Thursday 28 January 2010

An Update on My Brother and A Fracture!

Good evening everyone~ some of you have inquired as to the well being of my little brother who suffered a heart attack two weeks ago. He had triple bi-pass surgery and then they sent him home on Tuesday. He is doing well I'm told. Dennis lives in Indiana and I'm in Eastern Canada so I can't go see him. Thank you everyone for your prayers for him. I'm sure it has made such a difference.

As for me, seems I have fractured a rib and I've been rather uncomfortable for a couple of weeks! Sneezing really hurts! The doctor says it could take up to twelve weeks to heal so I will be trying to take it easy, although that's not going to be easy! It's very difficult for me to just sit still for very long. Thank goodness I can blog because that seems to take my mind off things.

Hope you're all enjoying a good night.

Sharing from my heart~Sandi


  1. Wow never a dull moment at your house! I am glad our brother is doing well! I hope you can get yourself to be still so you can heal! So sorry! I do hope you don't get a cold!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. So glad to hear your brother is on the way to recovery.. Ouch. broken ribs do hurt Like you say at least you can browse through the many blogs and catch up

  3. Praising GOD your brother is doing well and praying you feel much better, soon.

  4. Broken ribs can be very painful. Perfect time for you to blog, read, and chat on the phone. The time will go quicker than you think. I will pray you heal quickly and with little pain. Praise God your brother is doing well. Blessings to you, Debbie

  5. Sandi.....Good news about your brother! As for you, try and take it easy and I hope you are feeling better soon!~Patti

  6. Broken ribs are very painful! Hang in there though, and have a blessed week!

  7. Hi Sandi,
    Sorry to hear that you fractured a rib-sounds painful.
    Glad Dennis is coming along nicely.
    Take care,

  8. Hi, Sandi,
    I am glad your brother is doing well. I am sorry to hear of your fractured rib. I am sure this must be very painful. I, like you, would have a hard time staying still. How wonderful that you can still blog. Thank you so much for stopping by and helping me celebrate my birthday!! Continue to get well! Vicki

  9. Oh I am sorry to hear this I have broken things before and my father in one of our car accidents broke his rib I remember how sore he was. Praying you heal swiftly that the pain is bearable and that you will be comfortable while it is healing. Glad to hear your brother is doing well Praying the Lord will continue to heal him also straight to full recovery ~Blessings Love Heather

  10. Hi Sis, I'm sorry to hear about your brother, I too will be praying for a full recovery and healing for you both. I have had a hard time keeping up with my visits as well due to a very bad sinus infection, especially when I hav to look down to type. Have blessed day and know that you have been on my mind.

    Luv ya Lorie

  11. So gladyour brotheris doing well. sorry to hear about your rib. Praying you heal very quickly!

  12. Sandi,

    That's good news that your brother is doing well :) Oh you poor thing I hope yu arent in too much pain and you get well soon :)

    All things nice...

  13. Oh, Sandi... I hope you feel much better soon. And I hope your brother improves with each day's passing. Sending love your way...



  14. Ouch! So sorry about your rib! I'm sure it hurts to sneeze, cough or laugh! I'm glad to hear your brother is recovering. Take care,


  15. Sandi - Glad your brother is doing better.

    Broken ribs are the worse. It only hurts when you breathe, Uggg!

  16. That is good news that your brother is recovering well.

    Rib fractures are so very painful, I understand, and there isn't a darn thing to do for them but wait! Ow!

  17. OUCH, Sandi! Both you and your brother are having rough times.

  18. Sandi,
    I am so glad to hear that your brother is doing well BUT, I am so sorry to hear that YOU have a broken rib! How painful that must be! If you can, just stay at your computer (in a comfortable position!) and just blog away the time! Hope you feel better real soon.



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.