Saturday 23 April 2016

North and South

Wouldn't it be an exhilarating tonic for the soul to take a moment to appreciate the simple, good things in life which are so bountiful? - anonymous

Hello friends! Hope your week has been a lovely one.

Three times this week my hubby and I have had the opportunity to go down to the boardwalk at Victoria Park and enjoy the scenery. Although the grass has yet to turn lush and green and the branches on the trees and bushes are still bare, it is lovely to sit and take in the beauty all around us.

It is very nice to sit in the car and have the sun shine in warm and cozy while sipping our coffee. The boardwalk is on the south side of our Island so it's generally a bit warmer there. 

This is our parking spot by the boardwalk. Here we can watch all the big cruise ships entering Charlottetown Harbour.

Soon the sailboats will be sailing and the folks walking by on the boardwalk will shed their heavy coats and don their shorts and capris. Actually, there were a few yesterday wearing short sleeves and shorts.

There will be many folks walking their dogs and doggie greetings will be made. 

Squirrels chatter in the trees on the other side of us and in the background we can hear the balls flying back and forth in the tennis courts. 

We took a short walk up to where the canons are. Because it is higher ground there, the wind was whipping around and it was very chilly. 

These canons have been here since the seventeen hundreds. They protected our harbour and helped to ward off our enemies many years ago.

This is our view of Victoria Park from up on the hill. Looking down you can see where we park our car along the boardwalk, just before you get to the turn. To the right is a dairy bar where they sell the best fries on the Island, in my opinion.

The park was busy yesterday with lots of people out walking and getting some fresh air. The white house you see behind the trees is the Governor's Mansion. It has a beautiful garden in the summertime. Once the leaves bud out, that is a lovely place to take a walk.

Ah, yes, Spring is indeed here!

We decided to take a drive out to the north shore too since it was such a lovely day. On the way, we enjoyed seeing the livestock out in the pastures again. This farm is just seconds before you get to the beach.

When we drove by the first time, there was a sweet little calf getting his dinner from his mama. Unfortunately, they were all lying down on the way back. Notice the calves are all white.

The horse too was enjoying a munch.

The Gulf on the north side is very cold right now which contributes to our cooler weather. While our son out in BC is having temps in the high twenties {Celsius} we here are still not very warm. 


Although clear of ice, it is too cold to go wading. Look at all those white caps! It was a pretty day with very blue skies above us.


All of the bathhouses and canteens are closed until June but there are still a few brave souls who dress in their heavy jackets and go for a walk or a run along the shore. 


These young ladies were braving the cold weather and had fun tossing the ball around! They even had bare feet!

On our way back to the car we met these young folks who asked us to take their picture. Of course we indulged them. The young fellow on the right didn't mind the cool temps because he's wearing shorts. Young people, eh?

Me, I think I'll stick close to the car and just snap a few pictures while we're out here. It's too cold for me.

In another couple of months, we will be able to go for a walk and feel the lovely sand between our toes.

Now, back at home, it's time for tea. Pink tulips and some yellow teacups bring a touch of spring to the table.

This cup is made by Paragon. She's a beauty with a cluster of pink posies inside the cup.   

This teacup is Royal Albert, called Shaftesbury, from The Festival Series. 

All that walking calls for a little snack. Chicken salad folded into a wrap and a Monaco double chocolate cookie.

Join me?

Thank you for visiting today. I hope you enjoyed our little outing to our north and south sides of the Island. Of course there is so much more to see. When it warms up, I'll take you on a tour. Enjoy your weekend everyone and the Lord bless you! 

We live in a world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. ~ Jawaharlal Nehru   

I am joining the following parties as well~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Bernideen's TTCG Blog Party
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 The Art of Home-Making Mondays
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi