Friday 17 June 2016

Lilacs and Roses

What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfilment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade. ~
Gertrude Jekyll - excerpt from Victoria May/June 2011

Hello everyone! It's been another cold and rainy week. No one is happy because those who like to garden, golf, play tennis, or walk on the shore, are not able to. Very disappointing!

However, on a brighter note, the trees are very lush and green as is the grass. Bushes and trees are filled with blossoms and the promise of summertime is still ahead. The songbirds are singing their little hearts out in the trees behind our home and it fills me with joy.

So, let's gather some fragrant lilacs and pretty china and see if they can cheer us up. The scent of lilacs alone can make one happy!

I have shared my Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz many times over the years but I have to share it again when the lilacs are out. I had originally set my table with blue transferware but it just looked flat so out came my Rose Chintz once again. 

I love using my Rose Chintz pitcher for a big bouquet and I like using smaller pieces like a creamer for smaller arrangements. Lilacs just look so pretty with this pattern.

My Rose Chintz talks to me. It reminds me of a little girl visiting her auntie over in New Brunswick who always set her table with these girly dishes. The dishes had been a wedding present to her and her husband. Auntie's table always looked special, almost like a garden, and that made the little girl feel special while she was there. It was something she could count on and she was smitten with those dishes from a very early age. 

Most of my beloved Rose Chintz came to me via my sweet auntie and now they remind me of her and the loving relationship we share.

I love how the lilacs bring out those sweet little blue forget-me-nots sprinkled among the roses in the pattern. It just looks so pretty and whimsical.

I cannot resist sharing this pattern when it is lilac season.

Lilacs and lace.

The other day I went into an antique shop looking for a vintage lace tablecloth. I didn't find one but I did leave with three china cups and saucers {Yes, I have been naughty because I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more.} When one is planning to downsize, one doesn't keep buying china. Until you at least get settled and then you can start again. Pretty china is my weakness. 

I love things that bear the touch of time; chips and all - they're more beautiful than perfection. ~  Victoria magazine

I also bought a little silver plated pitcher which I simply couldn't resist! It has a patina on it but I like it. The camera picks up the outline of where there used to be a label but with the naked eye you don't see it at all.

And here it is with a couple sprigs of lilacs in it. Cute? I think the shape of it is ever so sweet!

This is going to hold many different posies over the years.

I made blueberry oatmeal muffins to have with our tea. We have been eating rhubarb for a week so I thought blueberries would be a nice change.

Next week I will share one of my new teacups with you. Here is a sneak peek.

You like?? Are you curious? This is one teacup I COULD NOT leave behind and you will see why next week.

Thank you for your company today. I love it when you stop by. Enjoy your weekend and be sure to stop and smell the roses or lilacs or whatever is blooming in your part of the world! Take care, dear friends.

PS ~ The sun finally came out! Yay!!

People need people and friends need friends
And we all need love, for a full life depends
Not on vast riches or great acclaim
Not on success or worldly fame
But just in knowing that someone cares
And holds us close in their thoughts and prayers. 
~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

I am joining the following parties as well ~

Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Bernideen's TTCG Blog Party
Tea Cup Tuesday
The Art of Home-Making Mondays
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi