Saturday 1 November 2008

A Question for You??

At last, November has arrived and already I'm thinking Christmas! Well, to be honest, I've been thinking about Christmas since September, but don't tell anyone! I love that I'm free to fill my home with glitz and glitter and get away with it! Ever had that complusion but because it's not 'sensible', you have to wait until the right season has arrived to do it?
Anyway, now I can exhale and go to it.....but before I do that, I have to finish the bathroom and then there's that 'other little project' I had going a few months ago!
The coffee table!!!
Have you ever wondered if you've done the right thing? Well I certainly have. For several years now my coffee table has been a scratched up mess with dings and worn areas on it. It is made of wood and walnut veneers and when it was new, it was a beauty! But over the years it has gotten banged up. Funny thing is, when the boys were growing up, it never received any damage. It wasn't until they were all grown up that it began to show signs of wear and tear. It would leave a mark if one put their finger on it. Very impractical, especially now that the grandchildren are here. So, I decided it needed a new look.
I thought about getting it stripped and restained but that would have cost a mint. Next, I decided I wanted it painted white to go with my decor. Well, that did not meet with approval from my youngest son who had expressed a wish that I leave him the table after I'm through with it. My boys are all very sentimental and think that everything should remain the same as it was while they were growing up. Sorry guys!
Anyway, I couldn't stand the look of the table any longer and I took it to a nearby furniture restoring business where they informed me that it would cost approximately $300. So I decided to tackle it myself! I had my hubby sand it down for me and then I got to work. After priming it a couple of times, I started to apply not one, not two, but six coats of white paint. It looks great!
I don't know what my youngest will say when he comes home from university at Christmastime, but I love it and everyone else thinks it looks wonderful too. I think I should still add a coat of melamine paint to it so it will be more useable and I'm still debating whether I should distress it or not. What do you think??



Have a lovely weekend everyone!


  1. Sandi: No do not stress it! It is lovely the way it is.....Auntie P

  2. The table is pretty painted white. I think it would look nice distressed too. I think it is just a matter of personal opinion. I know what you mean about the kids not wanting changes. My son is that way. My daughter loves change, but my son doesn't.

  3. Ouuuuu much better in white!
    I love it!
    YES YES YES.......distress!

    Hugz, Dolly


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Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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