Wednesday 28 January 2009

Faith & Answered Prayer ~

Faith~ is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1

Have you ever been in a place where you had 'almost' given up hope?
Well, I was, and that is why a couple of weeks ago, I shared with you that there had been an ongoing situation in my family that had gone from bad to worse. I couldn't share the specifics but I did ask you to pray.

Well, I'm thrilled to report that God has answered! It is nothing short of a Miracle! and I want to say Thank you to those of you who prayed. You know who you are!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I believe that God has heard our prayers and what had looked like a hopeless situation, He has turned around. Now there is hope and I have the Faith to believe that all will be well! There is much work to be done; but now I can see God working. Praise the Lord!!

When things can't get any worse, look up and expect God to come through!

He is the Miracle Worker!

Have a wonderful day and the Lord bless you!


  1. I'm so glad prayers were answered. Thank you for sharing this good news.

  2. Sandi, That is so encouraging. We we loose HOPE, Faith or Trust...we loose don't we. I'm so happy! xo rachel


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.