Friday 1 April 2016

Beau-tea-ful Blue Hydrangeas and a Wonderful Win

Welcome my dear friends to my first post in April! I am delirious that April is here! The polar vortex is coming to visit us next week but hopefully after that it will begin to warm up a little. 

Let your joy burst forth like the flowers in the spring. ~ unknown

I have some luscious shades of blue to share with you today. The hydrangea was from my dear hubby for Easter. Isn't it simply gorgeous! I love the petals as delicate as butterfly wings in varying shades of blue.

I have tucked my little bird's nest into it, just because. The little twigs accompanied the nest when my son found it for me. 

This bird's nest was once home to a red-eyed vireo.

I am still miserable with a head cold. I have been housebound for over a week and our lovely Easter weekend found me mostly bed ridden because I was so sick. So again, my tea today is with lemon. I've been drinking gallons of lemon water and lemon ginger tea.

Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book. ~ Bill Watterson

It is raining here today although it is mild. It's a good day to stay put and nurse this cold of mine. 

I am happy to have won Laura Childs' new tea shop mystery, Devonshire Scream! Linda @ Friendship Tea had a giveaway a few weeks ago and I won. Thank you, Linda!

It is a hard covered book and it came directly from the author herself. It is autographed by her to me. 

I have the entire tea shop mystery series and I have read them all several times. I am really enjoying this new read so far. Some claim it is her best tea mystery book yet. I will let you know what I think of it when I am finished reading it.

Flowers, books and tea, what could be better when one is down with a head cold!

When you have flowers, books and tea, you are never alone. ~ Alexandra Stoddard

My Churchill Blue Willow teapot and Johnson Brothers Blue Willow teacup are being put to use today as well as this Enoch Wedgwood teacup which depicts Royal Homes of Britain.

I made some peaches and cream Danish for our tea. I got this idea from Martha @ Lines From Linderhof. Thank you, Martha!

The pretty plate is Devon Cottage by Johnson Brothers.

I made the Danish just a little bit differently but Martha still gets the credit for sharing the recipe. If you like, I can share mine tomorrow.

Thank you for your visit today and I hope you all have a weekend filled with joy!

When you wish someone joy, you wish them peace, love, prosperity, happiness...all the good things. ~ Maya Angelou

I am sharing this post with the following parties as well~ 

Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Bernideen's BTTCG Blog Party
Tea Cup Tuesday
Share Your Cup Thursday~ 
Home Sweet Home~ 

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi