Monday 11 August 2014

A Cottage Tea for Tea Time

"I don't know how anyone can live without some small place of enchantment to turn to." ~ Marjorie Rawlings

Welcome to Tea Time, dear friends! 

It has been for Hubby and me, a very busy summer. We have had a lot of company and excitement here at our home and today we have three of our little grandsons here for the day. 

How about you? What has your summer been like? I hope it has been a joyful one. 

While I was on my blogging break I visited a shop I hadn't been to in a couple of years. They had some new inventory and I spied this little cottagey teapot. 

I hadn't planned on purchasing another teapot but I couldn't resist this one. I liked the shape with the roses on it and it is different from what I usually collect. A rose on the spout....

And roses on the cover....

The price was right and it is just perfect for a cup of tea or two. Isn't it cute? It will most likely sit out on a tray on my coffee table accompanied by a cup and saucer or two; an invitation to tea. 

A guest never forgets the host who had treated him kindly. ~ Homer

I mostly favour a "cottage" look in my home, and I like to surround myself with pretty things but they have to be comfortable, not stuffy or untouchable. I love pretty pillows, painted furniture, and books. There is always a Victoria or Tea Time magazine sitting out on the coffee table. 

This is why I was drawn to this little teapot. It just says cottage to me.

"The very sight of a teapot puts a smile on the face of most people. One cannot help but think of more serene and genteel times....They are a subtle reminder of all that is good in the world." ~ Barbara Roberts 

I like my home to be decorated with some of my favourite things displayed here and there; like ivy, old china, and lace. 

Speaking of lace, I just have to share the doily my niece crocheted and entered at Old Home Week last week. Hers won first place and a red ribbon. Isn't it lovely! I know some of you will appreciate her fine work.

Doesn't this doily remind you of those lovely pieces the women folk created years ago?

Now time for some tea....My teacup today is Royal Albert. I do love the little roses adorning it and the brushed on gold. I have my tea set out on the little green cabinet in the dining room.

The little teapot holds a nice Island Raspberry tea and for my treat, I have mixed berry shortcake. Fresh raspberries and strawberries; a real down home dessert!

Hubby likes his shortcake in the form of cake but I like the old fashioned biscuits with just a hint of sugar and nutmeg. We take turns, Hubby and me. I will make him his cake and then next time, it's shortcake biscuits for me. 

Compromise is important in a marriage, don't you think? So today, it's biscuits and berries with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of nutmeg on top. Yum!

Would you like to join me?

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

I am so happy you have visited my Cottage today! I would love it if you linked up with Tea Time Tuesday and shared your pretties with us. You are welcome to do a tablescape or a visit to a tea shop as well as share your teacups, coffee cups, or teapots. Maybe you have a collection of creamers or a recipe which would go splendidly with tea. All of these are welcome. Have a beautiful and blessed day everyone! 

 I am joining the following parties as well~

 A Return to Loveliness
Tea Cup Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday
 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Tea in the Garden
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart~ Sandi