Tuesday 2 March 2010

A Romantic Tea Time Tuesday

Good morning bloggy friends and welcome to Tea Time Tuesday! I am glad you have stopped by because I have a special tea to share with you.

Today it is all about romance and nothing says romance like candlelight, lace, and toile, wouldn't you agree?

I am sharing my red transferware tea set with you today.
I love this set because its pattern evokes such romance. I can envision myself in a little English country garden, surrounded by shrubs and the scent of sweet flowers, sipping tea with my beloved or a dear friend. All is well with the world!

I have decided to use my mugs today instead of teacups, I hope you don't mind. Little birdie is joining us again today!The tea set is made of fine porcelain and the pattern is called Florence by Skye McGhie. Now, one cannot have tea without a sweet, can one? Would you care for a piece of Lemon Tart to accompany your tea? The lemon tart is served with a dollop of clotted cream on the dessert plates from my very first set of dishes.
Now, as some of you are aware, I do enjoy a good story. I especially like a good love story and today I have a real love story to share with you. So grab your tea and settle in while I regale you with this lovely story of romance.
Once upon a time, in 1960, two very handsome young people who lived in the same neighborhood, fell in love with one another. Some thought he resembled a young Richard Chamberlain of the popular 1960's TV series, Dr. Kildare!

They went together all through High School and they were so in love, they were inseparable! They accompanied one another everywhere, from babysitting little relatives to their senior proms, and one would have thought that they would be together forever.
Sadly, even though they were still very much in love, they broke up after graduation. He spent some time studying in his home town but later went on to study in another part of the country.

It was difficult to keep a long distance romance going in those days.
She studied and went on to become a school teacher in Canada while he earned his degree and settled in the southern US.

By and by, they each married other people and had families.

But he once confided in me that he had never stopped loving his first love!

Many years passed, and following the death of her husband in 2004, the lady and her first love were reunited once again. By this time, he was living in Oklahoma and had become a very successful business man. She, on the other hand, was retired from teaching, and was living in her home town in New Brunswick, Canada.

Upon meeting again, their love was rekindled, and it was as though they had never been apart! For three and a half years, they traveled every month between the US and Canada to be together. They discovered that they simply couldn't live without the other, so they got married.

On July 18, 2007, they travelled to Carmel, California to a beautiful seaside resort, where they pledged themselves to one another forever.

Aren't they a handsome couple? They are very young at heart and they both take really good care of themselves.
A couple of wedding pictures taken at the resort in California. Among the many places to which they have travelled was Paris, the city of love. They are making up for lost time!So, who is this lovely couple I am talking about, you may be wondering?

This happy couple is none other than my beloved Uncle Allan who is my mother's baby brother, her only brother, and the love of his life, Judy, who is now my aunt.

The road has been long, forty-seven years since they were teenage sweethearts. There were years of happiness and heartache, successes and failures.

After spending so many years apart, married to other people, true love has found a way to bring them back together again. It is as it ought to be!

They finally get to spend the rest of their lives together as man and wife! And their family couldn't be happier for them!
They still own two homes; one in Canada and they have bought a home together in Oklahoma.

My friends, true love stories never have endings, and I so love a happy ending, don't you?

"And now these three remain: faith, hope, love. But the greatest of these is love."
- 1 Corinthians 13:13

Thank you for stopping by for Tea Time today. If you would like to join me for Tea Time Tuesday, showcasing a favourite teacup, tea pot, or china mug, and a story or scripture verse, please let me know in your comment and I will gladly add your link to this post.

May you each have a beautiful day, filled with love and wonderful memories that last a lifetime! God bless you!
My lovely participants:

Heather- http://thewattsfamilyhomeschool.blogspot.com/

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. What a beautiful love story! Gorgeous photos of the happy couple too - thank you for sharing the story and the pictures.
    I love your tea setting, Sandi! The transferware tea set by glowing candlelight is GORGEOUS!!! And the lemon tart looks fantastic! I'll bet your beloved looks forward to you cooking something pretty to post on your blog, because then he gets to eat it! lol Great tea, Sandi. Thanks for letting me participate.

  2. Hi Sandi
    I will join you in an English garden for tea any time - beatiful tea you served today.
    I am not participating for a couple of weeks as hubby & I have travelled to Florida with our youngest daughter, husband & kids.
    Loved the story about your uncle & his true love Judy; nice of you to share it along with their photos.
    Have a great week.

  3. sandi, pour me another cuppa and find me a linen hanky, dear. I'm cryin' me eyes out, I am.

    what a beautiful love story.

  4. Beautiful Post Sandi and your Tea set is absolutely stunning. My husband and I are highschool sweet hearts and we too had the Canada & USA thing going on... we married not long after graduation and this month we will be blessed to celebrate 15 years. We will be joining you today for Tea and have very much enjoyed your post ~Blessings Love Heather

  5. That is one of the most beautiful love stories ever. Loved it.

    Your tea set is so beautiful...so glad you invited me over. I wouldn't have wanted to miss it at all. And the sweet looks wonderful!

  6. and the candle makes it perfect!!! happy day!

  7. Your red transferware tea set is beautiful. I love the cutouts on the matching mugs. The lemon tart looks yummy - always great with a nice cup of tea.

    That is a wonderful love story and your Uncle Allan and his wife Judy certainly are an attractive couple.

    Your blog is lovely and I'm looking forward to reading some of your older posts. Thanks for visiting me at Tea and Talk.

  8. Hi there! What a fabulous love story ~ I think only the Lord could have arranged this! Definitely seems like a God - thang to me. It's wonderful that they are making up for lost tme.

    I adore red transferware - and yours is really special! The mugs are beautiful too with their pierced pedastal bottoms. Thanks for showing us...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  9. What a lovely tea set and the mugs are so dainty. And a happy ever after to go with it. What more could one ask for. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Dear Sandi,
    so gld I could stop by and enjoy your tea time tuesday post.
    I adore red transferware and your teaset is indeed gorgeous. That teapot is unique and so are the mugs. I have a couple of tea trios and a creamer but could never set my lil greedy hands on a teapot.
    I'm a wee bit green with envy, hope you'll forgive me for that LOL
    and thank you for sharing your uncle's love story: so beautiful.
    Visiting you blog is never disappointing my dear.

  11. Sandi darling what a lovely tea set, I am so in love with it. The set resembles a set used on a British TV series called "As Time Goes By". Each week, I watched it just so I can get a glance of the tea set. The tea set used in the series was blue, however, I like yours much better.

    The love story you shared is so unique and guess what, it is the story of the couple in the same TV series. Same exact story and ending. If available in the US, rent it and watch it, it is hilarious and addictive.

    Love & Hugs

  12. Sandi,thank you so much for the birthday wishes!
    You are so sweet!

    I am sitting here with my 3 yo granddaughter enjoying tea with you.
    I loooooooooove you red transferware tea set! She loves your lil birdie! :-)
    We both enjoyed the lemon tart! Yummy!

    Hugz, Dolly & Miss Emma

  13. Hi Sandi,
    We have the same lovely teaset! i forgot to tell you that the tea for one set you liked i got in N.S. but I think they had it at Lillibets too.
    That is a lovely romantic story you shared.
    Take care,

  14. What a wonderful love story. And a beautiful tea set. It is beautiful! Hope your week is going wonderfully!!

  15. Sandi darling, I popped in to personally thank you for the sweet birthday wishes you left for Christopher. We are both ever so grateful for you kindness.

    Love & Hugs

  16. your transferware is beautiful !
    what a tea treasure to keep and use!

  17. What a lovely story!! Please pass me another cup of tea.

  18. Beautiful teaset, and an even more beautiful story! I just love love stories with happy endings!! Such an adoring and lovely couple!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  19. Hi My Sweet Sandi, what can I say...that was so beautiful..thank you so much for sharing this heartfelt story. Don't you just love, love and romance..how I can't wait until the Good Lord brings my prince...sighs dreamily..hehe..thank you so much for visiting with me and as always leaving such a lovely and encouraging comment. I so enjoyed your post, thank you ever so much, you're such a blessing, Sandi :)
    Have a super wonderful weekend!!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.