Saturday 7 May 2011

Tea in the Garden

Hello everyone and welcome to a new tea party with our hostess Bernideen.

Today, we are supposed to share tea in the garden but at this point, all I can do is dream about it! So, dream, I will!

Friendly-faced little pansies have not yet awakened from their long winter's nap. But I have photos from a few of my flowers from last year.

*Sigh* There are no flowers in my garden yet. Oh, there are signs of life out there but only bits of green here and there so far. The bleeding hearts are growing though and soon they will look like this.

The lilies are above ground but that's as far as they've gotten. The tulips will soon look like this.

The hostas are still sleeping too but in another month, my roses will be blooming hopefully.

I like to arrange fluffy, frilly pink roses from my rose bushes in a teapot. This one is my Rose Bud teapot. Oh, I can almost smell their scent!

If one has roses blooming in their garden, then one must have roses blooming in their heart.

Another rose snuggles up to a tea cup.

Time for a cup of tea.

While I dream about tea at my favourite Tea Room, I remember this scene just outside the Tea Room at the Prince Edward Island Preserve Co. in New Glasgow. Behind the beautiful roses is the River Clyde, making for a stunning vista.

While I wait for the fragrances of my flowers, I will enjoy the melodies of the birds and the spring peppers singing. And of course there are those of you in Blogland who are enjoying their flowers now so I can always go visit all of you! I have a very busy weekend so it may take me a while to visit you all.

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit Bernideen ~
and join her for tea in the garden.
Have a lovely weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful mothers.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi