Friday 5 April 2019

Of Bunnies and Family

Spring had come once more to Green Gables - the beautiful, capricious Canadian spring, lingering along through April and May in a succession of sweet, fresh, chilly days, with pink sunsets and miracles of resurrection and growth. ~ L M Montgomery - Anne of Green Gables

Well, here we are in the merry month of April. Are you glad it's April? I certainly am and I look forward to the earth waking up this month. The grass turning green, a few flowers poking up from the ground, and other delightful surprises await us after the long cold winter. I'm not sorry to see winter come to an end. No, not for a moment.

We had a wicked storm overnight on Wednesday into Thursday with hurricane force winds. The wind just about uprooted our bird feeder but Hubby put it back in place when he got home from work. Today, the wind is much calmer and the goldfinches are happily filling their tummies. I love springtime!

Looking out our kitchen window the other day, we noticed the little brook behind our house was running freely. We also saw a little bunny in our neighbour's back yard feasting on something tasty. This was the best shot I could get because he was a distance away but you can see a few brown patches on his white fur. 

Soon he will be completely brown and we will not recognize him when he visits the back yard again. There are a few bunny rabbits around. The next day he was in our back yard but our next door neighbour's dog started barking and scared our little bunny away. Thankfully, the bunny has been back several times so he braved the barking of the dog. I am so glad we live on the outskirts of the city where we are only five minutes from the shops but nature abounds in our neighbourhood.

I don't share a lot about my family but March brought some wonderful surprises our way.

Two of my grandchildren won medals in their competitions. Zachary won a gold medal in Jiu Jitsu. He is the little guy in the middle.
His little sister Jenna-Lynn won silver with her team in gymnastics/cheer leading. She is the little girl on the far left holding hands with the girl at the top.
These little sprigs are my middle son's children. I love how family traits are carried from one generation to another. 

My thirteen year old grandson drew this picture the other day. He also plays football.

My youngest son just bought his first home and he's pretty excited! 
He left home at eighteen to follow his dream of becoming a Math professor. He began his formal education in Alberta, far from home. After that he went to U of T and then his post doc took him to the US. Last year he achieved his goal by becoming Assistant Professor. He and his little family will be moving into their first home as soon as it is completed. My son has worked very hard for this and we are thrilled for him! He also has a birthday coming up next week; Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!

Our oldest boy, who has been suffering with that bad concussion, went out to the beach to take a walk on Sunday. It was the first warm stretch of weather we've had although I dare say it wasn't overly warm out on the North Shore. He came across this lovely piece of driftwood on his walk. 

He is coming along but he's still experiencing some rather unpleasant issues. Unfortunately, he will go back to work next week because his benefits have not kicked in yet and he has a family to care for. 

Other things may change us but we start and end with Family. Family is everything! ~ unknown

My beloved auntie had her picture taken last week by my cousin. Doesn't she look lovely! I'm hoping to visit my auntie this summer. We live in  different provinces so I don't see her as often as I like. Miss you, Auntie P!

Before I go, I will pour some tea. I made a cottage pudding yesterday with a nice warm sauce over it. One of my bunnies is joining me. Would you care to join me too?
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. ~ Roald Dahl

Sharing from my heart ~