Friday 5 February 2016

An Imagination is a Wonderful Thing!

The color of winter is in the imagination. ~ Terri Guillemets

Hello bloggy friends! I hope your first week of February was very pleasant.

One week down and we're that much closer to springtime. You know how I long for it; how I dream about it especially today as we are in the midst of another snow storm. They are predicting thirty to forty cm of the white stuff. 

My hubby had two weeks of vacation and he spent most of that time painting the kitchen-dining rooms. I don't do much in the way of painting any longer so it's his job now.

Have you ever noticed when you begin to paint, how many holes, dings and dark spots there are to cover? 

The time it takes to fill and then prime them, one could have had the painting all done. We painted the walls the same colour they were before. I was tempted to paint them aqua but the colour goes so well with the curtains and floor. I love my toile curtains so it's Country Cream again.

On a sunny day, the rooms are light and bright which is what we like. This colour also goes down the hallway.

You see the shelf? We opted to leave it up and paint around it because we had such a time hanging it in the first place. It weighs a ton and once the paint is dry, one will never know we hadn't taken it down. 

It's a good feeling to get it done. Everything hasn't been put back yet but it looks fresh and clean. 

I love my little sheep; a birthday present from a friend. He takes his place on the shelf in front of the Venetian tray. Do you love sheep as much as I do?

Meanwhile, some spring cleaning is getting done too. After these rooms are finished, we're on to the den which is blue.

If you have good thoughts, 
they will shine out of your face
like sunbeams
and you will always look lovely. ~ Roald Dahl

Getting one's home spruced up is like getting a new hair cut. Although I have been wearing the same hair style for years, it always feels good to get it trimmed and I go back and forth with the invert in the back. 

My hair always looks the same but it makes me feel better when I get it done. 

Just like the kitchen and dining rooms.

Now that I've bored you with painting and talking about my hair style, let's have some tea.

People need people and friends need friends
And we all need love, for a full life depends
Not on vast riches or great acclaim
Not on success or worldly fame
But just in knowing that someone cares
And holds us close in their thoughts and prayers.
~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

Valentines Day is almost here so let's have a romantic cup of tea today.

Pink is just right for the occasion, don't you think? A snow storm has drifted in and tucked us under a fresh blanket of snow once again. I am daydreaming about warm summer days filled with trips to the beach, walks through the woods, fresh picked berries and coffee down at the Board Walk. 

I am also thinking about my family who will be home for a reunion this coming summer.

Looking out the window unfortunately brings reality back home. But if I use my imagination, I can go any where I want to. What was it that Anne used to say? Oh yes, "There is great scope for imagination." ~ LM Montgomery - Anne of Green Gables 

I love to cozy up next to the fire with a hot cup of tea especially on days like this, close my eyes and be whisked away to thoughts of summer days. Getting lost in a good book also provides an adventure outside of the ordinary.

I have brought out my summery teacups and I will steep a favourite tea and curl up in my chair to enjoy it. Would you like to join me?

My Royal Albert Summer teacup is a favourite and is adorned with a little English cottage and a gaggle of geese in the yard. It's not hard to imagine myself at that little cottage. I would be right at home there.

Rose Chintz made by Gracie China is my other teacup which is of course sprinkled with roses, my favourite flower.

The teapot is Royal Albert New Country Roses. A soft pink with roses adorning it.

For a little treat I have made Spider cookies. Do you remember those? My children grew up on them and my hubby loves them too. With another storm upon us, I think these will make good storm cookies. I will share the recipe tomorrow in case you have never made them yourself.

"If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give." ~ George MacDonald

It is always my pleasure to have you visit and I hope I brought a little smile to your day. Have a lovely weekend and God bless you!

I am joining the following parties as well ~ 

Tuesday Cuppa Tea 
Bernideen's TTCG Blog Party
Tea Cup Tuesday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi