Wednesday 24 February 2010

Kathy's Having a Giveaway and Congratulations to Our Olympic Winners!

Good morning bloggy friends! I have been doing some blog hopping this morning and I came across Kathy's beautiful blog, "Sweetup-North Mornings" She is having a Giveaway and it is darling; a bird nest towel holder. I hope you will go check it out. Her blog is sure to lift your heart and who knows, maybe you'll be the winner!

And speaking of winners........
I have never been much of a sports enthusiast, I do however enjoy watching the figure skating. After having been to Vancouver in January to visit my son and his family, I have been watching the 2010 Olympics. I enjoy seeing all the beautiful scenery of the place we visited just a month ago.
I have also been routing for our very own Canadian figure skating team from Ontario; Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir!

Well, Monday night, they won the gold after a flawless skate!
I am so excited because they are the first figure skating couple in Canada to win the gold and also the youngest couple in North America to win! We are so proud of them!

Congratulations Tessa and Scott!
Congratulations are also going out to their best friends and training partners from the US, Meryl Davis and Charlie White, who won the silver medal!

Both teams have the same coaches and both teams were amazing on Monday evening! I'm so glad they were happy for another too; shows true comradeship!

Have a beautiful day everyone!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. The ice skating has always been my favorite part of the Olympics. Last night the Canadian girl who's mother passed away suddenly was absolutely fantastic! She really skated her heart out! I am already a follower of Kathy's ....she has a great blog!Have a wonderful day!~Patti

  2. Love ice skating, too. The snowboarding was pretty cool.

    Hope you are having an awesome day.
    Hugs, andrea

  3. Ice skating is always favorite of mine to watch. Glad you were able to go visit your son and family. I will go over and check out Kathy's blog. Stella

  4. Oh I love the figure skating too...and that was a well deserved win...they were just beautiful together.
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane
    P.S. Thanks for stopping by today.

  5. I think I miss TV only when the Olypmics are on! The skating is so pretty, and the ice dancing too...congrats to the Gold Medalists!!!

  6. They deserved to win. Ice skating is fun to watch.

  7. Hi Sandi...

    Ohhh...I love to watch ice skating and can't believe that I missed it on the winter olympics! Sheesh!

    Well my dear lady, I just wanted you to know that I just came from visiting your sweet Tuesday Tea! Oooh..I do love your beautiful pink rose very sweet and romantic!!! They are just perfect for setting a pretty tea! I must say your homemade biscuits and strawberry jam looks divine!!! Aren't you the sweetest for preparing such a lovely tea for us...thank you, dear lady!!!

    I also wanted to thank you for coming by and taking a peek at my Tea Luncheon and for leaving me such a sweet note!!! I loved our visit, Darlin'!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  8. Hi Sandi, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Thank you also on your prayers for my son. I love your post here. I love to watch ice skating. Your pink post was adorable this week! I also loved your tea and red post.
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  9. We have an award for you over at our blog ~Blessings Love Heather

  10. Hi, Sandi,
    Yes, congratulations to the Canadian skaters who won gold and to all the athletes all over the world!! I absolutely love watching the Olympic Games. I have watched every night for close to two weeks now and have enjoyed it throughly! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Vicki

  11. I hate to say it but I haven't seen any of it. But I've heard all the hoop-la!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Beautiful pictures! Ice skating is so elegant.

  13. How great to have found your site! I have been truly blessed and very much inspired by your blog. Oh, a true love story! a wonderful cup of tea in a beautiful cup! I have just had a wonderful half hour with you and thank you for making me feel so welcome! and you have a wonderful rest of the evening and God Bless!

    Pink Hugs,


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.