Tuesday 13 October 2020

Mid-October Pleasantries

What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet. ~ Anne Frank

Hello my lovely friends and welcome back to Rose Chintz Cottage!
Thanksgiving has come and gone for another year. As many of you know, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October which is a wonderful time for the holiday. The trees and landscape are filled with glorious colour and it is still not overly cold out. It is a delightful time of year to partake of veggies from the garden and succulent turkey and gravy. Pumpkin and apple pie is on almost everyone's table as well as other decadent desserts. 
Then we have the next two and a half months to decorate and prepare for the biggest holiday of the year, Christmas. Can you believe we are actually talking about Christmas again already?
This year, I am going to start decorating early. They say those who put up their tree early are happy people. And we could all use a little bit of Christmas earlier this year. Normally I wait until after Remembrance Day on November 11 but early Christmas decorating will not interfere with my honouring our soldiers and those who have fought and still fight to keep our countries free.

Here is a bit of trivia for you. A couple of my American blogger friends wondered if we had turkey for dinner on the holiday and if we celebrated like they do. The answer is, yes.

Our Canadian Thanksgiving takes place on the second Monday in October, while America celebrates on the fourth Thursday of November. The earliest recorded Canadian Thanksgiving actually dates back to 1578 - which is before the Pilgrims and the Native Americans feasted at Plymouth in 1621.

Every province and territory in Canada claim it as an official statutory holiday except for Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Although my hubby had the day off, he does not get paid for it. But it is still very much a holiday here on the Island.

Saturday morning I baked my pies. 

I set my antique jug of dried hydrangeas on the table for our tea today.

I brought out my peach coloured cup and saucer from Royal Chelsea made in England which is so pretty with the posies peeking out of the cup. It sits on one of the plates from Sur La Table which was a gift from my son for Christmas one year. Snuggled up to the plate you can see a 'blessed' napkin. Hubby saw them at the grocery store and brought them home.

The soup bowl set my son gifted me for Christmas a few years ago. The set consists of four covered soup bowls and four plates. I love it!

The Pumpkin pie was a success.

My pictures are not very clear today for some reason. I had a lot of trouble loading my pictures from Picasa onto my blog post. I hope it is not a prolonged problem. I am not thrilled with this new format Blogger is using now.

Last week we received some very good news from our son out on the west coast but I cannot tell you about it just yet. In the middle of this pandemic crisis we are all in, it is especially wonderful to receive some good news for a change! This past year has been incredibly difficult and sad for Hubby and me for many reasons but as they say, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. God is still there and He still answers prayer, oftentimes in ways we never expect.

God does His deepest work in our darkest hours. ~ AW Tozer

I hope your week is a delightful one and today and every day, may we all be thankful for the many blessings in our lives.

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi