Wednesday 9 December 2009

Today is REDnesday

Good morning everyone~ REDnesday is here again and I want to thank Sue over at It's A Very Cherry World for hosting this fun event each week.

I thought I would share the rest of my Christmas village with you today. It runs from one end of the ledge to the other in our family room. I have already showed you the farm with its red barn which I made for my father, so I won't focus on that today.

Some of the village got cut off as I couldn't get it all in the picture, but you get the idea. There is a general store, several churches, a post office, a fire station, a gazebo, skating pond, several Christmas houses, and lots of people. There are also two horses and sleighs.

This is the General Store with Santa standing outside merrily ringing his bell. This came from Avon many years ago. The choristers are singing carols by the lantern, while a mother and her son chat in front of the village Christmas tree. The lady dressed in green walking her doggy was a gift from my best friend who is now with the Lord.

...the gazebo and next door to that, a little boy hiding behind the snowman, gleefully pitches snowballs at all the folks walking by. Boys will be boys!
Below, the fire station....a little girl pulling her sleigh ...and little children skating on a pond.

Well, that's my village. Since this will be my last week participating until after the holidays, I will share some reds from around my home. There are a lot of them but I know you red lovers won't mind!
This horse drawn sleigh sits in the window of the half bath/laundry room. The lady and her gentleman are both wearing reds.

This pretty hand towel hangs on the oven door. I love the green rickrack on it with its brightly coloured Christmas ornaments.This is a box containing Victorian Christmas balls, a mixture of reds and pinks. This is what the balls look like. Sorry, it's not very clear.These chirpy cardinals sing "Walking in a Winter Wonderland." Their heads move back and forth as they sing to one another; a gift from my son, Jeff. The grandchildren love to press the buttons to hear them sing. Actually, they often press my buttons because one gets rather weary hearing these birds sing over and over again! Ha, ha! Sometimes it's a relief when the batteries die!

These Christmas mugs with their pretty red poinsettias, I've had since my boys were small. I had five of them and now I have only three left. They read 'Thank you Jesus.' This little Christmas mug was a gift to my middle son from a chum in his Sunday School class when he was about five or six years old. It has been around a while! My youngest son brought me home this wonderful little Christmas box last year. It is very sweet and sparkles with all its glitter. It hangs from a red satin ribbon. He thought I would like it and he was right; I love it! My hand painted Christmas birdhouses which I painted years ago. One is supposed to be a gingerbread house. There is lots of red on both although it is hard to see.A favourite little drummer bear tree ornament which my youngest son gifted me with. And finally, a cute snowman angel which was a gift from my DIL. I love his sweet little face and red scarf! The scarf is real and he's decked out with a red country heart. Well, that's it for my reds today. My son will be home next week so this will be my last week participating in REDnesday until after the holidays.
I would like to wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Well Hello Sweetie...
    Boy do you have lots of red to share. I don't even know where to begin what I love most. Everything is so beautiful. I love the village, and I really love the cardinals. As you can see from my header I am a big fan of the cardinal birds. They are just beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing your reds with us today.

    Please stop by and let me share my new post with you tonight.

    Country hugs...Sherry

  2. I've always wanted to start a Christmas village, but, I've got some nay other collections, that I'm running out of storage.
    Love yours and I love all your decor.
    Enjoy your family.

  3. Wonderful reds Sandi, and I love your village so much! I used to put a small one up, but I don't have room anymore for one. They're so magical, and it always made me wish that I could live in a village like that! And they're so much fun for children too. My daughter loved helping me put it up, and then would play with it with her dolls. I sure miss those days--my baby is turning 21 on Saturday!
    Happy REDnesday!

  4. many wonderful treasures!! thanks for sharing!

  5. Sandi, this is a delightful post! I especially like your mugs! I haven't put up my little village yet, but actually planning on doing it today. With it snowing outside, I'd say it's a good day for it!

    Have a wonderful pre-Christmas, and we'll see you after the holiday!

  6. I especially like the horse-drawn carriage, Sandi. Enjoy your time with your guys!

  7. So many cheery red things. Your village is darling. I love the cardinals. Yesterday I was blessed to see one through my window as I sat here in blog land. Blessings today!

  8. Your village and it's people are darling. It doen't look like many that I have seen. The people have a softer look to them or something. Very sweet!

  9. I have those same sweet little red boxes. Mine had chocolate in them : ) I was just playing with them late last night. I hung one in my Tiffany bag on the bathroom door. CUTE.
    Love all your deco.
    Happy Rednesday Sandi
    Love Claudie

  10. Sandi, you have a veritable Christmas WORLD at your house! Can't get over your Christmas village! Loved seeing all your decorations. Thanks for sharing with us.


    Sheila :-)

  11. Hi Sandi,
    I love, love, love your little village. So many sweet little can spend hours just admiring everything. And awesome "reds." Love the little snowman. ;-) Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day.


  12. Wow....wonderful wonderful collections and photos! Your home must be really pretty!

  13. Your village is just stunning. I loved seeing all the wonderful houses and all the darling little people shopping, strolling and skating. Your other decorations and ornaments are beautiful too. Hugs, Marty

  14. What a great snow village! Wow! It must take you so long to set up! But very worth it! I know this sounds funny but I always wish I could shrink myself and be part of that little world!! LOL! Hope you are having a great Rednesday and if this is your last post for awhile have a very Merry Christmas! Sherri : )

  15. Well, Sandi, you have some GREAT reds today! LOVE the village -- and the mugs with the poinsettias? I WANT them! :-)

    I love poinsettias.

    Enjoy your holiday. Blessings, Cass

  16. What delightful Christmas treasures! The little red box your son gave you is beautiful! Your Village looks like so much fun! I always thought it would be fun to have one, but I can see how if you collect, it can quickly grow to an enormous city! Have a loveleigh night and Happy Holidays!

  17. I like that little village you've got there and all your collection. Thanks for sharing!

    My Rednesday

  18. I am just loving all your red goodies! Red is such a Happy color dont ya think?


  19. Wow, I love your village & all your wonderful reds !
    Merry Christmas !

  20. Thanks for your lovely comment over at my blog. You have some gorgeous Christmas ornaments. I love the little village.

  21. You have quite the Christmas village. I only have 2 pieces and don't even put them out. What beautiful mugs you have, I love poinsettas.

  22. I love all your red my friend. Sometimes I reallllllly miss it. My entire house was once very tuscan looking with reds, blacks and creams.

    I've decided I just need more than one house so I can have everything I love.

    My husband would FAINT!

    He would.

    Trust me.

    Love to you~ I always love to visit.


  23. I loved your village and as I was looking over the darling pieces a thought came to mind - little villages like yours give us a chance to play with our dolls once again and look so adult doing it☺

  24. That village is just darling! Red is my favorite color and I have lots of it in my home so I really enjoyed seeing some of yours!



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.