Tuesday 24 November 2009

Tea Things Tuesdays

A warm welcome awaits you here at Rose Chintz Cottage ~

Please come in and sit a while and I will pour you some tea from my Mum's pretty teapot.
Today is my first time participating in Kim's "Tea Things Tuesdays."

I started this pattern for my mother many years ago while I was working in a jewelery store, before I ever started my family. I chose the Lavender Rose pattern because I thought my Mum would love it. It reminded me of her; it is both dainty and attractive, just like her!

It is such a lovely pattern! I love the pink roses sprinkled all over the china, so romantic!

The other day my sister arrived with the china because my mother is no longer using it. I am happy to have it!

Most of you are aware that I love teacups, teapots, and china in general. Sometimes it is bordering on obsession, I think. But then I guess those of you who are participating in this tea party, know exactly what I mean! China makes you happy!

I have just removed my mincemeat tarts from the oven. Would you care to try one with a hot cup of tea?

I so enjoy a hot cup of tea in a pretty teacup, don't you? I enjoy all herbal teas but my favourites are Green Chai and Earl Gray. Tea is beneficial in so many ways; it is both medicinal and relaxing after a stressful day. I often find a nice cup of tea and a book are great companions!

I think china reflects much about the personality of the lady who uses it. I especially love pink and roses and I'm not ashamed to admit, I'm a girly-girl. How about you? Are you a girly-girl?

Well, that is my offering for today. Have a beautiful day friends and thank you for stopping by. I would like to wish all my American friends a Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday!

Please visit our hostess Kim and all her tea party participants today by clicking on the link http://shabbypinkandpretty.blogspot.com/ God bless you.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Morning, Sandi! Oh, what glorious dishes! How sweet of you to start buying these for your Mum so early on. I know she must have treasured them and if she's anything like my mother - if she's so proud of anything, she just won't use it in case something should happen to it.
    How nice you can enjoy them mow.
    Be a sweetie and Happy Thanksgiving,
    Shelia :)

  2. What a beautiful tea service. I know you will enjoy it, and how wonderful that your Mom shared it with you.


  3. What a gorgeous tea service! You chose well! Tea was lovely, and your mini mincemeat pies were delicious. Welcome to Tea Things Tuesday!

  4. Sandi;
    I forgot how lovely the Lavendar Rose pattern was and you know just how to showcase it to bring out it's beauty. I'm so happy you have it now........hugs...Auntie P

  5. Your Lavender Rose tea set pattern is beautiful! How sweet that your mom has passed it on to you to use and enjoy! Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing! Coralie

  6. Hi, Sandi,
    Your tea set is just gorgeous! I love everything about it. Yes, I am very much a girly girl, fru fru kind of lady. May you and yours have a blessed holiday season! Vicki

  7. Hi Sandi
    Your tea service is so pretty,your right not much better than a cup of tea(earl grey for me too) and a good book.Those mini pies look so yummy...have a great day

  8. Hi Sandi,
    That is such a pretty tea you have set today and a mincemeat pie warm from the oven would be lovely too.
    Take care,

  9. Hi Sandi. Hoping that all is well with you and your family.

    Love, peace and blessings for a Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Oh my your tea set is very lovely!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. Hi Sandi,
    Your china is gorgeous, I have some serious china envy now. Happy Thanksgiving too, Cindy

  12. Hi Sandi...ooh, your tea service is so pretty. How nice that you now have it and can remember that it once was your mom's. Thank you for the prayers. I appreciate it so much and also for becoming a follower to my blog.
    Have a great Thanksgiving.

  13. Sandi, what a lovely tea you set out today! I'll definitely have one of those minced meat tarts!

    This really is a beautiful teaset and how wonderful your mom passed it back to you for you to enjoy.

    And yes, I'm definitely a girly-girl!

    Thanks for sharing today!


  14. Hi Sandi,
    Beautiful tea set, I agree tea tastes better out of pretty china! I have never tried mincemeat pies, but they sure look good!

  15. I'm a day late, but I finally had time to stop by for a visit to see what you had to share for Tea things Tuesday, and boy am I ever glad I did as your tea set is just georgous. Love, love, love it!! You are very lucky to have such a beautiful collection like this and thank you so much for sharing it with us. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family..


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.