Tuesday 1 June 2010

Welcome To Tea Time Tuesday!

Hello my bloggy friends and welcome to my 19th Tea Time Tuesday!

It is the first of June and soon my roses will be blooming again. I long to smell their heavenly fragrance and feel their velvety petals! These beauties are last year's blooms and I just love the shade of pink. It won't be long now!

So, today I thought I would share this tea-for-one set which reminds me of my roses. I love this set, Coventry Garden by Skye McGhie, which is made of fine porcelain.

I love just about everything made by Skye McGhie! Fortunately, I have three pieces of this Coventry Garden pattern and I hope to pick up a few more. It just speaks of Summer to me. This plate has a beautiful edge on it.

The rectangular plate with its cutout handles is useful for so many things.

Also making an appearance today is my tiered dish filled with petals and the little birdie. The little birdie with his cute cutouts always lends a touch of whimsy to a tea.

I am serving White Chai tea today along with cupcakes and macaroons. I get a lot of use out of these plates because we have Bible study every week here in our home and I tend to use them for that.
The cupcakes look especially pretty on these plates and the footed cake plate as well.

Do you find with so many teas out on the market now, that people like to have their own individual tea? This is one of the reasons why I have collected tea-for-one sets. I have several now and they all come in handy, believe me. My favourites are Green Chai and Earl Grey.

I am thankful for tea and there are so many benefits in the drinking of it. It not only soothes the nerves but is comforting too after a long day.

Studies show that the drinking of tea may help enhance protection against heart attacks, strokes, and other serious illnesses.

Tea, especially green and white tea, is full of antioxidants.

Certain types of tea help in the fight against cancer, raising your metabolism, and better mental alertness.

Yes, tea is good for you, as are roses and pretty teacups! Each one brings such pleasure to one's life.

"For flowers that bloom about our feet;
For tender grass so fresh and sweet;
For song of bird and hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear and see,
Father in Heaven we thank Thee!"

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul."

~ Ballou

"For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude." ~ 1 Timothy 4:4

Thank you for stopping by for tea today. I take great pleasure in hosting Tea Time Tuesday and you all make it such an enjoyable event every week.

Those of you who have stopped by and would like to particpate, please let me know in your comment. Just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or some china used in a tea. A scripture verse, poem, or short story would be most welcome. Either of the two Tea Time buttons at the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your post if you wish. As a courtesy, please link back to me so that others may find their way here to visit my lovely participants. Thank you and have a beautiful day everyone. The Lord bless you!

Happiness is sipping tea with one's friends.


Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Oops! I meant to participate and forgot to tell you. Feel free to add my link. Thank you so much for hosting!
    The Charm of Home

  2. Hello :) Love the pink roses, and the Tea-for-One set is beautiful! Yummy treats too :)

    Happy Teacup Tuesday!

    Warmest, Brenda

  3. ohh Sandi.. that is one lovely setting.. the teaset you used is just stunning.. the roses almost similar to Roy Kirkham teaset.. and the sweet treats.. yummey!

  4. What a beautiful tea set. I never thought about using the tea for ones as individual tea settings...I have several and I will definitely do that soon. Hope you had a blessed weekend. Patty
    Heres my link for your lovely tea party...

  5. Gorgeous tea set! I am dreaming of a tea party with you there! Fun! Those pink roses are perfect and you should have been over to Pink Saturdays. You fit in perfectly. Hugs Anne

  6. I just love this set. Each week they get prettier and prettier. Thank you for letting me be a part of your party. Blessings, Martha

  7. Hi: Your tea cups are beautiful, as usual. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  8. O, I forgot to tell you that i would be having tea at Sweet Nothings...and then I had to leave and go see a grand playing basketball...I came right over here when we got back but I see you kindly linked me. Thanks so much, dear heart.

    Your tea set just takes my breath away...so so pretty. And the cupcakes are lovely, too. Beautiful tea...thank you!!
    xo bj

  9. Oh Sandi!

    This is so pretty! I just adore this teapot/cup and plate set. And the other pretty pieces you ae showing make this little tea party is sweet and delicate looking. Lovely tea party today!

  10. The roses on your tea for one set are beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing,


  11. Hi Sandi!
    What a lovely set that is! Such a pretty rose and round shape! Darling!
    And no teaparty would ever be complete without a sweetie tweetie :-)
    Thanks for sharing your treasures today!


  12. Oh Sandi, I forgot to tell you that I am in your TT Tuesday. :-) my just did my post :D

  13. Beautiful set and the roses really speak of summer.

  14. I need a lesson. I'd like to participate, but I'm missing the sign up. If I can, I'd like to join:


    - The Tablescaper

  15. I almost shared my tea for one today too. It has the same rose on it and I just love it! Beautiful set. You will be seeing mine soon :-) Connie

  16. Sandi, Love the pattern on the teapot for one and the round plate and rectangular serving tray. Very pretty! You really have a lot of pink, Sandi! Your pink roses are gorgeous too and I know you can hardly wait to see them bloom again. Tea is indeed a healthy drink. I drink tea more days than coffee now. Have a blessed week!

  17. Miss Sandi!!!

    That is a stunning tea for one set!!!

    Loving those sweet roses on it!! And the matching tray!!

    So very pretty!!


  18. Time slipped by again this week, but will certainly try to join you next week! What is the name of your pink rose? I'd love to see if I can find one for my memory garden for Wally.

    Everything you are sharing today fills my soul. Your thoughts are always just what my heart needs to express. Blessings to you and your family. ♥♫

  19. What a beautiful set of porcelain you have! Your yummy treats make my mouth water! :) Thank you for sharing!

  20. What a beautiful presentation - Lovely!

  21. Hi Sandi,
    What a lovely tea set for one I don't have any teas for one but I am reaaly enjoying seeing your! I thinkk the matching tray is a fabulous idea!
    Thanks so much for visitng me and your so kind words!
    I have linked to your party (better late than never). If you can put me on the list thank you, and if not I will do better next week:-)
    Have a Great Day!

  22. How pretty they all look together! Especially the tray too!!
    Of course, one must have cupcakes with tea! ;-)

  23. Gorgeous teaset! All your china here is beautiful. Good point about everyone wanting a different tea. That is a great reason to have tea for one sets.

  24. Sandi, it really brings pleasure to my life when I see your pretty china. This teaset is absolutely stunning. I love the botanical drawing of the rose on it, reminds me to Redouté. And this yummy looking macarons and cupcakes!
    I am waiting for the rose blossoms, too. The weather was cold and nasty and now it starts to become warmer.
    I wish you a nice week and Good bless you, too. Greetings, Johanna

  25. Such a lovely table setting. I do love the teapot cups. Nice to see a tray with it~ Yummy cupcakes!
    All my best, Theresa

  26. Thanks so much for adding me to the list!

    Your tea set is perfect with your roses. Roses do make June so special.

    Hope you'll join me June 2nd in my meme, "Where do you keep it all?" as I'm sure we'd all love to know where you keep all of your precious tea things!

    - The Tablescaper

  27. Thank you for hostessing. Love the quotes! God is an awesome creator.
    So much to be thankful for.
    I would love to participate!!

    Pam @ Breath of Fresh Air- Paper Butterfly.blogspot.com

  28. Dearest Sandi,

    These pictures are so very lovely as usual!~ I love every darling and exquisite detail!..,

    ..,This has been a blessed, but tiring week;(as a result at leat for th timebeing, I'm getting farther and farther behind with my blogging and memes); yet I am so very joyful and thankful to the Lord and folks are very kind!..,(I feel that by no means is this nessecarily permanent by the grace of God)!..,

    Here is my link @;


    Please add me to your list of partcipants if you are able, and it is hopefully 'better late than never'!..,

    You are also most welcome to join me for 'Tuesday Tea For Two' and 'Wednesday Tea For Me And Thee';(whereas my tea parties are for Tuesday and Wednesday)..,

    Have a marvelous week Sandi!

    Hugs and blessings to you from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen and @ Silken Purse

  29. I just love your pink rose tea for one and matching china. The scalloping on the plate is so dainty and feminine.
    Your cupcakes look yummy and after a day of cleaning and gardening, one of them with a cup of tea would be so nice right now.
    Thanks for hosting tea each week Sandi, it's alway so enjoyable.

  30. Oh my sweetie pie! Your teacup is darling and your post is oh so inspirational. It made my evening thank you.

  31. Hi Sandi,
    I am looking forward to roses too.I really enjoy the green chai and Earl Grey teas too.
    It was a lovely tea today and I hope to join you next week again.

    Enjoy your day!

  32. Your china is beautiful. I'll have to look for Skye McGhie pieces - that rose pattern is lovely.

    I've been a tea enthusiast for over forty years, but it has only been in the last few years that I've really branched out from black tea.

  33. Hello Sandi- This was a lovely post. I'm a bit of a hermit and love the little tray. It's perfect for a tea for one setting, especially if you’re going out to the garden :) Take care.

  34. Oh Sandi, I keep missing Tea Time! Believe me, I miss it! I have even picked up one thing and another, even made a little somethin'... and just can't get to the computer to post it! As always, though, you throw a lovely tea party here, even when it's for one!.. Hope to join in again next week! ((hugs)) ~tina

  35. Sandi darling, you are so sweet and kind my friend, I just looked at your sidebar and saw all those lovely people in desperate need of prayer and right before posting this I stopped and prayed for each and every one, God Bless you Sandi for your kindness which you have so generously showered me with, you are an angel, thank you darling thank you so so much. I promise to be here for tea next week. Miss you terribly.

    Love & hugs

  36. I love your Coventry Garden collection, I also love how you put the flower in your teacup, so sweet! I’m happy you stopped by for a visit and enjoyed my Tabletop Tuesday ~ Mantel Vignette. I love how a few simple changes can make a big impact. I enjoy thinking up new ways to use things I already have in my home to give a different look to a room!

  37. What a pretty tea party! Everything looks so yummy.


  38. Hi Sandi,
    Where did you find the tiered dish with the birds on top? It would go great with my bird teapot.

  39. Sandi such a lovely tea party!I am so pleased that I stopped by today!I adore roses and your pattern on tea set is delicious!So are those adorable cupcakes! I love serving cupcakes and my favorite is to put coconut on top!!..and rose petals too!Thank you for offering these lucious treats for both senses..eyes and taste!
    My teacups are filled too..you must come by and see!hugs anna

  40. Dear Sandi,

    Lovely Skye McGhie Coventry Garden china! Those are the most romantic pictures of a lovely tea for one...

    Thanks for sharing them with your readers!

    Greetings from Georgia/USA


  41. Sandi, I love the post, brings a smile to my face each time I view it! I'm so happy you enjoyed my Show and Tell Friday ~ Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! It really was wonderful designing this table to celebrate "PINK" and all things that remind me of romance! Thank you for visiting and leaving your sweet comment!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.