Monday 19 July 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Ahh, Summer! Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday, dear friends! This is my 26th tea time post and I want to welcome all my regular participants plus my new friends who would like to take part in Tea Time. We are having such a lovely time sharing our tea things every week and we're all meeting some wonderful tea friends as well.

So, please come in and make yourself comfortable. I will pour you some tea from my newest tea pot and we'll have a chat.

"There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea." ~ Bernard-Paul Heroux

My hubby and I are on vacation, or rather he is, *smiles* and we have been spending a lot of time at the beach. We find it so relaxing and peaceful there. We always choose a quiet spot and just sit back and listen to the sound of the waves and the birds. We like to go for walks and just enjoy the sounds of Summer.

At home, there is the scent of flowers on the air and the sounds of little song birds in the trees all around our home.

When I spotted these newest treasures a while back, I thought of all the things I love about Summer and these pieces just say it so well!

A tea pot and a tea-for-one set with the same pattern so I will share them both today.

The name of the pattern is Floral Treasures. The pattern is so soft and pretty with some of my favourite things on them; hydrangeas, little birdies, and a Frenchy script.

A lovely Coconut cake is standing by all dressed up in fluffy white coconut to enjoy with your tea.Or, if you prefer, a bowl of berries fresh from the field. Oh dear, you can almost see my reflection in the spoon.
The candles are lit and one of my little birdies has stopped by to join us.
"Find yourself a cup of tea; the teapot is behind you. Now tell me about hundreds of things." ~ Saki


A friend is like a shade tree
Beside a summer way.

A friend is like the sunshine
That makes a perfect day.

A friend is like a flower
That's worn close to the heart.

A friend is like a treasure
With which one will not part.

"What a Friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer.
Can we find a Friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness; Take it to the Lord in prayer."

~ Joesph M. Scriven {1820-1886} Charles C. Converse {1832-1918}

Thank you for stopping by for Tea Time. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and you will allow me the pleasure of your company again soon. If you would like to participate in my tea party, please let me know in your comment. Just share your favourite teacup, teapot, or china used in a tea. You may also do coffee, iced tea, or chocolate. A scripture verse, poem, or quote would also be most welcome. Either of the two Tea Time buttons near the top of my sidebar are available for you to use if you wish. As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit my other lovely participants.

There are other ladies hosting tea parties today. Those links with the stars ** before them are those tea parties.

The participants listed below are in the order in which they first started to participate.



  1. Oh Sandi! You are showing us lots of beautiful tea pretties not to mention yummy things!

    I have my post up to be linked!

    I hope you are having a wonderful evening!~

  2. Love the coconut cake. Please include me in the fun!

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Sandi...
    Yeah...I was stalking my blogger dashboard for your tea post :) :) :)'s here...thanks for linking me in to the Tea Time Tuesday. I'll make sure and pay your friends visits as well :) :) :)
    That song "What a friend we have in Jesus"...I sing that to myself everyday. Why? I dn't know...but I think I need that as a reminder that we can take EVERYTHING to God in prayer.

    Oh you have so many lovely tea things..I think the one that really melted my heart was the scene with the candle inside that wire cage...Oh that was so lovely and soft!!!

    Oh, I think I'll come over to PEI just so I can have a slice of that yummy coconut cake!!!

    Thanks for the beautiful hymn, the poem ...everything..You are a sweetheart :) :) :) Lots of love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  4. Hi Sandi! I have my post up and ready to go!
    Blessings! Doni

  5. Hi Sandi :) What a lovely Tea setting you've displayed..The pretty tea-for-one, the sweet birdcage, and love the candles, they add such a soft and romantic feel :) Both the cake and the berries look delicious...I'll take a little of both please :)

    Happy "Tea" Tuesday!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  6. Hello Sandi..
    Happy Vacation to you and your husband! It would be wonderful to sit on the beach and relax:-)
    I love the sweet bird on your tea set. I really should have the strawberries, but that cake looks incredible, and I can't resist:-)
    Thanks for sharing your tea with me!
    Please add me to todays tea list!
    Bella's Rose Cottage

  7. A bird told me there is delicious cake waiting for me here.. teehee.. so here I come and take a peek! oh yumm! coconut cake my fave! and I hope there is still some leftovers! and tea must taste good in that beautiful teacup of yours!

    have a great day!

  8. Sandi, that is one of my favourite hymns! Such incredible words, so very comforting. :)

    Please add me in to your Tea Time Tuesday fun!

    Love, Ro

  9. That coconut cake looks yummy. I can remember Mother grating fresh coconut for her layer cake. Beautiful photos. Thanks for tea-time!

  10. Hi. I just found your blog thru the tea time blog hop; and I'm going to join up with tea in our gazebo. What a lovely blog you have. I look forward to following you and love the scripture and inspiration. That is the part I still need to add to my blog.
    ~ Julie

  11. Love your teapot for one! I also love the bowl the strawberries are in. So summery! Thank you for hosting.

  12. Hello Sandi
    Your tea post is lovely as usual. The berries look great in the red transferware bowl! And that cake..what can I say! Yummy..
    Please come over and visit my tea post & giveaways!

  13. Hope you're enjoying your vacation. Sometime quiet time to enjoy what is around you is a vacation unto itself.

    - The Tablescaper

  14. Hi: As usual you have a wonderful post this week. I love it all. The cake looks so good. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Blessings, Martha

  15. Lovely post filled with roses and friendship over a cup of tea... thanks for the extra cup and for inviting me...


  16. Such a beautiful teapot and teacup!! And did you know that coconut cake is my very favorite cake. My daughter made me a delicious one for my birthday in January. It had coconut milk, shredded coconut, and maybe coconut extract. DELISH!! Yours looks delish too.

    I'm envious of your time at the beach. I used to live about 30 minutes from Daytona Beach, so I was there often. Now, I'm in a land-locked state and going into withdrawals. I haven't been to the beach in 2 years!!!

    Thank you for the wonderful tea party. I'll be linking up too, but it won't be until tomorrow morning. I didn't get my photo taken before it got dark, so I'll wait until the light of the morning.

    Blessings and hugs,

  17. The cake and berries look yummy, and the teapot and other accessories are lovely.

  18. Hi Sandi! As awlays a VERY pretty post!
    Also, I want to let you know that I am having a Tea Cup Giveaway!

  19. Hi. My tea in the gazebo post is up to be linked. I hope I can join your tea party. I will also add your link to my side bar.
    Thanks for a wonderful blog and party.
    ~ Julie

  20. Oh Sandi,
    This is amazing!!!! So, so beautiful--God bless you and your special talent!!!!
    P.S. I hope you'll visit my Whimsical Musings to see what I made for the "tea parties!"

  21. I love this set ... so dainty, modern but romantic. Just perfect! And the coconut cake! Yum!!!!!

  22. So beautiful, Sandi! Glad you are on vacation and enjoying the beach. It sounds like you really love living on Prince Edward Island! Your teapot is so, so pretty - both of them. You always find the loveliest things, and show them in a beautiful way! You are an inspiration, Sandi. May the Lord bless you and keep you and all those that you love. Thank you for hosting Tea Time Tuesday - I really enjoy it.
    Hugs, Beth

  23. Such a beautiful teapot and teacup!! Very pretty...Love it.
    Sweet Blessings,

  24. Hi Sandi! I'm so glad to hear you and your husband are enjoying the beach! It sounds wonderful!.. And your new tea set is so pretty!.. I'm sorry to keep missing tea lately. The heat has really affected my motivation and creativity lately, but it finally seems to be letting up just a bit, and I'm starting to feel inspired again!... In the meantime, my gosh, your guest list of participants seems to keep growing by leaps and bounds, and I just hope to join in again soon! ~tina

  25. Good morning Sandi! Oh how lovely your post is and the tea things are perfect. I LOVE the little birdies on them. And how I love coconut cake...yum. There aren't many things as wonderful as relaxing at the beach. Enjoy your time with your hubby. Have a great day...HUGS, Debbie

  26. I am so pleased that you are enjoying your time with your husband. Nothing like being at a beach to relax and refresh.
    Lovely tea treasures today and I love the tablesscaping!! Looks like a piece from a magazine.
    Thank for your our wise words.
    Have a blessed week. Pam

  27. I love your wonderful tea for one set and the matching teapot. The flowers in their soft colors and the bird sure make a lovely scene, reminding one to slow down and enjoy nature.


  28. What lovely, charming photos! My post today is about having satisfied a craving for afternoon tea:

  29. Sandi,
    I finally got my post up, so you can add my link now.

    I want to say thank you for your kind, encouraging words on my post about the new season of life I'm in. Part of motherhood is seeing your children grow up and become independent, but it's such a HARD part...especially hard, I think, for those women who have been at-home moms for their children's entire lives. It's like, what am I going to do now?

    Blogging has been therapeutic for me. While I'm not a particularly crafty person, I enjoy writing. (I actually wrote a 783 page novel 21 years ago...but I was never able to get it published, and now I wouldn't want it to be, since it's a rather-trashy romance novel...but I DO enjoy writing, and it's something I feel I'm good at, so blogging has been therapeutic for me as I close the door on a season of my life that I really loved.)

    Sorry for the rambling comment. Thanks for being a sweet friend.


  30. What a lovely tea set! The cake looks absolutely delicious! So glad it is at your house and not mine - too tempting!
    What a lovely setting!

  31. That cake looks so yummy! Time for lunch here!

  32. Hi Sandi
    I have nominated you for the 'Lovely Blog Award' for your inspirational blog...
    If you are happy to participate then please go to my blog and copy the widget and rules for yours.
    take care, Judith

  33. Your little set was so pretty and you set the table so nicely. I would love a piece of cake but probably be better off with the berries.

  34. Your tea cups are so pretty! I love how the one fits under a tea pot too. I bought one like that the other day.
    I see another really pretty cup in the last photo at the bottom. Are those lovely roses on it I see?
    Thank you so much for showing us your tea cups today.

  35. Hi Sweet Friend!
    I am MIA again this week. Just didn't get my post done...and then we spent ALL day today at my daughters College for Freshmen parent orietation and registration. My brain is sooooo tired with all the information...I cannot believe she's at college already!

    You tea post is lovely! I love your song you of my well as the hydrangeas on your pretty tea goodies!

    Have a great day!

  36. Hello Sandi, That coconut cake is to die for!! Please include me in this weeks party - I hope my post fits the bill - it is a little different to other weeks but hope it's ok.

  37. Oh Sandi! what a beautiful, darling. pretty pretty post! thanks so much for sharing! your photos are lovely!

    ciao bella
    happy tea time!

    creative carmelina

  38. Hello Sandi, I'm still making my Pink Saturday visits. Love your post this week I also loved your island pics. I watched Regis and Kelly just to see the beautiful island. I miss the beach since moving to the hills of WV.
    Your tea post is adorable too!
    Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment.
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  39. Hi Sandi,

    It was nice dropping by for tea today. I think I missed it last week. I love the "Jesus, friend" poem. I am a poet myself. I often publish my work on my blog. Someday, when I get my digtal camera fixed, I will host a tea party with you!

    Hugs and blessings,

  40. What a lovely tea set. Some day I will remember to participate!

  41. Hello, Sandi,
    The hydrangea tea pot is so pretty, love the sweet bird, too. I am glad you and your hubby have been enjoying some quiet time at the beach, sounds wonderful! I can almost taste that delicious cake, yummy! Have a beautiful rest of the week and thank you for hostessing us each week~ Vicki

  42. What a lovely tea setting ... we are on our way over to join you ... chuckle!

    Have a beautiful summer day ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  43. Beautiful tea party setting! Both the cake and the berries look scrumptious!

    Happy I found your scrumptious!


  44. Thanks for visiting my tea party and leaving a comment and for hosting a lovely tea party. I appreciate you and your blog from a Christian perspective.
    ~ Julie


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.