Saturday 25 June 2011

Spiritual Sundays- "Time"

Hello friends and welcome to Spiritual Sundays with Charlotte and Ginger~

This is a re-post from a couple of years ago.

As you enter our den, I have three clocks displayed on the wall. One is Atlantic time where Hubby and I live along with our eldest son and his family. One is Toronto time which is where our youngest son is going to university; and one is Vancouver time which is where our middle son and his family live.
All I have to do is glance at those clocks and I know what time of day it is in each of those places and I can pretty much figure out where my boys are.....

I had written the following for the church bulletin and hope you will enjoy it.

Time often seems to drag its feet when we are young. I remember as a young girl, summer vacation seemed to last forever. I could never quite comprehend why the older folks used to say that Time passed by so quickly, they wondered where it had gone! Now that I am well past my girlhood, I do indeed find that Time flies by quickly. The older I get, the quicker it seems to go too. Indeed, Time seems to have sprouted wings!

I often told my sons when they were growing up that one must try to live each day as though it is their last. That way, we would appreciate the day and we wouldn't be so apt to take anything or anyone for granted. We need to use our Time wisely.

I believe each one of us has been ordained a certain amount of Time to live our life. As Christians, we can sometimes become too busy and too self-centered. We sometimes forget that there are those around us who are lost, lonely, and in need of a friend.

How do we spend our Time? Are we selfish with it or are we generous? Do we spend Time only with those with whom we are close or do we reach out to the lonely and those in need?

When was the last Time you 'stopped to smell the roses?' Or you listened to the birds sing or watched a butterfly flutter by?

Our lives should reflect Christ in us for we are called to be like Him. The Lord Jesus was never in a hurry and He gave all He had - to the point of death on the cross. 

Each day is a gift from God and we should thank Him for it.

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." PSALMS 90:12

As I wait for July 8th, the day of my biopsy, I am doing a lot of thinking about Time. Like, how much time do I have and am I spending my time wisely? Of course, none of us has the answers to those questions. Only God knows!

I sincerely hope I am spending my time wisely and I hope that when I stand before God someday He will be pleased with how I used the time I had been given.


Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you will spend some Time visiting Charlotte and Ginger and the other participants at Spiritual Sundays ~
God bless you!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Very thoughtful post! There is a lot of wisdom in what you wrote. This is an excellent article for the church bulletin. I am glad you posted it here for others to read also. My wife starts saying around the first of the year that we will "turn around a few times" and it will be Christmas again. This is her way of saying that time is speeding by. I will ponder your questions about how we "spend" our time. Thanks for making us think.

  2. I liked what you wrote about Time for your church bulletin, it is so true.What a great idea with your 3 clocks on the wall.
    God Bless,

  3. Wonderful idea about having time zones on your clocks. Your post was so good. Earlier today, I spoke Ps 90:12 to a friend, then I read your post and your wrote it out for me. May ALL God's children realize that living and loving life with Jesus makes our life worth living.

  4. Boy this is so true. The older you get the faster the time flies. I'm just amazed. I really like the clock idea. I'm so glad both of our kids live in our time zone. In fact, I'm thankful they live in the same town. Thank you for posting this. I think most people, me included, could use time more wisely.

  5. A very nice post thanks for sharing and reminding me I need to consider how I spent my time and not take each day for granted.

  6. lol I enjoy listening to the birds each day, but no way am I going to look and appreciate a butterfly. Ewww, they scare me! lol I'm a wimp, and that's a bug with wings. lol

    I know your post is not meant to be a joke; that's just quirky me.

  7. Good Morning Sandi,

    Wonderful wisdom and thoughts you've shared, we all should remember to live each day as if it were our last :). I like your 3 clocks but I'm afraid I would get confused :). Have a wonderful Sonday!

    Kathi :)

  8. I loved the clock idea with the different time zones. Your words on the value and importance of time were beautiful and encouraging. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Hi Sandi..
    This was what our sermon was about today in church.
    We ask our selves where did time go??? or say boy how time flies?? and is it that time already lol. not only is time precious, but what we do with our time.
    Great post to ponder on!!

    Hugz Lorie

  10. Oh this is a Excellant post on time....I am afraid, at times...I waste it or feel like I do...when the fibro is bad...I am asking the Lord to help me be a prayer warrior during times like these so I feel like my time in the recliner is profitable..

  11. Love the clocks. It's a great way to keep track of our loved ones. My daughter is in SE Asia this past month, and they are 12 hours ahead of EST. Wonderful post about Time.

    Jocelyn @

  12. first...what a great idea to have those three clocks. I'm always trying to count and figure out time differences for family that live overseas and your post...what you true. I think we're on the same wavelength b/c your words LIFE IS HARD BUT GOD IS GOOD - ALL THE TIME are what's been on my mind lately. Have a great weekend out there.

  13. It's always wise to assess how we are using our time. We do not know how many days the Lord has given us on this earth, and we want to make them count. To hear "well done my good and faithful servant" will be the music to my ears.

  14. Thanks for posting this. God has been impressing on me lately that I need to make better use of my time. It goes go fast! Especially when you have kids.

  15. Having recently experienced a situation similar to yours, I found great comfort in my Faith, and in the simple daily pleasures that are so often the very essence of our lives. May God Bless you, and give you strength. Debbie

  16. Dear Sandi,

    This is an excellant and thought provoking post!..,

    Thanks for joining me for last week's TTTT and also for my 88th,'Tuesday Tea For Two'~(I was so late this week that tomorrow's tea is just around the corner)!..,

    Oh my..,Things are sooo busy!

    Your tea post was 'picture perfect' as always and oh-so-pretty!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  17. I love your three clocks. For me they speak of a deep love for your family!

    Praying about your biopsy. I know you are spending your time wisely because you are using your gift of writing to bless others (me!).

  18. What a great post, I love this idea. I'm always praying that I use my time wisely,that's I why I decided to just blog for Spiritual Sunday because blogging was taking all of my time, I miss it so much but with working 40 hours a week and doing everything else that need to be done it was just to hard for me.
    God Bless,

  19. Sandi:

    Praying for you, right now. Thank you for stopping by Arise 2 Write and sharing from your heart.

    Hugs, love, and prayers,

  20. this was absolutely amazing post. I am so glad that I read it. How true your words....thanks

  21. Hi there .. thank you for hosting such a fabulous tea party!!! your tea cups are beautiful!!! I'm joining your tea party for the first time. Looking around your blog .. I realized you are a fellow Canadian... I'm in Ontario, just north of Toronto in the countryside. Wishing you a great week..HHL

  22. Bless you, Sandi for sharing these beautiful thoughts. I am always amazed at how fast the years fly by. I see Clif shared this truth with you in the first comment. Seems like we just jump from Christmas to the 4th of July and then it's Christmas again.
    I love the idea of the three clocks. I'm so glad our children both live close to us. If they lived in different time zones I think I would follow your lead and have three clocks together on the wall.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.