Saturday 27 June 2009

Pink Saturday

Pink Saturday is here and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone is offering today!

Myself? Well, let's see now......
Roses cut from my rose bushes send the most delightful fragrance through the room and lend a romantic touch to the dinner table.I have to get a shot of the little pink rose buds too!
A pink-coral begonia on the back step.
Now, what have we here? Well, they are flowers....and they are pink!
......This little piggy went to market, and this little piggy stayed home......
This little piggy has been staying in our home for about 35 years.
We usually fill her up with pennies and a few odd nickels and dimes, for a couple of years, then we dump her out. This piggy's name is Charity and right now she weighs 16.5 pounds. The money we get from Charity, we use to treat someone to dinner or give the money to a worthy cause. What do you use your piggy bank for?
Now make your way over to Beverly's and see what all the other Pinkies are offering today. Click on the link or the Pink Saturday button on my sidebar. Have a great Pink Day everyone!


    Those beautiful, gorgeous flowers make me just cry with the JOY OF THE LORD...have you ever seen something from nature that is so pretty, it just makes you cry.
    Those are as serene as a very gentle rain that leaves everything refreshed and vibrant.
    your beautiful post refreshed me today.
    hugs and love

  2. Sandi,

    The roses are beautiful. I love how you use the money in your piggy bank. What a wonderful idea.

    When I was a little girl my parents had a LARGE glass bottle that sat in our living room floor. My parents put pennies in it for "years" and when it was full we all sat and rolled them. When the money was counted they had enough to buy us a floor model TV, a big deal back "in the day" as my kids call it. I have never forgotten that experience.

  3. Gave to say, the roses are just bursting with loveliness! :-) It must have filled your room with sweet smell :-) And the piggy is too cute! :-)

    Happy PS. no pink post for me today though

  4. Hi! Happy pink Saturday!
    What a just beautiful flowers!!!


  5. Absolutely gorgeous and perfect for a pink Saturday.

  6. Happy Pink Saturday. - how perfect for today. Funny piggy!

    Your blog is so lovely. It is such a pleasure to get to know you and see you around the blogs.

    Warm Regards,

  7. I could not pick a favorite frame among your photos to save my life. Thank you for sharing them all with us. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. happy pink saturday, beautiful pink post

  9. Your roses are FANTASTIC! I especially love the light pink. YUMM!


  10. Those roses are beautiful. They almost look like peonies when they are in their full bloom. I scrolled down to see the punch bowl too. That's a stunning piece you've got there! Happy Pink Saturday and have a loveleigh weekend!

  11. Beautiful and cute!!

    smilin' at ya' and sending blessings,

    Barbara jean

  12. What a sweet Pink Saturday blog post! There's just something about the color pink that brings out the best of everything☺

    ♥Have a wonderful weekend. Finally warm and sunny here, hope your neck of the woods is just as pink-a-licious as mine♥

  13. Sandi, Thanks for stopping by Country Wings in Phoenix. I am Debbie's sister from There's An Angel On My Front Porch. Love your BLOG, I signed up to follow, I hope you will come back for a visit and do the same. Loved the piggy. My piggy gets filled up from the change in my purse. I never use the change only the pennies for the extra cost, the rest of the change I save, and last time I cashed in about $90.00. One Christmas we were distitute, it was the week before Christmas, our home had been robbed, they took everything, my husband was out of work, I was bucking frieght at Wal-Mart at night. It was awful. I was doubting the Lord as to why he had moved us to Phoenix. I was so far from my family. Well, the Salvation Army stepped in and helped us. I mean really helped us. I give all my change back to them when it adds up to something. I promised God if he would help us, then I would give back. I figure if I give back to them, because they helped us, then they will be able to help another family like they did us. Thanks again for stopping by Country Wings in Phoenix. "Country Hugs", Sherry

  14. Such beautiful flowers! They must give off a heavenly aroma! Happy Pink Saturday, Sandi! Enjoy your roses and your weekend.

  15. The roses are so beautiful. What kind are they? They almost look like peonies, they are so fluffy! :) Your piggy bank is cute. I have a little "spa fund" jar, I only put quarters and .50-cent coins in it. When it's full, I roll them and deposit them into my "horse account" for emergency vet bills! Have a great weekend!

  16. Happy Pink Saturday. The pink roses are so pretty and what a cute little piggy bank. Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Very sweet Love your PINKS!!! Sorry I'm late we are still in Birthday mode at my house!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  18. I LOVE your piggy bank!! Charity and I are about the same age. I'm a tad older. ;)

    Let's see with our spare change we use on vacation. We treat ourselves to a nice meal, the children buy a souvenir, or it goes toward something we would have never planned on doing on our trip.

    Thanks for the warm PS welcome and stopping by my blog.

  19. So Pretty!!!
    A lovely blog!
    Happy Pink Saturday!..xo Tami

  20. Sandi,
    WOW! I'm impressed with your roses (I just love roses!) and other pretty pink flowers! I do the same thing - I save change all year and at the end of the year I give it to my charity. Amazing how it adds up, isn't it.


  21. Love those flowers! Such extravagant blooms. Gorgeous. And I love your piggy bank, but I'm worried - how are you going to get that money out to change it? I hope he has a bung in his tummy...

    Have a very happy Pink Saturday!

  22. So many pink photos. I love the flowers! So beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday.

  23. Happy Pink Saturday Sandi! Your flowers are so beautiful and the piggy banks is adorable! Great idea!

    Thanks for sharing!


  24. Hi Sandi,

    Oh ma gosh! Those blooms, those gorgeous, opulent blooms! Thank you so much for stopping by to say hello today.

    .•*˙˙*•.HaPPy PiNk SaTuRdaY!.•*˙˙*•.

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie
    The Artful Paper Doll

  25. Hi Sandi, Happy Pink Saturday!
    Those flower blooms are gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing today for Pink Saturday....

  26. lovely blooms.. beautiful! i can imagine your house must be sweet smelling with roses..

  27. Love those gorgeous flowers. Just amazing. Happy PS

  28. Oh My !!!! I loved your flowers..and little piggie with her roses is just beautiful. Happy belated Pink Saturday and hope you have a wonderful week.

  29. Fabulous array of pinks. Loved the flowered piggy bank. Thanks for sharing and also your comment on my blog.

  30. Happy belated pink Saturday. I love your piggy bank idea and the money going to charity, what a great gift. Your roses are beautiful, I hope you have a good week.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.