Monday 9 November 2009

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Good morning all~ I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Isn't this house adorable? I love yellow houses for some reason maybe because I find the colour yellow so warm and inviting. This is my favourite house.
This is the view from the side. I love a house with all kinds of jogs and entry ways.
I really love older homes best because they have so much character and they have all those neat nooks and crannies. But I am unable to look after one because of my health.

This past summer, we drove around taking photos of a few of the houses we have lived in over the years.

My hubby and I have lived in many houses since we got married. We started off renting a lovely mini home way out in the country where we could be by ourselves and get to know one another. Relatives and friends knew where we lived but we had the privacy we needed.
A year later we bought our own mini home and from there, purchased our first house. By that time we had had our first baby boy.

We went on to live in fifteen different houses all together, including a house out of the province.
Most of them we only lived in for a short time because they were rentals.

Over the years, we have lived in ranchers, split entries, and side splits. One interesting fact about the houses we have lived in is that most of the houses were yellow. Today we live in a back split with yellow doors.

Here are a few of the houses we have called home....

This was a lovely house which had a fireplace that filled one whole wall in the living room. It was finished from top to bottom and we had lots of fields behind us. The boys loved all the space, as did I. It was a wonderful home but very hard to heat. This house was yellow when we lived in it. It had black shutters and a detached garage. There were three lovely white birch trees out in the front yard. I really liked this house because it had tons of space and easy to heat. When you walked into the kitchen from the side entrance, you could see all the way through to the living room, with a separate dining room in between the two rooms. It had a finished basement and a wood stove. It also had a wrap around deck. It was a lovely quiet place. The boys had lots of wide open spaces to play and explore, with fish ponds and rivers. Whoever owns it now has changed the facade of it.

This house was in a wonderful neighborhood and the neighbors were just so friendly. The house was finished from top to bottom with a woodstove in the family room. It was just so much fun to decorate; I loved it! We probably should have stayed there! When we lived there, it had a green roof and green shutters, otherwise it still looks the same.

This was our last home. It had a dream kitchen and a wrap-around deck. But it was on a corner lot by a very busy street. You couldn't hear yourself talk out on the deck in the summertime because of the noise of the traffic. I still miss the kitchen! Today we live in this little cottage which we bought fourteen years ago. We down-sized into this one because I wasn't able to take care of the house we had been living in previously due to my health. Since moving into our little cottage, I have been feeling much better and I miss the big spaces of our last home, especially when entertaining.
All my boys are grown up now and Hubby and I are empty-nesters. We still miss our boys under our roof even though they have been living on their own for ten years. But when they come home, it is this little cottage that they come home to.

I love sharing this little cottage with the yellow doors with my hubby. We will probably grow old together here. It really doesn't matter where we live or what the house looks like because a house is only a house. Four walls doesn't make a home, it's the people who live in the house that make it a home.

Thank you God for a warm friendly little cottage where love dwells therein and my boys and their families can come and find love and acceptance.

"Home is the place where character is built, where sacrifices to contribute to the happiness of others are made, and where love has taken up its abode." - Elijah Kellog

Have a beautiful day and God bless you!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. What a fun trip down memory lane with you. Your current home is lovely. I, too, love the color yellow. It makes us happy!

    Becky K.

  2. Hi Sandi.....That was a nice little tour of your past homes. I am sure each one holds its' own memories for you! It helps to revisit our old homes and know that others who live there now take care of it with just as much love.~Patti

  3. Sandi, that was a fun tour, but I love your cottage with the yellow door. It's adorable! It looks warm and cozy. And I agree that it's the people who make a home.


    Sheila :-)

  4. Hi Sis,
    Wow you sure got to live in some really beautiful homes, I like the one you are in now a cozy cottage home. I had to downsize to a townhouse and I too miss the space of having the women over for bible studies and other activities. Thanks for the tour.

    Hugz Lorie

  5. What a wonderful post. You have lived in some beautiful homes. So MUCH space . . . As I sit here and type I look at the window and see my neighbor's house and at night if their daughter's shade is up I can see right into her bedroom!

    Thank you so much for becoming a follower and for entering my sassy giveaway AND for putting my giveaway button on your blog :) Good luck!!


  6. Hi Sandi! I loved looking at all your little houses through time. Every one is so charming. I really like the one you're in now and glad to hear you're more able to take care of it. Love your yellow door and yes, Dear One, aren't we blessed?
    Be a sweetie and thanks for popping in to see me,
    shelia ;0

  7. I see you never had a yellow house, but you do have a beautiful yellow door. I love it!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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