Welcome to Spiritual Sundays! This weekend we celebrate Father's Day, and in honour of Father's Day, I would like to pay tribute to the three 'Fathers' in my life.
My earthly father passed away in May of 1995 at the age of 67, and I miss him still. Daddy was a vital part of my life while I was growing up. He made sure my brother and I got to church every week and he was faithfully involved in so many areas of church life himself, that it was only natural that I would be involved too. Growing up, I thought he was the wisest man walking the face of the earth. Right into my late teens, I thought that. My father was charming, intelligent, witty, and loved very deeply. He was a character, and a great story-teller too. He was always pulling pranks on his family and friends. He had many friends, many hobbies, and was blessed with many talents. He worked as an Accountant his whole life but spent time putting his other talents to good use. During his lifetime he built many projects, including our first home. There were times while I was growing up, I wondered why God had placed me in my particular family. Looking back, I now realize that God in His wisdom knew that I would never have learned the lessons I needed to learn had I grown up in any other family. My father taught me much; perhaps the most important of all was to have integrity. So, thank you Lord, for giving me who You considered to be the best for me, and help me to always treasure my Daddy's memory.
The father of my children is my most favourite person in the whole world. He's my best friend! My hubby is everything I ever dreamed of in a husband, and I am so blessed to have him in my life! God knew exactly what I needed when He brought Hubby my way, and I'll always be thankful for the love and the life we have shared together. My hubby is a man of God; faithful, and true to his calling. He is so proud of his family and loves them dearly. There is nothing he wouldn't do for any of us if it was within his power to do so. He is precious to all of us! I thank God for him every day, and this being Father's Day weekend, I ask His special blessing upon this wonderful man in my life. Love you, Hubby!
My heavenly Father is the most important Person in my life and He is the reason I'm here today. From the time I was a little girl, I have felt His hand upon my life. There was a time however, when my life was somewhat of a wreck; much like a construction site. It was messy, without an engineer to build something beautiful out of the mess that was made there. Some of the ground had been broken and there were all kinds of equipment on the site but no one to take charge of it. When Jesus came into my life, He changed all that. He took control and little by little, He has moulded me into the person He wants me to be. He's still working on me and I won't be complete until He takes me home. In the meantime, my life is better, happier, and more secure because of my faithful Father's love and care. I can honestly say that I give Him all the glory for who I am, because aside from Him, I am nothing!
"Faith of our fathers! we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife;
And preach thee, too, as love knows how, By kindly words and virtuous life.
Faith of our fathers! holy faith! We will be true to thee till death!" - Frederick W. Faber {1814-1863}
On this very special day, I want to say 'Thank you' to both Charlotte and Ginger for their work behind the scenes on Spiritual Sundays. It is because of their contribution and caring for others that we are able to participate in this event each week. And of course there are the men in their lives, giving them the love and support they need too. So thanks, guys for being there for your wives! Please click on the link http://bloggerspirit.blogspot.com/ or the Spiritual Sundays button on my sidebar to go visit these wonderful ladies and all the other folks who participate. I pray you will be blessed! Have a wonderful day everyone; especially all you fathers out there!