Thursday 15 April 2010

Pearls and Lace Thursday

Hello friends! Do you love pearls and lace? Well, if you do, I invite you to join Doni at Faith, Grace, and Crafts for her Pearls and Lace Thursday party.

I love pearls and lace myself. There is something romantic yet mysterious about them. They are such a lovely combination and give a lady such a feminine appearance when she wears them, and yet there is the aura of mystery attached to them too.

Today I'm sharing my crocheted doilies which my Aunt Ethel made for me years ago. She has since gone to be with the Lord, but I am thankful to have these elegant beauties around my home which always remind me of her.
Aunt Ethel was my Daddy's oldest sister. She was from another time; a time when life was simpler. She was part of that generation where everything or almost everything, was made by hand, whether it was clothing, jams and jellies, or pretties for the home.

A lovely doilie on the coffee table, under a lamp, or just by itself can stand the test of time. They lend a touch of yesteryear and they whisk me back to a time when ladies walked in high buttoned boots and wore long frocks. A time when ladies carried parasols as they walked through the garden and they always carried a lacy handkerchief.
A lady never knew when she might behold the sight of a new born baby or attend a wedding where the tears flowed freely.

It was a romantic time, when ladies were ladies. This is what doilies and lace in general remind me of.

Today, we the romantic at heart, still use doilies to soften a shelf in a china cabinet or use them in other ways to bring a bit of romance to a vignette. Some of the younger generation may think of them as being too grannyish, but I tend to disagree!
Pearls and lace? They lend a certain femininity which has much more character than the hard modern lines of a naked shelf!
Pearls and lace; feminine and timeless!

Please take some time to visit Doni and her Pearls and Lace Thursday party. Sit yourself down with a hot cup of tea and wander back through the years and visit a more romantic time.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Sandi,
    this is a beautiful post.


  3. Sandi, thank you so much for joining me for Pearls and Lace Thursday!! Your post is wonderful!! I especially think the light shining through your crystal candle holders is lovely with the doily your Aunt Ethel made under well as the Bible with the lace and pearls...I can just see a young woman dressing for the day with her Bible open so she can read it just before walking out the door with her pretty handkerchief tucked in her sleeve and her pearls around her lace bedecked neck. I love the thoughts your post conjured up in my head as I read it. You did a lovely job! Have a wonderful day,

  4. Sandi,

    What a beautiful post. Your story and photos are lovely. Don't you wish we lived in an earlier time? I now I do.

    xo Cathy

  5. Sandi, your thoughts about lace and romantic are so true. I love your photos with the doilies.
    Greetings, Johanna.

  6. OH Sandi I LOVED this...Soo pretty. I have always loved the lacy dollies too and have SEVERAL all over my house. My kids DO say they are kind of grannyish, but I know they secretly like them too, haha. Anyway, yours are soo pretty. Have a good day...HUGS

  7. Such beautiful crochet work! I wish I had the patience to learn to crochet that well.

  8. I love the luster of pearls and the airy loveliness of lace, too! And even at 5j0 I miss my Granny, so anything "grannyish" is fine with me!

  9. Pearls and lace always remind me of romance and beauty. I love a little doilie placed in a precious teacup and pearls on the saucer...your photo is so lovely.

    Your post makes me smile.


  10. Oh you have my heart! I love all things rosy, lacy and pretty! What a breathtakingly beautiful blog! Thank you for stopping by mine!

  11. I shall indeed visit Pearls and Lace Thursday. What a wonderful romantic you are. And how delicate the doily your aunt Ethel made. A treasure for sure.
    I thank you sincerely for posting my Mrs.T.Bagg "Heel of Approval" badge on your sidebar. You flatter me!
    Have a blessed evening... Rose

  12. Hi Sandi,
    Nice post! I love lace and pearls-the lace doily your aunt make is a lovely keepsake.
    Take care,

  13. Thank you for your sweet comment. I too love pearls and lace. My husband gave me a beautiful strand of pearls for our anniversary one year. I don't have many doilies, but they are beautiful.

  14. Hello Sandi
    Your photos are so pretty,the lace in the fancy tea cup looks like...whipping cream!Just lovely.
    I am back to blogging,after being away for awhile.
    Blessings to you.

  15. Hi Sandi,

    Thanks for joining my blog. I just love the doilies. I can't crochet them, but whenever I find one I ususally end up buying one. You are so lucky to have them and the memories that go with them.


  16. Thank you for posting such a beautiful message and pics. You are a beautiful sister in the Lord.

  17. Sandi,
    This is so sweet and beautiful.
    Handmade lace is the best.

    Becky K.

  18. Sandi,
    Such a beautiful post. God Bless.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.