Saturday 11 October 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Today was such a pretty day that my hubby and I decided to take a drive out to New Glasgow where they have a lovely preserve company with an adjoining tea room. They make their own jam right on the premises.

We went in and browsed the gift shop. Of course I had to buy something....a small white china tray with a lacey border. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it; all I know is I couldn't resist it! And I will find just the right spot for it. I really don't do that very often!

Then we made our way into the tea room where we treated ourselves to raspberry cream cheese pie and Earl Gray tea. It was indeed a treat!

One can sit and enjoy their tea while admiring the lovely scenery just beyond the windows. There is a pretty garden to look at and a river flows peacefully beside it. Every once in a while, you will see ducks, an eagle, and other wild life. The view is quite breathtaking, really!

While there, we took a couple of pictures of the scenery just beyond the PEI Preserves Co.
Our camera simply doesn't do them justice, but I thought I would share them with you anyway.
The little church is a beautiful sight as one drives into the small community of New Glasgow. It is nestled upon a hill overlooking the Clyde River. It is almost as though one has stepped back in time, it is so quaint.

Our Island has many special places to visit; New Glasgow being one of them.


It seems strange to me that we Canadians have always celebrated Thanksgiving a month earlier than our American neighbors. But I'm sure we are all thankful for our countries and the freedoms we enjoy in each one. God has been very good to us. May we never take our freedom or our blessings for granted!

May we all have an attitude of gratitude.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! No matter when we celebrate, we have many things to be thankful for. Come see my offering. In addition, I'm giving away 3 FREE books--see my sidebar. Happy Spiritual Sunday!

  2. Beautiful pictures, God is all around us if we will stop and look. Thanks for sharing, enjoyed.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you. I have only been to Canada once - to the EXPO 86. It was fantastic. What I saw of Canada I sure liked.

  4. Thanks for sharing the pictures and telling us the story of your splendid outing. I felt kinda like I was along for the trip. Happy Thanksgiving! We do need the reminder to be grateful. We have so much to be thankful for.

  5. Those pictures are so beautiful! I love old churches. Thank-you so much for sharing your day here with us.
    God Bless,


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