Saturday 21 January 2017

A Blue January

January opens the box of the year
And brings out days that are bright and clear.
And brings out days that are cold and gray;
And shouts, "Come see what I brought today!"
~ LB Jacobs

Hello my lovely friends! I have been MIA again because I put my back out a couple of weeks ago. The walker and I have become best buddies, and because I've been in a lot of pain, I had to take a break from blogging. As you can see, the walker is blue. 

Funny thing about backs; one sometimes doesn't have to do too much for it to give us grief. A friend of mine put his out simply by leaning over to tie his shoes and he's gone back to physio. 

I probably should have gone myself but I decided to put up with the pain for a few days to see what would happen. My physiotherapist emailed me to see how I was doing. I think I have the most compassionate and thoughtful PT on the planet. The exercises he taught me to do four years ago have strengthened my core so I'm healing much quicker than I otherwise would have. Please, if you have ever had a back injury and you have been given exercises to do, be sure to keep them up. They really do make a difference in your recovery.

Anyway, I'm almost back to "normal" for which I am so very thankful and thought I would do a post about one of the beautiful teacups my auntie blessed me with a few months ago.

Today it is the beautiful vintage cobalt blue Royal Albert from the Regal Series, 1970s

This is such a stunner!  The rich blue dressed up with all the gilding makes it a real eye pleaser. I daresay, it's fit for a princess! Tea is always so much nicer when sipped from a beautiful teacup, wouldn't you agree?

Haven't got a lot of riches,
And sometimes the going's tough;
But I've got loving ones around me,
And that makes me rich enough!

I thank God for His blessings
And the mercies He's bestowed.
I'm drinkin' from my saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed!
Jimmy Dean ~ I'm Drinkin' From My Saucer

I am also using my Johnson Bros. Devon Cottage teapot. The yellow tulips are so complimentary to my blues and are a hopeful nod to springtime. 

The very sight of a teapot puts a smile on the face of most people. One cannot help but think of more serene and genteel times. ~ Barbara Roberts

As always, when I bring my blue out, the wee china birds also make an appearance.

Don't you just love poetry that gives you a crinkly feeling up and down your back? LM Montgomery - Anne

In case you haven't noticed, I simply adore quotes and poetry. And I always make sure there is at least one or two little tidbits in my post. I hope you enjoy them.

This is just a little posting to let you know I'm still here and thinking of you all. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and thank you so much for keeping me company. Take care everyone and the Lord bless you!

I am joining the following parties as well~

Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi