Monday 25 September 2017

A Heart to Heart Over Tea

Life is like a teacup to be filled to the brim and enjoyed with friends. ~ unknown

Happy Autumn dear friends! It's a beautiful day and I'm enjoying a cup of Pumpkin Chai tea from David's Tea. Would you like to join me?

I am sitting here in the office with the last scents of summer wafting through the windows and I can't help but think about how blessed I am! 

My teapot is Skye McGhie - Cream Lace

There is tragedy and turmoil in different parts of the world even as I write this and I am blessed to be able to sit here with a new roof over my head, food in the fridge, lovely china in my cupboards, pretty clothes in my closet, and just a few minutes away, the love of my life is working at a job he will soon be retiring from with a pension. 
We have a loving family and good friends. One doesn't have to go too far to find someone who can lend a hand should we need one. 

The teacup is Skye McGhie - Chantilly Lace

But, I have to be honest, 2017 has been one of the most difficult years of my adult life. To say it has been a season of hardships would be an understatement. You all know about my surgeries and cancer scare. What you don't know is that I have other health issues as well. These days I am going to physiotherapy for a torn shoulder. I am seeing a plastic/reconstructive surgeon this week concerning my right hand. {I'm right handed so we'll see how that goes.} I still have ongoing issues with my back and probably always will and I also have Muscular Dystrophy which ninety-nine per cent of you never knew about because I don't talk about it.

I also have a broken rib which I'm waiting on to heal up. My youngest son told me they're going to have to tie me to a chair and have their father spoon feed me Kraft dinner and fried bologna, which is pretty much all my hubby can cook. It's good to laugh, as long as it's not too hard! 
But, more than all of that, are the family matters that have just about worn us all out until just recently. 

There are many of you out there that have much more serious problems going on than I do, so I prefer to talk about other things more pleasant. To be honest, I do not like to talk about my personal problems because I am a somewhat private person. Besides, I am alive, I am able to breathe on my own, I can walk and talk, I can see, hear, taste, touch and smell, so I figure I don't have much to complain about.

God is God. Because He is God, He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere but in His holy will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what He is up to. ~ Elisabeth Elliott

Thanks be to my Heavenly Father, He has blessed me in spite of everything. In spite of all the goings-on in my life, the pain and discomfort, and that of my family, He has put a peace and a joy in my heart that is hard to fathom. In reality, I suppose I should be a bundle of nerves, perhaps even seeing someone for all the stress in my life. But it's not like that for me. 

The joy of the Lord is my strength. ~ Nehemiah 8:10

I can never ever repay the love and compassion He has bestowed upon me and unless you know personally what I'm talking about, it is very hard to explain. Faith is a beautiful thing!

Some folks talk about dwelling on good thoughts and having a peace within yourself because you believe in yourself. But what if your world falls apart? What if YOU fall apart? 
When my world falls apart, I have Someone much bigger than myself to turn to. His shoulders are bigger and stronger than mine and it is human nature to want to have Someone to look up to.

The deepest urge in every human heart is to be in relationship with someone who absolutely delights in us. ~ Larry Crabb - Psychologist

Today, right this moment, I want to thank Him for this day and try to bring a little happiness into someone else's day if possible. Someone once said, "If you want to be happy, get your mind off yourself." I believe that! There are so many other lovely things we can be thinking about. There are so many things we can be doing for others.

Life is a one time offer; use it well. ~ unknown

So, today, I am wondering what are you thankful for? We Canadians are just two weeks away from celebrating Thanksgiving so with that in mind, I know we all have something we can be grateful for. Would you care to share?

God bless you today, my dear friends, and make you a blessing to someone else!

I am joining the following parties as well~

Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi