Monday 23 June 2014

"Savour the Summer" Tea Party and GIVEAWAY.

"Then followed that beautiful season...Summer...
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape
Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood."~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Welcome dear friends to my "Savour the Summer" Tea Party!

Before I begin, I would like to apologise to Penny at Penny's Vintage Home and Debbie at Debbie-Dabble for not leaving comments on your posts. I have been having issues whenever I visit your lovely blogs and I wanted you to know that I do visit but my computer freezes up whenever I try to leave a comment. Hopefully my son will be able to fix the problem when he comes home in July.

Now on to the party....
I am delighted to have you come for tea today! After such a long cold winter, I am relishing this time of year. Every moment I am thankful for the lush green grass and trees, as well as flowers and the blue sky above. I know very soon Hubby and I will be making our way to one of our fabulous beaches. It all makes me want to celebrate. And so I shall, won't you join me?

My roses still have not bloomed. It has been very cold and wet for about a week but I found a beautiful bouquet of peonies at the grocery store.

A vase can be a little garden, its contents gathered to please the eye. ~ Debra Prinzing - Victoria magazine

I love these fluffy, frilly, and fragrant flowers, don't you?

I usually serve sandwiches and sweets at my special tea parties, but today I have a dessert table.

Vintage silverware. The plates are Rose of England.

I have a new teacup which I have been saving for this tea party. It was a gift from my sweet hubby for our Anniversary last month. 
The colours are bright and sunny and perfect for a Summer tea. Hubby found it at Lori's "Time Worn Treasures and Antiques" here in Charlottetown; my favourite antique shop.

This is a vintage Royal Albert teacup called Shaftesbury.

It is one of the Festival Series teacups, made in the Gainsborough shape.

 The floral arrangement of what I believe are wildflowers is blue and pink on a soft buttery yellow. Both the front and the back of the cup are adorned with a bouquet and there is a smaller one inside the cup. The cup is footed and the handle has the little RA leaf design on the front of the handle instead of on the top.

The saucer is just as pretty with three bouquets on it. I really like the overall delicate sprigs of white leaves on the background.

All three of my teacups today are Royal Albert in the Gainsborough shape. They are all different patterns and I thought they brought a little interest to the tea table. 

Which teacup would you like to use?

Summer with its charming little cottage landscape and rimmed in a whisper soft pink.

Buckingham with its rich forest green and lovely pink roses and array of posies. 

Shaftesbury flaunting her lovely buttery yellow and posies. I love the little fingertip towel tucked under the cup. 

The soft yellow with blue and yellow posies is just so pretty. There are raised white dots and a yellow scalloped trim. Isn't it lovely? 

Our tea treats are strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese icing. Yes, they are pink cupcakes!

...and this scrumptious berry cake. I was wanting to add a little green to the top with some fresh mint but alas, I couldn't find any.

Perhaps you would prefer a Walkers shortbread cookie. Please help yourself.

The tea is Raspberry Lemon from the Prince Edward Island Preserve Company. It is ready and waiting in my beautiful soft pink New Country Roses teapot made by Royal Albert.

There is no need to have any special attitude while drinking except one of thankfulness. The nature of the tea itself is that of no-mind. ~ Pojong Sunim

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

I am expecting my Auntie P and Uncle Doug for tea today. They are coming to visit my mother and then they will come to visit Hubby and me. Just like summertime, I will savour every moment with them! 

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting - a wayward sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Now, are you ready for my Giveaway? I am offering this lovely vintage Royal Albert Petit Point teacup with a needlepoint motif on it and accompanying it is a little fingertip towel.

I purchased the teacup and the fingertip towel at Time Worn Treasures and Antiques here in Charlottetown. I thought the sweetly embroidered fingertip towel went well with Petit Point.

The flowers remind me of a Spring garden. I like this teacup a lot because I find the pattern quite unique.

As some of you know, I have two of these teacups and a few other matching pieces that my hubby gifted me with for Valentines Day, and I decided to pick up a teacup for you too.

If you are a Follower or become a new Follower, you are eligible to enter this Giveaway. However, because of mailing costs, I am so sorry, but I can only offer this to those who live in Canada and the U.S. Be sure you let me know you are a Follower!

You do not have to join my tea party to enter the Giveaway, but if you are a Follower, an oldie or a newbie, and you do a post about your tea things, coffee things, or a tablescape, kindly link up and be sure to link back to this tea party on your blog. I will enter your name twice. I will announce the winner on Tea Time Tuesday July 7th.
I will keep this linky party open until this Saturday evening June 28th.

Thank you for coming to my tea party today. You are all so special to me and I appreciate your friendship so very much. Some of you have been joining me almost from the beginning and I want to say a special Thank you to you.

I hope you all have a beautiful day and the Lord bless you!

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. ~ Psalm 103:2

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Tea in the Garden ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi