Tuesday 13 January 2009


Life isn't easy! We were never promised a rose garden and oftentimes we struggle with hardships and trials in our lives; some more serious than others. Such is the case for me right now. I'm sorry I can't divulge the details at this particular time but I sure could benefit from your prayers on behalf of my family. We have a situation that has been ongoing for quite some time and it has been extremely difficult to watch the drama play itself out. It has brought my family much grief and only for the grace of God, have we been able to live our days with a smile on our faces.

While I was cleaning out my purse today, I came across this poem which I'm sure we're all familiar with. However, as I read it through again, I gave thanks to God for His sustaining power; for His love and compassion toward us. The truth of the matter is He is more concerned about what is going on in my family than I am. I know His heart is broken; especially concerning the innocent. Maybe you yourself are going through a trial of some kind; take courage and read this poem through, believing that God does care and will answer in His time!


One night a man had a dream, and in his dream he reviewed the footsteps he had taken in his life. He looked and noticed that all over the mountains and difficult places that he had traveled there was one set of footprints but over the plains and down the hills, there were two sets of footprints, as if Someone had walked by his side. He turned to Christ and said, "There is something I don't understand. Why is it that down the hills and over the smooth and easy places You have walked by my side; but here, over the tough and difficult places I have walked alone, for I see in those areas there is just one set of footprints."

Christ turned to the man and said, "It is that while your life was easy I walked along your side; but here, where the walking was hard and paths were difficult, was the time you needed Me most, and that is why I carried you."

I pray this brings you comfort today just as it has me, and thank you for your prayers. ~ Sandi


  1. I love looking back and seeing the (His) footprints in the sand.

    I too love hats but they just don't love me:)

    Thank you for dropping by,please come again.

    In His Grace,

  2. I loved your comment on my blog. I'm sure the crying at a graduation is overwhelming. God did give us Mommies these hearts though, didn't he.
    About your post whatever the situation I will be praying for you and your family. Remember somehow God wants there to be a testimony and to draw us closer to him. Even when the innocent are involved. I love for my 8 year old to say Pslams 23 to me when I am down, sick or defeated. He will restore your soul!

  3. I am sorry you are going through a difficult time right now,Sandi.I will remember you in my prayers.
    Take care,

  4. Good words you shared today.
    It is so good to remind ourselves that we aren't alone in these trials. I will especially pray for peace in whatever situation you are going through.

  5. Thank you so much for passing this award to me. I received it also a few days ago from Judith. You can't have too much "Blog Love" I always say so I am happy to receive it from you also. Have a great day!

  6. Hi Sandi,
    Thank you so much for giving me this "lovely" blog award.I will post it tomorrow and pass it on.
    Hope you stay warm and cosy indoors for the next few days it sounds like it will be bone chilling!
    Thanks again,


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.