Monday 3 May 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello bloggy friends and welcome to my 15th Tea Time Tuesday!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! It was a bit damp here last week but the weather has been quite balmy today which we Islanders all welcome. Hubby cut the grass over the weekend which was the first cutting of the year; a little earlier than usual. Ahh, Spring is finally here!
Before I share my tea with you, I would like to let you know that Cielo at The House in the Roses is hosting a Victorian Tea Party on May 10th. You can click here to visit her and find out all the details.

Today I am sharing a tea set which I have had for several years. It is not what I would consider beautiful or elegant but rather cute and casual. It has a springtime look to it with its posies and grapes, and when I'm feeling more casual, this is a good one to use. So, I guess I'm feeling casual today!
I had picked up this pretty little bouquet at the grocery store and it looks quite perky with the tea set, don't you agree? I have some Lemon Loaf to serve with my tea today. Again, nothing fancy, just a simple tea. There are no markings on this tea pot. It is made of Ironstone which makes it quite heavy. I like it just the same; hope you do too!

The little devotional I am sharing with you today is an excerpt from "Our Daily Bread" which was penned by Joe Stowell.

"When it comes to jigsaw puzzles, we all know that to enjoy a satisfying outcome you need all the pieces. In many ways, life is like that. We spend our days putting it together, hoping to create a complete picture out of all the scattered parts.
Yet sometimes it seems like a piece is missing. Perhaps we've been pursuing the wrong pieces to the puzzle.

If something is missing in your life, remember that God is the only One who can fully and abundantly satisfy you. Let Him complete the picture of your life."


Thank you for joining me today for tea. It is always a pleasure to have you stop by. If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday with me, please let me know in your comment.
Just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or china used in a tea. A scripture verse, poem, or short story would also be welcome. Either of the Tea Time buttons at the top of my sidebar are available for you to use for your post if you wish. As a courtesy, please be sure to link back to me so that others may find their way here to visit with everyone. Thank you and enjoy your day.

The participants listed are in the order in which they started to participate.


Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi! I just popped in to say hello and to let you know that I finally published my teatime post! It took ages for me to get organized after my relaxing long weekend. Hope I am not too late to join in.

    I love your pretty tea -time setting too. Nothing like being relaxed and un-rushed when taking tea!

    Best wishes,

  2. Hello sandi! i love your casual set, and will be there for a slice of lemon cake just as soon as I can! We all need a casual relaxing day, don't we...and that set is are the pretty flowers.....
    I just love that grocery stores sell's so convenient isn't it!!!!

    have a great night!
    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  3. Cute and casual - just perfect!

    - The Tablecaper

  4. I love your site and only found it today. I would love to be included in your tea time listings.

  5. Lovely tea set! So nice to relax and renew. Glad you joined in Tea Cup Tuesday, I love visiting you.

  6. Sandi,
    I think your tea set is just the sweetest! Casual is good, it can be used everyday without the fuss. As you can see from my post, my favorite teacup is not my fanciest. I would like to join your tea time Tuesday today. My address is

    Thanks so much for hosting!

  7. Hello Sandi
    I'm joining you for tea this week and think the set you are using is very pretty.
    I didn't do any baking this week so would love a piece of your lemon loaf.

  8. Sandi,
    Very pretty tea set! I emailed you earlier to let you know that i would be participating, did you get the email?

  9. Hi Sandi,
    Your teaset is very pretty and the flowers are too! You always set things up and photograph them in a way that makes for a real visual treat. One more beautiful post. And you're right, put God in the center of things. Thanks for sharing your faith and your heart!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  10. Your tea pot is beautiful. Your posts always brighten my beautiful!

  11. Hi~I'd love to join you for Tea Time Tuesday. Thanks for hosting us again! ♥♫

  12. hi........
    first of all, I want to say that I am greatly impressed by seeing your tea set.Its just mind blowing.And the idea of decorating it with
    and having a flowery environment makes the tea more enjoyable. i also try it for the next time.

  13. Hi Sandi!

    I think this little set is so sweet. We need some just simple a bit more casual and this is a perfect set for that!

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

  14. Hi, Sandi girl..I have my little tea post up...
    Your tea set is so pretty.
    Aren't these teas fun!!
    xo bj

  15. Sandi, I am joining you today.


  16. What a cute little tea set you have. I just love how you have done things.


  17. What a pretty tea set! I enjoy your Tea Time Tuesday posts!

  18. Hi Sandi... my post is up! ;) Would you link me? And I'm so hoping you could show your lovely teacups at our VICTORIAN TEA Party.... ;)

    Have a great day


  19. i'll have some green tea with *fake* sugar please. :) the fresh flowers are soooooooo beautiful.

  20. I enjoyed my visit here! Have a great Tuesday!

  21. Hi Sandi,
    Your teapot is cute and casual is good too!
    I am late again but I did get my act together in time to join in!

    Thanks for hosting,

  22. Hi Sandi! Love your pretty tea set! Sometimes casual can be a very pleasant change!! Lemon cake looks delicious!.. I have posted today, late as usual. Nights are just too hard for a very tired me to post, so mornings seem best! Here is mine..

    Thank you Sandi! ((hugs)) ~tina

  23. Thanks so much Sandi for hosting this sweet event! I am going to try and visit everyone this week...didn't get to a many as I'd have liked.

    Your set is just so sweet...and very similar to what I displayed color wise! Casual is okay by me!


  24. Hi! My post is finally up today... would you be able to link me to your party? I've got your information, link and logo on my post. Featuring Wedgwood china today.
    Best wishes, Cass

  25. Hi Sandi, I love the floral design of your tea dainty and feminine! I'd love to join in the party:

  26. Hi Sandi: Yes I want to play please add me. I would like to do it every week. Your tea set is beautiful. Thanks for doing this. Blessings, Martha

  27. Hi Sandi, I love your set! I am the casual kind. I love looking at the pretty and fancy but using sets like yours! I love your post today and the lovely flowers~ yeah to spring time! All my best, Theresa
    Msartist Sew Crafty~

  28. Oh so pretty .... I just love teacups and teapots...your blog is so pretty. Please stop by this week and say hi!

  29. Hi Sandi,

    I've added your link to my tea post. Thanks for hosting and letting me link up.

    I know I've said it before but your header is just so pretty and it looks great with your blog background!

    Kind wishes,


  30. I'd love to participate in your tea party. Please let me know the details.

    - The Tablescaper

  31. LOVE, Joe Stowell.
    Used to go to Moody founders week in Chicago...when Joe was at Moody.
    Now he's even closer to us in Grand Rapids at Cornerstone College!!!!
    Your Lemon loaf looks yum!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  32. Hi Sandi,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. You are always so sweet. I love coming over here too, but I haven't been able to get around to see everyone as much as I'd like.
    I really love your tea set, it's so sweet. Your teatime party is very popular here in blogland, maybe I need to get in on the action.


  33. Hello Sandi! Greetings from Finland!
    Just yesterday I spend evening in my parish of Nokia (town and.. yes- mobile phones have originally got name by our town but business has spread all over the world as u know).. we had an evening of praying and listening bible teaching... friends there did pray for me cause I have a very difficult situation in my life at the moment.. and then I got this word "Lord is makeing somethinng new in my life etc" . This blogging is new for me and today is the first time I found a blog where was all those lovely persons I may pray for. Lets spread this praying chain over the net and wait for Jesus's miracles :o)

    Btw Love your tea cups and your blog is very beautiful and inspirational.
    God bless You and your family and home !


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.