Saturday 31 October 2009

Spiritual Sundays

Hello everyone~ Welcome to my blog for Spiritual Sundays.

I came across this beautiful shot on the Weather Network. It was taken in August at Covehead, a village near where my husband grew up. I thought it a glorious photo of a sunrise, God's handiwork, and wanted to share it with you.

I was tempted to add a scripture verse to it but thought I would leave it as is. It brought to mind several scripture verses but I decided on this one.

Our Father, which art in heaven.
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Matthew 6: 9-13

It pains me to think that the younger generation will not learn to say this in school any longer. God help our children and our children's children! We must teach them ourselves for we can no longer depend upon the school system in Canada or the United States to teach it to them. But when you think about it, they should be taught at home first of all anyway!

Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday. Please visit Spiritual Sundays with Charlotte and Ginger and the other participants. Click here or the Spiritual Sundays button on my sidebar.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. I understand why so many Christian moms homeschool in this generation! Beautiful post, Sandi.

  2. Perfect post ... great points!

    Have a BOO-tea-FuLl Halloween. TTFN ~Marydon

    ** Watch for huge giveaways that start tomorrow for several weeks.

  3. What a lovely sunrise! Thank you for sharing it with us!

  4. Hi Sandi,
    What a beautiful sunset, God showing us some of His great glory. What a shame our children are not allowed to learn and pray this prayer in school.
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Hi Sandi,
    That is a beautiful picture of God's handiwork.
    I agree it is sad that the Lord's Prayer has been taken out of our schools.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

  6. Beautiful picture...And you're right, it's nice the way it is. But it's even nicer to remind us that the Lord's prayer hasn't been uttered much around in this generation. Sad....but we can still make that difference..with His grace. God bless you and have a great weekend.

  7. What an amazing sunrise! Your post today brought tears to my eyes because of the truth in it. I continue to pray about this.
    God Bless,

  8. what a beautiful photo! and perfect scripture to go with it!

  9. Beautiful photo and the Lord's Prayer is the wonderful to add to it.

    I so agree about our children who will not experience a school system that reveres God, and that can't even utter His name. Parents must continue teaching their children the Bible, and they must watch and listen to what their children are being taught in isn't what we were taught. Much is happening under the radar, that we will not discover til its done and we cannot change it. I know the ending of the Book, but it doesn't make it any easier to watch it happening.

    God bless,

  10. What a glorious sun rise!! No wonder you wanted to share it. Your right, it is so sad that this prayer cannot be said in school anymore, or His name even mentioned. Thanks for sharing this, Debbie

  11. This is a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.

  12. You are so right, Sandi; home should be centered in the things of God.

  13. Sandi,
    I so agree with you about needing to pray for your children. I'm a single mother of 2 teen kids. We are Christian Conservatives. I feel so bad for teen kids because life is so more difficult on them. May the precious blood of Jesus Christ protect our youth.

    Thanks, Yoli

  14. Sandi,
    A beautiful picture and post. Thank you for including the Lord's Prayer with your photo - it was very appropriate. Have a great week.


  15. What a beautiful picture. It is such a shame that God has been outlawed in our schools. We're seeing the consequences of it too.
    I'm a little late visiting S.S. posts this week. It'll be time for another one soon.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.