Thursday 22 October 2009

I Won!!

Good afternoon~ Since I began blogging a year ago, I have met so many wonderful people. You have all made blogging so enjoyable and I cannot begin to tell you all I've learned this past year; it's mind-boggling! Not only has blogging been fun and educational but it has its rewards in other ways too.

I have been blessed with many awards including the two I'm about to show you. All my awards are at the bottom of my blog for anyone interested in checking them out. Each one is very unique and I so appreciate them all! It is just lovely knowing someone out there in Blogland thought I was deserving enough to pass these on to me. Thank you! *Smile*Last week I received this sweet award from my friend Gwen at A Charming Home and I have already blogged about it. Thanks again Gwen! Then this week, I received it again from Jil at Say It With Roses Jil has a beautiful blog where she creates lovely little goodies in her Shoppe, Adrianna's Boutique. I know she would appreciate a visit from you. Thank you ladies; your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated!

This award is meant to be passed on to ten of my favourite blogs but I have stopped choosing blogs because I have too many that I love, and I don't wish to hurt anyone's feelings.

So, if you are a friend of mine {you know who you are} and you would like to have this award, please take it with my blessing.

I stopped by another blogger friend's last night and she was giving away this cute award with her doggie Molly on it. Storyteller has just celebrated her second year of blogging and she was passing this out to all her friends. She has a great gift for making mosaics and is very talented with her camera! She has several other blogs as well. Why not stop by and pay her a visit? Thank you Storyteller and Molly!

I have also won several Giveaways such as the one I just received in the mail this week. This one came from Sally at Smiling Sally the hostess of Blue Monday. Sally and I have been friends for almost a year now and I really appreciate her friendship and quick wit. Please check out her blog if you haven't already done so. Who knows, perhaps you too will win a great read! Thanks everyone for making blogging a great pasttime!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Congrats on the awards and winning the book! You are a very sweet person who is deserving!

  2. Congratulations and GOD BLESS! I am always blessed when I come to your blog.
    THANK YOU, andrea

  3. Hi, Sandi!
    Don't think I saw this blog of your before .... how much fun! I use my grandmother's Rose Chintz for everyday china (now that kids are all gone!) and love it in your banner.

    Thanks for the visit for my white Wednesday! I hope to be gone next week, but already prepared another post ... and I'm usually not THAT organized!

    I'll be back to catch up on the older posts ... but I have to say I ADORE your WHITE dried hydrangeas!! all the ones I have are bluish or blue-greenish .... nice but not my favs.

    Hugs and have a super day!

    Betty :)

  4. Congratulations Sandi!!

    It is always a delightful visit here.
    I am fascinated by your island life.

    Becky K.

  5. Sandi,
    Congratulations on winning the awards and the book! Isn't it fun to be a part of this wonderful blogosphere? I just love it!


  6. Yeah congrats on your award, and winning your book, how fun. Thank you so much for your kind words about my weight loss your to kind. I re did my blog a little bit yesterday and lost all my giveaway buttons, I am reposting your giveaway to my side bar, sorry about that.


  7. Oh Congrats!! You deserve it all!
    Hugs, Lisa

  8. Congratulations for winning those awards. I am amazed, too, at how much fun blogging has been. I loved looking around your blog. It is like having a visit at your house. You have such a warm and welcoming blog. I loved your white and your red posts. Those are so neat. I will definitely visit again. Thanks for visiting my blog and I would be honored if you mention me in your Pink Saturday post. Take care and have a blessed week!


  9. You've won again. I'm sending you a copy of Cult Insanity. I already have your mailing address.

  10. Congrats Sandi!
    You have been a busy girl while I have been away for these 3+ weeks. I am so thrilled for you, with these awards, as your blog is so deserving. I so love to come and visit.

    I love your little snowman ornament. Please add my name to the drawing. I collect snowmen so what a wonderful find.

    Have a wonderful day sweetie, and congrats again. Country hugs, Sherry

  11. Congrats Sis,
    What beautiful awards for a beautiful person. You deserve it you are such a blessing, and encouragement.

    Hugz Lorie


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.