Saturday 9 October 2021

Happy Thanksgiving to All My Canadian Friends!

I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. Henry David Thoreau

Hello dear friends! This year my bird bath pumpkin is a sweet Cinderella pumpkin instead of the usual orange pumpkin I have displayed in previous years. Don't you just love the wide varieties of pumpkins we have now?

The birdies can still get a drink from the birdbath because there is room in there for them to get water.

On the table are some blue and white transferware pieces. It has been cool the past few days so the fire is going.

This coming Monday is our Canadian Thanksgiving and I have made the usual pies and a War cake. 
We will be having dinner out at a restaurant because I took another fall the other day. I do however have a turkey in the oven and I will make some gravy for hot turkey sandwiches later.

Our middle son and his family are coming from New Brunswick to join us and our oldest grandson who lives about ten minutes away will be joining us as well. Our oldest son is spending the weekend in Ontario with his two other boys so he won't be joining us. Alas, our youngest son lives in the States so he won't be here either. But it is lovely to have some family with us this year.

Thanksgiving is of course a special day set aside to give thanks for all the many blessings in our lives. Good food, loved ones, and the precious memories that have played a part in shaping who we are. Our Heavenly Father has ordained them all.

I wish all my Canadian friends a very Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you all!

It is not what we say about our Blessings, but how we use them, which is the true measure of our Thanksgiving. unknown

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi