Monday 18 June 2018

Lilacs and Rose Chintz

I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June. ~ LM Montgomery - Anne of the Island

Hello everyone! The lilacs are in bloom! Some flowers have the most heavenly scent and lilacs are no exception.

I love using my Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz with these flowers. Lilacs and Rose Chintz together evoke such charm to any tea table. Both are old fashioned and remind me of days gone by. 

Last year my Auntie P passed down all of her Rose Chintz to me. She had been gifted the china when she got married and kept adding pieces to it over the years and I have always loved it. 
She is in a nursing home now so she has no more use for it. How things have changed the past two years! Her beloved hubby, my sweet Uncle Doug, went home to be with the Lord a year ago in May, and Auntie can no longer take care of herself so she is in a nursing home not far from where she and my uncle used to live. 

It still takes me some getting use to it all because up until a couple of years ago she visited my blog and often left a comment. We used to email long letters almost every day to one another which my hubby called "books" because they were so long. But oh my, we had such fun in those days and I miss the day to day communication with her so much!

Anyway, on to my lilacs and Rose Chintz which will always remind me of Auntie P....

What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfilment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade. ~
Gertrude Jekyll - excerpt from Victoria May/June 2011

I have pieces of china that look fabulous with lilacs but none look as pretty or so charming as my Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz. Those little lavender blue flowers in the pattern pick up on the colour of the lilacs so nicely. 

My little lavender turtle hasn't joined us in a while so he has come for tea as well.  

An old-fashioned bouquet of lilacs and old-fashioned china call for old-fashioned tea treats. So join me, won't you, for a nice cup of tea with some cookies and perhaps a tea biscuit with rhubarb sauce. 

Life is like a teacup to be filled to the brim and enjoyed with friends.~ Unknown 

These are my tea biscuits. They are plain and cut into rounds whereas when I make scones, I add fruit or raisins to them, cut them into triangles and sprinkle them with sugar or drizzle a glaze on them. 

I have been busy jarring up rhubarb sauce so we can enjoy a little taste of summer throughout the coming months. I really love it because it is filled with summer goodness and is delicious on so many things. 

Perhaps you would prefer an old-fashioned sugar cookie with your cup of tea. Both the pink and the green plates on which my goodies are served are Old English made by Johnson Bros. 

My children favoured these cookies when they were growing up and my middle son and his family will be coming home next month for a visit, so I decided to make a big batch and freeze them. I always cut the cookies out big and add raisins in the center.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend or two.  

Savour the scent of lilacs for they won't last long.

It's the month of June,
the month of leaves and roses,
when pleasant sights salute the eyes
and pleasant scents the noses. ~ Nathaniel Parker Willis

Soon my roses will be in bloom too. Or I hope they will be. I don't see any buds yet because it's been so cold. June has not been a very warm month so far.

Sweet blessings to you, my friends! Thank you for your visit and have a lovely day.

I am joining the following parties as well~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea ~
 Home Sweet Home~

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi