Good evening everyone~ some of you have inquired as to the well being of my little brother who suffered a heart attack two weeks ago. He had triple bi-pass surgery and then they sent him home on Tuesday. He is doing well I'm told. Dennis lives in Indiana and I'm in Eastern Canada so I can't go see him. Thank you everyone for your prayers for him. I'm sure it has made such a difference.
As for me, seems I have fractured a rib and I've been rather uncomfortable for a couple of weeks! Sneezing really hurts! The doctor says it could take up to twelve weeks to heal so I will be trying to take it easy, although that's not going to be easy! It's very difficult for me to just sit still for very long. Thank goodness I can blog because that seems to take my mind off things.
Hope you're all enjoying a good night.
Sharing from my heart~Sandi