Saturday 23 January 2010

Pink Saturday


Good morning my sweet pinkie friends. I am home from my trip out west and I'm eager to share some pink with you!
The day we left for Vancouver, it was my birthday so I received some gifts before we left. I shared some in an earlier post this past week, but this one's about all the pink!
Just before Hubby and I left on our trip, this parcel arrived in the mail....full of pinkness. Pink tissue paper, and lots of pink, white, and silver crimped paper.

Let's take a peek inside shall we ?
*Squeals of delight* I have been wanting a fairy door ever since I saw one on a designer's blog a year ago. A Fairy Door made just especially for me! Hubby had ordered the door from Caren at kdotties before Christmas and it arrived just in time for my birthday.

It arrived all done up and tied with pretty pink and green satin ribbons. It has its own bag of fairy dust too. Do you believe in fairies? Accompanying the fairy door was a card from Caren wishing me a Happy Birthday and another which in essence says,

"FAIRY- a tiny being in human form, depicted as playful, clever, mischievous, and possessing magical powers.
A door is a symbol, welcoming a guest into your home. Please place this FAIRY DOOR in a very special place so the fairies can visit you."

My little grandchilden are going to find this very interesting! I wish they'd had these out when I was a little girl! I loved fairies; still do!
A pink door, trimmed with green and white. Tiny rosebud paper adorns the window and the door comes with its very own door knob and a key hole beneath! Just look at the detail. Isn't it adorable? Even the back is finished; thank you Caren and thank you sweet Hubby!This is where I put my fairy door; in a little space beside the plant stand in the living room where I wanted to add just a wee bit of whimsy. It is sure to spark some conversation and imagination! I so enjoy the element of surprise, don't you?
I also received some lovely birthday cards including these two; one from my hubby; it's pink with a soft pink gauzy ribbon and hearts inside and out. And another pink one with sparklies on it from my youngest son. My son always chooses the most touching cards! They always make me cry!

Would you like to know what the card says?


Mother is the smile
you can count on,
the good night kiss
you couldn't sleep without,
the look that meant "don't even think about it."
Mother is the hand that cooled your forehead,
the arm around your shoulders when you needed consoling,
and the encouraging nod that said, "I believe in you!"

Mother is the voice on the phone that still
makes you feel better when nothing else can,
the hug that welcomes you home,
the proud smile that lets you know
that you are loved, so very loved.

No son is luckier than I am-
because I have
the greatest mother in the world.

Happy Birthday Mom!
I love you very much!

Isn't that beautiful? My youngest son goes to the University of Toronto so I only get to see him at Christmastime. I have three very special sons and they all treat me like a queen!
Once we got out to Vancouver, my middle son took me out for a fancy dinner; just the two of us. There was candlelight and delicious food; a very enjoyable evening he and I spent. I feel very blessed! Thank you Lord for sons.

And Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed my pinks and you will all visit our sweet hostess Beverly at and all her pink participants. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday everyone!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Oh Sandi Sweetie...
    Happy Pink Saturday and welcome back. I love your little fairy door. I have loved mine since the day it arrived, and I visit through that door every day. The grandkids and I have taken so many wonderful trips through it. It is a beautiful element of surprise. Your husband is a dear for getting it for you. Caren is the best.

    Love the card from your son. What a treasure to keep and savor forever.

    Have a beautiful Saturday sweetie. Country hugs and so much love...Sherry

  2. A Fairy Door?! How magical and wonderful; we would sure have fun with that! Hope you had a nice birthday, sounds like your hubby and son made sure of it!

  3. What a sweet little door. I have never heard of a fairy door. So special. Happy pink Saturday

  4. Hello Sandie,
    First, Happy Birthday to you.
    A lot of pink things today on your blog. Love especially the background.
    Happy PS to you

  5. Happy PS!

    I haven't ever heard of a fairy door. Very interesting!

    Loved your Post.


  6. Oh, Sandi! How cute is that fairy door!!! You lucky girl. And I hope you had a fabulous birthday, too. :-)

    The card from your son is so very sweet, and something tells me it will be put away for safekeeping and read more than once. I still have a birthday card and a Valentine my mother sent me that I keep in a special place.

    Wishing you a very Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  7. Too cute I just love that little fairy door!! And what a beautiful poem Thanks for sharing. Lifting up prayers for your loved ones on the side bar may they have healing, peace, and perseverance through there trials and may they know the Lord is right there with them they are not alone~ Have a wonderful weekend ~Blessings Heather

  8. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Birthday, too!

    What a precious gift. I peeked down through your photos of Canada. Gorgeous!

  9. A Fairy Door! How sweet and unique and just right for your home! A great gift, for sure, but nothing compares with the loving poem from your son. You know you've been a fabulous mother, when your child "speaks" to you like this! Thanks so much for sharing and have a Happy PINK Saturday!

  10. Hi Sandi, such a lovely post! It made my heart smile as I read it. Thank you for sharing & happy Pink Saturday!

  11. What a wonderful Pink Saturday post! I just ♥ the fact that each of us shares such a variety of items - that's one reason why this event is never boring. Always something fun, new, lovely or interesting around the corner.

    ♫Happy Birthday♫ What lovely gifts, each and every one of them☺

    Thanks for sharing a part of yourself today☺ Cold, gloomy day today but, as always, bright and sunny on the Pink Saturday blogs.

    ♫Wishing you sunshine and happiness this weekend!♫

  12. What a beautiful pink fairy door. I've never heard of them and must look into it. I love fairies as well. Have a wonderful pink Saturday Sandi.

  13. What a delightful idea it is to have a fairy door! I love it! Your card from your son IS beautiful, Happy belated Birthday and happy Pink Sandi!

  14. Oh Sandi! I'm an Irish girl, and proud of it, so OF COURSE I love fairies! This is the first time I've ever HEARD of fairy doors, and I think I may have to head back to Caren's today to check these out! Yours is beautiful!.. and so much fun to place somewhere in the home too! Happy Birthday to you!.. And Happy Pink Saturday! ~tina

  15. A very nice Pink Saturday post. Love the door!

  16. How sweet! A Fairy Door!! I must check these out. :)

    Hope you're having a fabulous Pink Saturday!!


  17. I've never heard of a fairy door. Sweet! Happy Birthday! Sounds like you are really loved and blessed with a wonderful family. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Please visit again soon. Blessings, Tammy

  18. Love your fairy door. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. Cards are so inspirtional. You will enjoy reading them again and again.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  19. Sandi,

    What a perfect gift from your sweet DH. I do believe in fairies. I never saw such a beautiful "Fairy Door" before. You are lucky my friend. I just love it.

    xo Cath

  20. Hi Sandi, Happy Belated Birthday! Your family clearly loves you very much! The cards are so pretty and the sentiment is lovely.

    I love Caren's Fairy Doors - I feel like you do - I wish we had had these when I was young - so magical!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  21. Happy Pink Saturday !!! I have enjoyed visiting your blog and viewing your lovely photos - your tiny pink doors are just beautiful. Please a wonderful new week.

  22. The poem from your son was amazing! Happy Pink Saturday!

  23. Sandi ~ Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean the world to me - I just wanted to jump up and down!!! You are so very nice. Your photos are really good and I love where you hung it. We have them in our dance studio and they hang the same place. Oh, the adventures and stories I tell all the little ballerinas.
    I was wondering if it got there in time before you left on your trip. Glad it arrived safely.

    However, nothing compares to the card your son gave you. OMGosh, I would have been in tears!

    Thanking you again from the bottom of my heart. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!

  24. Oh you got one of those adorable fairy doors. I love those and happy birthday to you! xo and happy belated Pink Saturday.

  25. Oh, wow, Sandi, you sure had a wonderful birthday. Such a beautiful post. I love the fairy door. How wonderful. We mermaids also love Caren from K.Dotties. Fun to know that it came from her! Happy Pink Saturday. Enjoy the rest of your week. I hope you attract some fairies!

    Mermaid Debbie

  26. Sandi,
    I hope this finds you doing well and your brother doing good too. What a sweet fairy door! and a beautiful card from you son. Have I wished you a Happy Birthday yet? HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDI!
    Blessings always!

  27. What a precious little fairy door!! Happy Birthday, Sweet Sandi!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.