Monday 5 October 2009

Blue Monday

Good morning everyone~
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Thank you Sally for hosting Blue Monday and thank you to all who visit me today.

Those of you who are regular visitors will notice a change in my blog background. One day last week, I tried to add some frames to my blog and I really messed things up. That's what I get for trying to do something without knowing what I was doing! Anyway, I finally changed my whole blog background because I couldn't get it back to the way it was before.
On to my blues....
This past summer when Hubby and I were on holidays, we toured the eastern part of our fair Isle. We visited one of our gorgeous beaches and saw many other sights including the Wind Farm. Today I will share some photos from the farm with you.

This is one of the signs you will find along the highway down East. All of the signs on our Island highways are in blue and orange. This one down east has a picture of a starfish on it. Here we are nearing the windmill farm. It is an awesome sight if you have never seen real windmills before!Getting closer...Getting very close....This is how enormous these things are! Compare the windmill to the little farm nestled in front! Pretty big, eh? There are ten of them with 90 metre {over 270 feet} blade spans. Prince Edward Island is the first province in Canada to have a V-90 wind farm. There is another wind farm at the other end of the Island which we haven't seen yet.
The sky was a vibrant blue that day but I'm sorry it doesn't show up in the pictures.

Now that we're back home, please come inside and I'll serve you some tea from my blue covered teapot. I have a few other pieces that match the teapot, including salt and pepper shakers. They all have a blue ribbon around them with blue flowers sprinkled into the bouquet.I hope you enjoyed your visit. Thank you for coming, now please take some time and go visit Sally at and the other blue participants. You can click on the Blue Monday button on my sidebar too; it will take you right to Sally's site. Have a wonderful day everybody.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. The windmill farm is really interesting.

    I love your teapot. It is a really pretty design.


  2. Hi, Sandi! I would have to say that the University of Florida Gators would be perfectly at home with your orange and blue signs!

    I think the windmills are fascinating, and your teaset is charming. I would love to have a cup of tea with you. Do you have herbal? I love herbal tea.

    Here's wishing you a Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  3. there's no windmill here in my tiny country. I wish i will see that in real haha. I love the design of your teapot. Happy Blue Monday.

    Mine is up too.

  4. What a nice little drive and home to a nice pot of tea. We don't have the windmills here so it's interesting to see them.
    Happy Twirls

  5. Good morning. Your background is beautiful! Thank you for sharing all of your blue. I especially love that pretty little tea pot. It's just lovely. Happy Blue Monday ♥

  6. Sandi, that teapot is darling! You've brought some interesting BLUES to show us today. Thanks for taking us on the windmill trip. Happy Blue Monday.

  7. Good morning, Sandi. Your post today was very interesting and I know I would enjoy tea from that beautiful pot. I hope you are having a great day.

  8. Love the new blog look and the cheery teapot too!

  9. I am so glad you captured a picture of a windmill's true size. Out here we have many tens of thousands of them, but since the land is flat and barren and not inhabited, it is very hard to capture the massive SCALE of the the things!

    Love your blues!

  10. Happy Blue Monday to you!

    I've seen those windmills, but not often and not near my home.

    Your blog background is very pretty. I've been experimenting too. A little knowledge can be ... interesting. :) I now have a book from the library and am attempting to learn the basics of HTML and CSS.
    (I must be crazy!)

  11. Enjoyed taking the trip you shared today. I would be happy to share a cup of tea with you. I appreciate your visit and comment.

  12. Hello Sandi,

    The windmill farm is very interesting. Thank you for taking us on the tour. What a charming tea set. I am definitely ready for some tea.

    Thank you for sharing!

    ~ Tracy

  13. Windmill indeed are interesting. Haven't seen one yet around here. That teapot is so cute, nice design. happy Blue Monday to you.

  14. I love windmills. I have always been fascinated with them.

    Great blog look.

    Blessings, andrea

  15. Hi Sandi,
    We didn't see that windmill farm yet but we did see the North Cape ones last year.
    I still did not get brave enough to change my blog yet.I like your new wallpaper.
    Take care,

  16. This are beautiful shots...happy Blue Monday.

  17. Oh wow ... I relate to 'issues' around changing Blogger templates. It's why I tend to leave mine alone these days. We have lots of windmill farms in Southern California ... especially in desert areas. Love your pretty tea set ;--)

    Thanks for visiting my blue mosaics at Sacred Ruminations. Hope you're having a delightful day.
    Hugs and blessings,

  18. Your blue lidded teapot is beautiful! I have so many, I think I don't need more, and I don't, but I WANT more! LOL! We just went to Arizona, and on the way, passed Palm Springs...I've never seen so many active windmills...I don't think they're pretty, but they are necessary, I guess. Enjoy a cup of tea for me, and have a wonderful day!

    God bless,

  19. What neat farms! Isn't it amazing how large those windmills are? We saw many on our trip through west Texas...they are huge!

    I love your tea pot's so very cute! Thanks for sharing!

  20. The windmills are very big.
    I love your teapot Its very pretty.

    Have a great day

    Gunilla in Sweden

  21. Hi Sandi
    Thanks for taking us on a tour and thanks for the tea!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  22. Hi Sandi; Love all your blue photos,, your tea set is so pretty.... thanks for sharing.. have a great week.


  23. Hi Sandi,

    I have not seen a windfarm in person but here and there people are putting up one windmill. They are fascinating.

    Your new blog design is very pretty.

    Oh, and I like that photo of you on the tractor. Very fun.

    Becky K.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.