Monday 21 June 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Welcome Friends to my 22nd Tea Time Tuesday! And welcome Summer; we've waited a long time for you to arrive!

I host a Bible study once a week and I usually bake something special for refreshments which is where I take some of my inspiration from.

Today however, I am sharing a tea I served to a very special couple in my life; my Auntie P and Uncle Doug.

They had come over to the Island to visit with my mother and me and I had prepared a casual tea for them. My Uncle Doug hails from England so he likes to have his tea about three or four o'clock in the afternoon.
For our tea, I decided to mix and match some of my Rose Chintz with a couple of other patterns. All of this pink has cast a pretty pink glow on the table!
My sweet auntie got me started on the Rose Chintz so it was my pleasure to bring them out for the tea. "The mere chink of cups and saucers tunes the mind to happy repose." ~ George Gissing- quote from - The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft The teacups shown are being used in place of dainty teacups because my hubby prefers his tea and coffee in a mug. These teacups are more like a mug on a saucer so Hubby would be more comfortable with those. They do look nice with the Rose Chintz however.
As you can see, I am using an assortment of dishes including a footed cake plate, a platter, and a few small bowls which will all be used to display some accompaniments.

My Rose Chintz pot is ready to serve tea to some very charming company.

Small bowls hold cheese, sweet gherkin pickles, and clotted cream. Just a bit of candlelight lends a sweet ambiance to the tea.

Tasty warm tuna rolls are arranged on the platter. And a lovely Lemon tart is displayed on the footed cake plate.

Summer is here and with the season, my roses are in bloom. I made a bouquet of some of my Therese Bugnet roses and bridal wreath. I just love the fragrance of these roses! Some of them bloom so full, they look almost like peonies. And they are such a decadent colour!

"Friendship happens in that special moment
when someone reaches out to another,
trusts, comforts, believes in another,
and makes a special difference
that no one else can make."

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.
Thank you for coming by for tea today. If you would like to participate in my tea party please let me know in your comment. Just share a teacup, teapot, or china used in a tea. A scripture verse, poem, or quote would be most welcome. Either of the two Tea Time Tuesday buttons near the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your post if you wish. As a courtesy, please link back to me so others may find their way here to visit my other lovely participants.

*** Those with the stars by their names are also hosting a Tea Party.


"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are." What a Friend we have in Jesus!

I am also linking with Marty @ A Stroll Thru Life ~
for her Tabletop Tuesday Party.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. This tea party is full of warmth and love, pretty pink, and the food sounds delicious. Did you say you live on an island? How romantic.

  2. Hi Sandi
    I always love tea at your cottage, your table is so pretty and we're left with a thought provoking quote.
    Happy summer to you out on the island!

  3. Sandi,
    You can add my tea. I was going to tell you to last Thursday but, I thought it was too early. And then I forgot to tell you till now. Thank you for hosting. Your tea is so pretty.


  4. Hi Sandi,
    Everything looks so pretty! What gorgeous pieces you've collected...I love how they all fit together beautifully! Thanks for sharing.
    Ms. Sharlotte's...Southern Reflections

  5. How very lovely. Thanks for sharing this beautiful event. I am very sure your Aunt and Uncle enjoyed it immensely.

    Becky K.

  6. Hello, dear friend,
    Your tea table is lovely, as it always is. I am sure your aunt and uncle had a marvelous time with you. I love your rose chintz and all of your wonderful accessories. The food looks delicious!! I am joining you today for the tea party. I e-mailed you this afternoon to let you know I was participating. I am sorry for the late notice. Have a terrific week, Sandi~ Love and blessings always~ Vicki

  7. Hi Sandi,
    Happy summer to you! Your tea looks wonderful, I love all the pink:-) and of course your gorgeous roses:-)
    Thanks so much for being our hostess! Please add me to your list, thanks in advance!

  8. I love the mix of all of the pink. Just lovely.

    Please include me in the party!

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Hi Sandi :) What a lovely tablescape you have set before us :) Pretty teacups, delicious food...I'm coming over :)

    Happy Teacup Tuesday!

    Warmest, Brenda

  10. Just dropping by to thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support.

  11. Hi Sandi! How special they must have felt! Such a beautiful table, yummy food and drink. It doesn't get much better than that!

    Just a quick reminder ~ the WEDDING BLOG PARTY is coming up this Friday, June 25th! Hope to see you there! It just wouldn't be a party without you! :0)

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  12. I love all the pinks - what a beautiful set of teacups and 'afternoon' tea looks delicious, take care Judith

  13. Hello Sandi! I am so happy that I have posted a tea time post today! I have been so busy these last few weeks I haven't had time to post on Tuesdays. If you could link me up with your tea party I would be so grateful.

    Thanks for having me and thanks also for telling me all about your special time with your family.

    Best wishes,

  14. Hi Sandi, I'm back for a Tuesday cuppa again. Hope you have room for me!!

  15. Sandi, I have your name on my blog with a WINE tasting post...then, when I came over, I re-read your rules and see that I must have something connected with a tea. Sooo, I'll not link up with you this week. Maybe next time...:)

    Your table and food look just wonderful. What pretty dishes you are showing...
    xo bj

  16. Sandi:
    I remember that tea and used your recipe to serve some of my own company later. They were a hit then too....but my decor did not match your's. You have such lovely taste in making something appear delicious and it turns out every time.
    A nice post today....Love you...... Auntie & Uncle Dee

  17. You have set a really beautiful and delicious tea! And I really do love your china....I have them too!
    Thank you so much for sharing your tea with us today.

  18. Hi Sandi,
    I am sure your aunt really enjoyed her tea time with you.I love mixing and matching china too.
    Today,I am joining you for tea as well.

    Enjoy your day!

  19. Oh I'd LOVE to sit and have tea with you! How lovely everything is. I love the flowers and all the pink. Have a wonderful day! HUGS, Debbie

  20. Oh Sandi...
    I am coming right over! We are indeed kindred spirits, with our LOVE of Rose Chintz and I see you also share another love, books from Francine too! I think I have almost read everything she has written!

    I certainly wish we Americans had such a nice afternoon tradition as tea. Its such an inviting, warm time!

    Happy Tea!

  21. So nice to share a tea with special family. You must have all had a great visit, chatting and giggling and reminising.
    They would feel very special sitting down to such a beautiful tea.
    I love your quotes!
    Have a blessed week.


  22. Oh what a lovely teascape. I love the mix of dishes, they are all so pretty. The lace tablecloth and flowers are gorgeous. Love the tuna and tart treats. Perfect. I know your Aunt and Uncle were so honored. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  23. Please pack up the tart and send it over! Lovely! Have a wonderful day!

  24. Hi Sandi! My gosh, your table is as lovely as ever, and the tuna rolls and lemon tart look scrumptious! Thank you for tea, and thank you for hosting today! I have posted my tea party here:

    Enjoy your day, and have a wonderful week! ((hugs)) ~tina

  25. Sandi,
    I just love how you mixed the patterns of china to day!!
    And I can totally understand using the mug like cups for your hubby. My Hubby would have a hard time using a dainty tea cup too!!
    Such a beautiful and summer like teascape today!! And those tuns rolls look so yummy!!
    Thanks for hosting this great party!!

  26. Dear Sandi, I was swooning at your table setting and delicious looking foods! I love those cups and rose chintz. It would be the same in my house, serving in a less dainty cup.
    I love how you matched up everything. I didn't become a "love pink" girl until I was older. Now I swoon over pretty pinks. Have a wonderful week~ Theresa

  27. Hello Sandi- Your tablescape is lovely and you Roses are amazing. Everything looks so warm and soothing. I looked at your Saturday post as well, and I truly love your teapot. It has a peaceful feeling to it and I love hydrangeas. Take care.

  28. What a lovely place for tea. I'd be honored to join you. I love all of your pink transferware pieces. Thanks for sharing.

  29. I love your tea parties! And I would love to participate. Please add my tea party to the others! And please come on over to check out the wild tea party I walked in on this morning in my garden. :)

  30. Just beautiful! I like the various pattern mixtures! The food looks yummy as well!


  31. Hi: As always, your tea mugs and table are beautiful. I think I love every thing you do. It is so nice how you almost feel like you know a person just by reading a blog. That is how I feel about you, a sister in the Lord. Blessings, Martha

  32. Oops! Sandi, I forgot to include a Scripture when I posted my Tea Time Tuesday this morning ... I've added one in there now that I think goes well with my jolly little frogs. Prov. 17:22 "A merry heart does good like a medicine." :)

  33. Oh that looks so delightful!! I like huge cups myself, but I have all sorts of tea cups. I like the feel you get of drinking out of different kinds! That lemon tart looks grand!Did you make it yourself?

  34. Oh how I look forward to Tuesday. Tea with you was wonderful. Those rolls looked in particular very good. You are such a sweet woman with wonderful thoughts! Thanks for being you.

    Hugs and blessings,

  35. Hi Sandi
    I have to say you set a wonderful table, I can almost smell the aroma of the warm tea! Thanks for the beautiful post and have a great evening!
    Tina xo

  36. I would love to participate in the tea party. Chintz and lace are my favorites. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing and hosting Tea Time Tuesday.

  37. Sandi, It all looks so beautiful. I love tea for two or is so intimate and the sharing is always special.

  38. Very beautiful...and with a heart for your guests (mug instead of dainty teacup since that is his preference).

    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  39. Everything about tea at your place is just lovely. You're right, the cups and saucers you pictured are great with the chintz.

    What are you studying in your Bible Study? I think having tea during the study you host is a most wonderful way to share the Word.

  40. Hi Sandi,
    What a wonderful tea you set for your aunt and uncle. The tuna rolls look so yummy. I have some "masculine" teacups for my hubby too. LOL. Thanks for linking me up. I fixed the link back to your blog too. Sorry about that. Must be a hazard of late-night blogging!

  41. Hi sandy. I would love to join in for tea cup tues. Next tues. I just love this idea as I love tea cups. You blog is beautiful.
    God Bless! Sharon
    Now do I leave you a comment with my url every tues? Sorry not sure.

  42. J'adore les buveuses de thé dont je fais partie. Le partage d'une tasse de thé avec une amie, une jolie tasse, un bon thé, fait de temps, un moment très doux et très beau.
    Bon dimanche !

  43. Hi Sandi, I love your teatime Tuesday's. I am having a Mother's Day Tea at my website that runs through May 12th. I hope you can stop by for a visit! I have added your button to my Warm Hear Bears blog. Happy Tuesday!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.