Wednesday 7 November 2012


Hello lovely friends and Welcome to my HOME!
~ Heart  Of  MEnvironment ~
"HOME is the nicest place there is." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

I don't know about you, but whenever I see Laura Ingalls Wilder's name, I always think of Michael Landon's charming TV series, "Little House on the Prairie." I watched it for years as well as all the re-runs and I loved every one of them! 

The show allowed me to travel back in time to a simpler time, although harder in many ways. I loved the close-knit family unit and the lessons learned in each episode. I believe we are lacking good wholesome family TV shows for family viewing these days. What do you think?

Today I would like to begin with some posts which caught my eye the last two weeks.........

My first week of  HOME, Carolynn's  button lamp shade stole my heart. She took some lovely buttons from her treasure trove of grandma's button box and covered a lamp shade with them. The end result was a warm and beautiful glow from her lamp of memories. I'm sure her grandma would have loved it. I know I do! 

Last week Janet's table setting for a ladies brunch had me imagining myself sitting down at her lavish table. She thought of everything, feminine and elegant with lace, pearls, china, and crystal. Who wouldn't enjoy sitting at her table!

And Linda at The French Hen's Nest shared her tutorial on making these wonderful toile valances for her kitchen. Aren't they pretty? As most of you know I adore toile! I love her blue and white transferware too!

Today my share is this little old-fashioned tin cup which a friend gave me several years ago. It's not very big and I think it's adorable! It kind of has a "Little House" feel to it.

Now you may wonder what do I do with a cup like that. Well, it makes its home in a pretty jar of Epsom salts by the bath tub and I use it to sprinkle the salts into my bath water. It reminds me to gives thanks for my friend who also loved the "Little House" series.

Epsom salts are wonderful for softening elbows, heels, and relaxing  muscles. Sometimes I add rose petals to the bath and light the candles with some soothing music playing in the background.

Now I have to ask, how many of you have a rubber ducky?

Today there is another birthday in our family. This is my handsome son with his family. They live out on the west coast and he is celebrating a birthday today. Happy Birthday Sweetie!
We are hoping to see them over the holidays and I will finally get to meet my little granddaughter. Aren't they a beautiful family!

Now I am wondering if you have anything you would like to share with us. Perhaps you have started your holiday baking or decorating. Please share if you have! If you are new here then please take a peek at the list below and see if you have anything in any of those categories which you would like to share with us.

I finally have my thumbnail account set up so please go ahead and link up with me.

Please continue to pray for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. 

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am joining the following parties as well~

Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home and Garden Thursday ~
Home Sweet Home~
Potpourri Friday~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi