Monday 18 December 2017

Christmas Time is Here

Snow flakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to share.

Sleigh bells in the air

Beauty everywhere
Yuletide by the fireside
And joyful memories there.

Christmas time is here

We'll be drawing near
Oh, that we could always see,
Such spirit through the year.... ~ From A Charlie Brown Christmas

Hello friends! I love that song! Don't you just love this time of year? Our kitchens are filled with the aroma of baked goods fresh from the oven. You know, those treats we only bake for Christmas?The Christmas lights twinkle from our trees and windows and the sound of music permeates every room of the house. There is a sense of expectancy in the air and one cannot help but feel thankful for such a beautiful season.

This sweet little wooden teapot ornament arrived in the mail the other day from my friend Margie. It is in good company with many other special treasures gifted to me over the years by family, friends, and yes, my blogger friends too. Thank you, Margie!

It looks cute on my whimsical memory tree.

Hubby and I have been very busy and to top the busyness all off, we have been sofa hunting too! We finally settled on a Lazyboy sofa in teal. The fabric on the left looks wonderful with my pillows and drapes.

I am excited for it to arrive which won't be for nine weeks but that's OK. I have something nice to look forward to.

Today I am using some Christmas inspired china for our tea time. There is a spicy tea steeping in the teapot and there are a variety of cookies to enjoy.

The teapot was a Christmas gift from my son and his family a few years ago. It is made by Ganz. I love the holly motif on it! 

This is a Royal Stafford teacup with a pretty holly motif I found at a yard sale years ago.

Of course, you all know this is Royal Albert's cup of the month for December; Christmas Rose.

A plate of lovely cookies. There are chocolate peanut butter balls, sugar cookie trees with sprinkles, chocolate dipped almond crescents, Scotch cookies, spider cookies, and snickerdoodles.
Please help yourself to cookies and a cup of tea.

I think it's important to take some time to relax and not allow the hustle and bustle to rob us of the beauty of this holiday season. 

Taking time for tea is a lovely way to just sit and savour not only tea and treats but the traditions passed down. Most importantly, the Reason for the Season; the first coming of our Lord Jesus. 

Christmas is that moment in time when God, in His unconditional love, stepped out of heaven and onto earth, in order that we might one day step out of earth into heaven. - Charles F Stanley

Thank you dear ones for stopping by for a visit today and may the Lord bless you and your family this Christmas!

Country Christmas

It's Christmas in the country,

The mantel's trimmed with cards;
Friends and neighbours far and near
Stop in with their regards.

A cheery wreath adorns the door,

An angel tops the tree,
And coloured lights are strung about,
Twinkling merrily.

Mistletoe hangs from the door,

The children just can't wait;
Time seems to pass so slowly,
They want to celebrate.

Then when at last the day arrives,

There's magic in the air--
It's Christmas in the country,
And what a grand affair! ~ Kathy A. Schaeffer

I am joining the following parties as well~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi