Friday 14 November 2008

The Bathroom....

Well, the bathroom is finished! At least all that I can do myself. But before I redecorated the bathroom, I had painted ALL the wood work on the main floor of the house. When we bought the house thirteen years ago, it was brand new and all the wood trim was in a medium oak. I didn't like it so I set out to change it over to white. It took me almost a year but I finally finished and it was well worth the effort. It looks so much better white!

Now, on to the bathroom....We have yet to get the new floor laid, a new light fixture, and a new mirror but those will have to wait until after the holidays. I've been waiting to have the new floor put down for over a year so I guess a couple more months won't hurt me. It has taken me a while because I've been working with a very sore shoulder {still waiting to hear what is wrong with it}
Anyway, we put a new sink, vanity top, and faucet in about a year ago. The vanity top had been white with a pink and green fleck in it. The new green one looks much better.

This is what the bathroom used to look like. I have to admit, I miss my roses! I always received a lot of compliments on the room but I felt I needed a change.

Note the white metal scrolly thing-wall art. That used to be black and I spray painted it white.

This is what it looked like with the border off and awaiting new paint and chair rail.

Painting is done and the chair rail is on.

This little cabinet used to be bright yellow which I painted white {of course} and distressed just a little bit.

New shower curtain which a friend made for me.

The painting is done, the chair rail is up, and the wall paper is on. The rest is accessorizing. I'm still looking for the perfect shelf to put on the wall.

Now, after all that, I'm decorating it for Christmas, so stay tuned! Have a wonderful day everyone.


  1. Sandi,

    Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Wow, those bathroom pics are beautiful. Have a great weekend.

    xo Cathy

  2. I thought I posted a comment yesterday about your bathroom but it didn't seem to show up. I really like the colour and the shower curtain. You have some nice accessories too!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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