Monday 18 November 2019

No Place Like Home ~ What is A Homemaker?

Hello dear friends and welcome to another week of No Place Like Home!

Ever since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was a homemaker and even though I have worn several hats, nothing has ever brought me the joy and contentment that staying home and being a mom and homemaker has brought me. You see, I thrive on bringing beauty and comfort into my home for my family and friends to enjoy.

I am a domestic diva and home is where my heart is. 

Yes, I am one of those women who enjoys the scent of clothes fresh off the clothesline, baking special treats, and I like keeping house. Perhaps I'm a rare breed today. 

I do know there are many ladies out there who work outside the home because they have to. Or perhaps they want to. I know my sister-in-law had her children and went back to work when they started school and she couldn't wait to get back to her job. Her children are two very fine, well-adjusted adults today and you couldn't find a closer family. So, whether you are a stay at home mom or a mom who works outside the home, I believe it all depends on the love and quality of care the children receive that matters. In any case, I salute you all because I know you're doing the best you can.  

What is a homemaker, you may ask? Well, according to one dictionary, it describes a homemaker as a person, usually a woman, who cares for her own home and family by cleaning, cooking nutritious meals, doing laundry, running errands, caring for pets, etc... I am delighted to call myself a homemaker!

In the front of one of my recipe scribblers, I have penned the verse from Proverbs 31:27 -

"She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness." 

It gives me great joy to see the smile of appreciation on the faces of the ones I love. Like baking an apple pie.

It's Hubby's favourite.

Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness. ~ Jane Austen

Now picture this...There is a nip in the air and the frost is beginning to paint lovely pictures on the windows but it's warm and cozy inside. A fire is dancing in the fireplace and cookies are fresh from the oven. Big mugs of hot chocolate are being savoured by those within.

Mom has made home a nice place to be.

When my children were growing up, I took great pains to do special things for my family. I loved having the smell of fresh baked cookies, cinnamon rolls, or spicy apple pie greet their noses when they came home from school and work. Actually, in my home, cinnamon rolls were always called "Snails." It was the name my oldest son put on them because they reminded him of snails. He was always the nature lover. *smiles*

My nesting instincts brought me joy. They still do.

Setting the table with my favourite china; Rose Chintz, a pattern I have loved since I was a little girl...

...makes me realize I am living my childhood dream of being a homemaker. Some believe that is a very high calling.

Homemaking is surely in reality the most important work in the world. ~ CS Lewis 

When you think about it, where would we be without homemakers? 

What does homemaking mean to you? Is it a joy or is it a drudgery because you're tired out from working all day? God bless you ladies!

Now I want to give each of you a chance to share what you are creating in your home to make it a delightful place for your loved ones to come home to. You are under no obligation to join my party but if you would like to, simply let me know in a comment and I will add your name to the list of participants. 

You are welcome to share any of the following: 

Cooking and baking, antiquing, artwork, ceramics,

crafts, collections, crocheting, knitting, quilting, 

floral arranging, home decor, hospitality, 

photography, tea time. That also means a visit to a 

tearoom because I would love to hear about that 

too. Thrift shopping, or perhaps you have a new 

member of the family. Even fur babies are 

welcome here.

You get the picture! Anything and everything which makes your home more enjoyable to come home to, for your family, your friends, and yourself. 

There really is No Place Like Home. Thank you for visiting and have a lovely day.

Lord, this humble house we'd keep 
Sweet with play and calm with sleep. 
Help us so that we may give 
Beauty to the lives we live. 
Let Thy love and let Thy grace 
Shine upon our dwelling place. - 
Edgar A. Guest

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi