have a lovely Tea Giveaway too!
    Your teapots are just beautiful- I am a great fan of teapots for one!
    Hope you have a terrific day,

  21. Your tea for one pots are sweet. I have a couple but I drink toooo much tea...I need a bigger pot even for ONE.

  22. Yes I do like teapots and cups for one. I must photograph mine so I share. I really like both of yours - but especially the rose one. Your tea party has been featured today and added to the permanent list at Creative Link up.

  23. Hi Sandi,
    I enjoy seeing your teapots. I love the Antique Reflection teapot-it is so pretty!
    I am a bit behind in the blogging bit but I do have a link up now.
    Thank you for hosting once again.


  24. Sandi: I am very happy for the lady who won- I hope she will be very blessed! I am sorry to tell youthat I forgot my post today- with Labor Day I got all mixed up.
    I truly apologize...this is what happens when a person works on a holiday.

  25. You have some beautiful specimens! And I do love teapots AND teacups! The tea for one pots are very cute~I've been intrigued by them but have never bought one. Have a great day!

  26. Hi Sandi...

    Oh, first off, congratulations to the giveaway winner..Brenda :) :) :) That's a lovely gift :) :) I think she'll really enjoy it. You have good taste, Sandi..

    Oh, I LOVE tea for one sets. I think they're really sweet. It's funny, because I was on craigslist the other day looking to buy a toaster and I saw someone selling a tea for one set with French script on it :) :) So when you pictured this one, it reminded me of that ad I saw :) :) :) Oh, that cupcake in the one set looked really yummy!!!

    The egg in the holder was really cute too. When I lived in Norway, I bougtht a little egg cozy...that sits atop the egg to keep it warm :) :) So cute!!! Thanks for inviting me to tea this week!!! You always have lovely things to share...tea and other stuff too :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

    p.s. I'm glad "Earl" didn't affect you too badly!!!

  27. I LOVE tea parties and your teapots are just so charming. They remind me of some of my favourites that were my Grannys. In fact they inspired many of my illustrations. So glad to hear you were ok after the hurricane! I'm having a giveaway at my Blog if you want to hop along. Hugs, Catherine x

  28. Hi Sandi!
    You are just the sweetest thang EVER!! Thanks so much for the beautiful card and words and then I come over to visit and you have wished me Happy Birthday again. I truely am blessed indeed!

    Had a nice day with family and friends. Always enjoy it! So sorry I didn't get my act together yesterday. Daughter starts school today and we were getting books together and trying to ease some nerves.

    You have a blessed day my sweet friend!
    Hugs and love! Lorena

  29. How sweet is the rosey french script set. I have avoided these type of sets in the past because of the wide tops- the tea cools too quickly here in the Mountains, but I'm really taken with this set. Thank you for sharing!

  30. Hi Sandi: I love your tea pots. I just cannot pick a favorite. I love being a part of this party. Please make sure I am added each week. I would not miss it. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.