Saturday 24 October 2009

Spiritual Sundays

Hello and welcome to my Spiritual Sundays post!
I heard this little story a while ago and wanted to share it with you. It doesn't go exactly like this but I will do the best I can from what I remember.

It was the first day of school and two little boys approached their new teacher to give her their names. The teacher looked at them and smiled, asking them what their names were.
One little boy replied, Johnny, and the other little boy said, Joey.
Thinking they were twins, although they did not look alike, the teacher asked them when their birthdays were.

Johnny piped up and told her that his was on April 2nd and Joey told her his birthday was on April 21st. All during this time, the two little boys were grinning from ear to ear.
The teacher then asked them, "You're not brothers then?"
Smiling, they both answered, "Yes, we are brothers!"

Well, the teacher knew very well they couldn't possibly be brothers because their birthdays were only a couple weeks apart. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out!
The teacher then asked, "How is it that you both have a birthday in April but you're not twins?"
One of the boys said, "Oh, we're brothers but one of us is adopted."
The teacher then asked, "Which one of you is adopted?"
The little boys looked at one another and then smiling, answered, "We don't know."

That's how it is with God. We're grafted into His family when we become born-again. One is no more special than the other. But we all belong to the same family if God is our Father.

"In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will- to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves." - Ephesians 1: 5-6

Some of you may have heard that Debbie at There's An Angel On My Front Porch has lost her daughter Amy to cancer. Amy went home to be with the Lord last night after a long and painful battle with the disease. Debbie also has a sister Sherry and a niece Heidi, who some of us are friends with in Blogland.

Please pray for this family who has lost their loved one, that God will surround them with His love and comfort during this sad time.

Charlotte and Ginger are our wonderful hostesses of Spiritual Sundays, and I hope you will go pay them and the other participants a visit by clicking on the link or click on the Spiritual Sundays button on my sidebar.

Have a beautiful weekend everyone.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. So glad that our Father had grafted us into His special family...So undeserved..

    Praying with you with your requests. God bless this family at this difficult time. Have a great weekend to you and God bless.

  2. What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I had not heard about Amy's death. I interrupted my visit here to go visit her mother's blog.
    Have a good weekend.
    Hugs & blessings,

  3. thank you for sharing this beautiful story!

  4. How wonderful a story, my friend. TY for sharing. Have a beautiful weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon

  5. Sandi,
    This is a beautiful story with a great message for all of us. Thank you for sharing this with us today.
    May God bless Debbie's family during this very hard and trying time.


  6. What an uplifting message ... certainly one I'll love sharing with family and friends.

    Have a great weekend!


  7. Oh I LOVE this story! As a mother of 7 children 5 of whom are adopted, this really spoke to me!!! To connect it to our own Father and Heavenly family...a special blessing.

  8. I love this story, great is His love that He chose us to share in His saving grace.

    I have followed Sherry's and Debbie's blogs, and posted a song for Amy on my blog today. Still praying to the Lord for their comfort and peace.

    God bless,

  9. Hi Sandi; What a great story,, and how true it is,, I so enjoyed reading your beautiful post... My prayers are with sweet Amy's family....


  10. Thank you for that wonderful story. I'm praying for the family of Amy.

  11. I know Debbie and her kin have a strong faith, but it sure is good of you to post about them in their time of grief. Your blog reaches so many.

  12. What a lovely story and that goodness God saw fit to adopt me and graft me in.

  13. This was a wonderful story. What a unbelievable wonder it really is to be grated into God's very own family. Praise God!! My heart breaks for Amy's family too, but rejoices for Amy, she's in our Saviors presence. Blessings to you, Debbie

  14. What a great story. I am sorry about Debbi's loss of her daughter. I will remember her in prayer.

  15. Hi Sandi,
    Such a great story with a wonderful message.
    My prayers are with Amy's family. Thank you for sharing.

  16. What a great little story. I hadn't thought about that before, but it makes perfect sense! Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. Thanks for sharing that meaningful story, Sandi.

    I did not know that Amy lost her battle.

  18. This is lovely, Sandi. I enjoyed it. I met Sherry in person last August and have been praying for this family. Devastating.

  19. Hi Sis,
    What a delightful story, it made me smile, and so true because we are special to the Lord, each and everyone of us. I will be alos lifting this precious family up in prayer along with the others. Have a blessed week my friend, and if you still have my email please send me your address, I had it, and now I can't seem to find it.

    Luv Ya ... Lorie

  20. Sandi,

    Thank you for sharing the bond of love with all of us.. Your warmth and love filled my heart as I read through your posts.

    Bless you and Amy's family along with yours are in my prayers



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.