Thursday 22 April 2010

Beth's Giveaway

Hello friends~ My friend Beth over at Food As Art is having a wonderful Giveaway. She has given some interesting history on Johnson Bros., the makers of many extraordinary pieces of transferware, including my beloved Rose Chintz.

She is giving away this beautiful Old British Castles platter. If you would like to be the winner of this fabulous platter then go see Beth and put your name in the hat. Just click on the link:

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Going to run over andput my name on the list. Love old platters and the olor is great. Thanks for the tip.

  2. Hi Sandi,
    I think I could find a spot for that pretty platter but I don't think I have ever won anything in my life!
    Sorry I can't help with Mr.Linky as I struggle with computer tec stuff too.

  3. Thanks for sharing this Sandi;I signed up immediately!

    I do hope you've been able to set up a Mr.Linky or a Mr. McLinky account!.., Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you..,

    I appolgize that my notes as of late are so very, very lengthy!

    However, I so hope that you also realize dearest Sandi that although I did get carried away unintentionally my dear lady, I was seeking fully empathise, while endeavoring to be so careful!..,

    I do apologise, as my writing was not in any way meant to be in judgement, and most certainly not meant to be self pitying either Sandi!..,

    By frequently punctuating my sincere comments regarding your 'Tea Time Tuesday' connundrum of sorts, with endeavoring to oh so sincerely mention and remention that I do not blame anyone; things are not intentional..,

    As mentioned,I wanted to empathise, as the post was and is about helping you after all and nothing else as per you request for suggestions as to how to best proceed!!

    I find that putting myself out there, so to speak, in 'blogland', especially with a blog party meme can be in away 'humbling' at times! Yet I also deeply feel that humility softens me and causes towards my fellow bloggers, when they are struggling, to feel compassionate by the grace of God, towards all of of us!

    My dearly departed daddy Sandi, who was a wise man and a pastor of many years, and whom loved the Lord dearly with all of his dear,tender heart would often say:

    ..,(Especially when something is 'written' Sandi,as opposed to being 'spoken' and in person face to face):..,

    ..,"Whereas people cannot possibly truly know someone or their heart until they have known them over a long period of time, and under a variety of circumstances,therefore even the kindest hearted folks cannot be fully expected to neccesarily accurately assertain for thet very reason,the 'tone' or 'heart attitude' from which something is written"..,

    He would finish by admonishing to my two sisters and I; so my daughters, take heed and take care when you write something that for that reason it may perhaps not fully be understood as to how you meant it 'from your heart'!!..,

    Thanks so much for your tremendous patience dear Sandi!

    I promise, (although you do not know me of course); although 'long winded' yes; these two last comments, I solumnly promise are the absolute longest you will likely ever recieve from me,( or likely any another fellow blogger for that matter Sandi! Here's to hoping!!.., He he..,

    Sincerely from the heart of Wanda Lee

  4. Hi Sandi! Oh, thank you for the giveaway hint. I'll go over. I have some of this Johnson Brothers dishes and always need more! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. That plate is beautiful

    Hugs RosieP x

  6. Thanks for telling us. I love transferware, but have not had a chance in getting any. Maybe I can win my first one. Who knows.


  7. How wonderful ~ and how nice of you to share with us all!

  8. This platter is stunning!
    As anything British:)


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.