Tuesday 30 June 2009

2nd Time Around Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone~
Today I thought I would participate in Diane @ A Picture is Worth A 1,000 Words for her 2nd Time Around Tuesday. http://diane1876.blogspot.com/
{I have been having trouble all day linking into Diane's blog so please forgive me ladies if I'm very late making my rounds!}

She would like to see the treasures that have been passed down to you or that you've bought at an estate sale or thrift store and see what you have done with them to bring them new life.

One day I was on the look out for a cabinet for my stereo system. But I didn't want anything too big or too modern looking. I also wanted something with a little bit of character, without paying too much for it at the same time.

So a friend and I went into a second hand store and found this dark cheap-looking cabinet. The salesman was asking $65 for it but I got it for $35. It was not very pretty to start with and I'm sorry I don't have the before pictures but I do have a shot of the colour it was before hand. Ugly!
I sanded it down, primed it, and put two coats of white paint on it. Then I distressed it. It was a fairly big job because of all the angles and slots but I got her done!
I am pleased with the way it turned out and it fits into the room rather nicely. It holds all my stereo equipment and music, and it's also a nice place to display some of my other treasures!

Thanks for stopping by. Now please go on over to Diane's and take a look at what all the other participants are offering today. And have a wonderful day everyone!


  1. You certainly got a good buy with that. What a cute cabinet! Happy 2nd Time Around.

  2. It turned out beautiful! I hope that my "desk" will be half as good. I can only hope. Have a great 4th!

  3. Hi Sandi,
    That was a steal of a deal. i love it painted and distressed.

    Take care,


  4. It does have a lot of character. Nice job, well done.


  5. Sandi,
    It sounds as if you are good at getting a bargain price.

    I like the cabinet white. Nice job on it.

    Becky K.

  6. That does look like a big job. But it looks like it was worth it. It turned out beautiful!

  7. I love it! I love second had stores, thrift stores, yard sales, etc.... There is always a treasure waiting to be discovered but your imagination has to see the hidden beauty and you certainly did!

    Love, peace and blessings

  8. beautiful job on the cute little cabinet....amazaing what a little paint can do....and it look great in your room...
    Mo ;-)

  9. Love white paint ... turned out beautifully. TTFN ~Marydon

  10. I just love how it turned out!! Even the little handles are perfect. Gorgeous!!

  11. Good buy and cute cabinet. It almost looks like a baby changing table (but it would have to be a pretty small baby!) Thank you for your visit.

  12. You did a fantastic job! I love that you had such vision for something that looked like something I'd have walked right on past. And look what I would have missed out on! Great work!

  13. Great job!
    Wonderful piece.

    barbara jean

  14. How great! I love the redo! Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Lisa

  15. I have an old washstand and I should be painting it white, but I'm afraid (LOL!)to take it apart and paint it! So it's in my bathroom with a white antique bureau scarf over it until I get up the nerve to do something!



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.