Wednesday 16 September 2009


Hello everyone~ Today is Wednesday and I'm joining Sue at It's A Very Cherry World for REDnesday once again. Sue loves cherries and she loves the colour red so if you also love red, why not come along and take part in this RED meme?

How about a bowl full of cherries cookie jar?

Friends of my family had a big cherry tree in their front yard when I was a little girl. I used to pluck them off the tree and plop them into my mouth. Oh, were they ever good!

Are hungry? Would you care for a piece of Cherry pie? Mmmmm!

Next is my Pooh doll. She comes wearing her own hooded Pooh sleepers and the sleepers are the same colour as Pooh himself. The sleepers hood has ears on it and she holds her own Pooh bear. Isn't she cute? Well, those are my reds for today. Thanks for stopping by & please take some time to go visit Sue at and the other REDnesday participants. Better still, why not join in? Everybody has a little red somewhere! Have a wonderful day everybody!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. I do love red. Your choices are lovely. When I was a teen we had a cherry tree that bore just enough cherries each year for one pie. I made it faithfully. Loved remembering this today...thanks!

    Becky K.

  2. I like all your reds..ESPECIALLY the cherry PIE !! :o)

  3. I love that cookie jar. So cute! And I'm ready for pie, it's okay to have desert after breakfast, right?

  4. I love that cookie jar, and I bet Sue will too! And yes, I would love a piece of pie! That Pooh doll is so adorable too. Great reds today!
    Happy Rednesday!

  5. Oh wow....that pie looks great! So does everything else...nice photos :)

  6. Oh I love your reds! Especially that cookie jar --how cute is that? I'd even take that over the cherry pie!

  7. Sandi,
    I would love a piece of pie. It's my birthday, can i have ice-cream too?

    Thanks for coming by.

    barbara jean

  8. Oh Sandi I love your Pooh doll ... I have never seen one of these before. Have you had her for a long time?
    Happy REDnesday,
    Sandi (from OZ)

  9. Oh my have my mouth watering for a piece of that cherry pie. All your reds are very nice but I would fight for that pie.

  10. YUMMMMM...cherry pie, YES!!!
    Have never seen the little Pooh doll, cute. I am on a bit of a Pooh kick here of late. Love his little quotes.

  11. Hi Sandi,
    I would love a piece of that cherry pie too but since I am late getting here it is probably all gone!


  12. Hi, Sandi,
    Cherries are the best! Red cherries make everything so cheerful. I would love a bite of that cherry pie, yumm, and your doll is precious. Have a beautiful evening. Vicki

  13. Not fair! How dare you torture me with cherry pie - my favorite!

  14. I browsed through several of your posts. It was fun. You have a beautiful family. Today's red post is also fun. Love the unusual cookie jar. And the Pooh Doll. So adorable. My daughter played the role of Pooh in a play when she was in high school. Now we sometimes call her Pooh.

    Thanks for visiting me today!

  15. That pie is deliciously looking. I want me a piece! It's making me hungry :-) LOL And the pooh doll is adorable! :-)


  16. that cookie jar is too cute! I love it. And that pie is making my mouthwater!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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